You never cease to amaze me Sparky! What a huge undertaking and something I've thought of doing many times so many of you have touched me in ways that you'll never know and our brief interactions may give the wrong conclusion especially if it was due to my moderating one of your posts. I just hope y'all understand my intentions were/are always good and I've rarely held a bad feeling towards anyone here.
If you were a woman, bet you'de find yourself marrying him...lolOn bended knee I fervently pray:
Oh my dear God in heaven, have mercy on my soul, and save me from such a terrible fate as this!
*choke* I can only imagine you've made poor sixy a praying man again.......he's probably praying the same thing Craig! LOL
Anyway thank you for your kind words about me Sparky I'm glad we have such a mutual respect for each other, I value that.