Congrats Alamb and welcome to the world sweet baby!
congratulations to alamb and her hubby, they have a boy!!!!!!!!!.
he was born around 10:30-11:00, august 20. he's a handsome little dude.
looks just like his dad.
Congrats Alamb and welcome to the world sweet baby!
thats right.... i am finally done with my 1947 harley chopper.... 3 years of building has come to an end.
you thought i was leaving here?
animal the bike is purdy, your wifey is purdy and those boroghed kids are on the other hand......well you look like such a furry cute cuddly guy, but that is still MY GD bike!! I'll be there weekend next to get it!!!
thats right.... i am finally done with my 1947 harley chopper.... 3 years of building has come to an end.
you thought i was leaving here?
damn it animal I'll be out there in that wide open desert of arizona to get my bike! sooooooNNNNNN!
bc (I earned it kiddos)
(xenawarrior and minimus, take note that i am a man of my word!
chronology: i am 50. was born and raised a jw, reg pub @ 6, baptized @ 10, reg pio (b4 hs graduation) and giving public talks @ 17, went to bethel @ 18, left bethel @ 20, married (1st time) @ 21, df'd @ 29, divorced @ 30, reinstated @ 30, remarried @ 32, df'd again @ 48, divorced again @ 49. one heck of a roller-coaster, eh?.
disfellowshipping: both my df'ings were for apostasy.
Glad to make your aquaintance Craig! I won't however meet your double dog dare, at least not yet in totality in this public forum although I have given a few bits-n-pieces in some of my posts.
My hat is off to you for riding the great roller-coaster ride you've been on and you still have a great sense of humor along with great advise and wisdom to whomever seems to be in need. That my friend is a friend worth keeping. As I can see you have a lot of new friends here who feel pretty much the same way as I do.
Hang in there Craig, when the highs are high you are always here to help others and when the lows are low please remember it only takes an "ut-oh" on ICQ or a "chit-n-chat" and you have many people who are honored to call you friend and return a kind favor.
I too count my lucky stars for finding this place to come to heal, my wish for you is that you continue to live life fully and well, it is the best answer to those who taunt us, aka: The Borg, the Xes and the rest of the bastids! ;o)
One question I have regarding being d'fed for apostasy, I was under the understanding that you could not be reinstated or come back to the "troof" if you committed the biggest "A", is that right?
bc ((((((((((bighugs!))))))))))
my name is donna.
i was directed to this forum through by randy watters.
i found his site to be very helpful to me and i highly recommend it to other newbies.
Welcome to the board DJ a very heart warming story and imagine you learned the true meaning of christian love AFTER you left the borg! I wish much peace and happiness to you and your family.
when nobody around you seems to measure up, its time to check your yardstick.
bill lemley
sj is a middle aged jw woman who used to be married to a non-believer.
Hi Victor_E I too enjoy reading your posts and this on in paticular hits home. You asked:
One dilemma facing bi-polar people is that their actions are done impulsively oftentimes with little to no regard of the consequences of their actions. So what happens then to those JWs that commit moral infractions? Is their medical condition factored in to treat them mercifully while admonishing them to get professional help? Perhaps we could hear from former elders to this question. What effect does being dfed have on this type of personality especially one that is not taking any kind of medication? These are people at great risk of swinging into a state of hopelessness and hurting themselves more or in some cases even ending their life. If you add the JW beliefs and their myopic meaning to the act of dfing followed by the shunning it only compounds the problem more.
I can only relate what happened in the case of a family member of mine and although her condition is schizophrenia she also has had bouts of manic moods the very high highs and very low lows. During one of these episodes she engaged in very risky behavior and imoral. She at times knew she had done bad things and informed the elders she needed help. She tried to commit suicide several times during the whole time they were having commitee meetings. None of the elders seemed to know how to deal with her, at one point the therapist that was treating her begged, and I mean litterely begged them to let him sit in with her on her commitee meetings so he could inform them just what they were up against and how harmful it would be to disfellowship her in this very delicate condition. He was totally baffeled by the treatment of her by them, not all of them but some, just as you said, I think his exact words were something along the lines of the religions black and white thinking in it's theology without critical thinking abilities and the complete inability of theologians waging judgement over a persons emotional well being when they aren't the least bit educated to do so. He did understand that as far as their spiritual guiadance they maybe could be of some help but when it came to the handling the delicate ramifications of mentaly ill people they didn't have the abilities to do so for the bennifit of the indivudal.
Long story short, they df'ed her and she spiraled out of control and finally hit bottom. I was the only one of my family members who felt that regardless of the df-ing she needed support from her family especially now at this time. I pressed my other family members to do the same and they had to get "permission" from "headquarters" before they would, shockingly the word came down from the top to help her as long as it's not anything to do with spirituallity. Go figure, what the hell is religion for if not to console the depressed souls. The congergation shunned her, she had no support system, her whole life was a mess and when she finally came to her senses after being hospitalized several times she felt so horrible and had absolutely no one to help her close by because all of us lived in another state. It was hard for her to climb back out of that abyss all alone, I used to worry so much and cry so much for her, I had quit praying, what good anyway....she is still alive and yes was reinstated, still carries much of the guilt for all the wrongs she did while in that manic state. Still has suicidal attemps, they are still messing with her meds trying to get everything right and she always feels rejected by the congergation.
We know how we felt in the borg, like we could never do enough be good enough, well for her it's much worse. I think it is totally inhumane the way the elders handle the mentally ill and don't even get me started with sociey in general. I do however hold out hope that with so many more having bi-polar problems maybe finally the mentally ill will be treated no differntly than those who have diabedes or someother infliction. Help among the masses, but at what price?
I honestly think the elders should be educated in all aspects of counciling people not only in spiritual guiadance but also with psychological help as well, but as you so well stated: To the Watchtower, people are expendable and as we have seen with the mistreatment of sexual abuse survivors they have no regard for people's well being, their priorities are bent on advancing their financial interests and retaining their power.
I'm not sure if this helps you with what you are looking for but it was sure catharic for me. Thank you again for the informative material.
we've just got back from out holidays after travelling with 2 young kids for 24+ hours and logged on to see the same old people complaining about the same old things with the same worn out arguments.. the topics seem to be along the lines of:posters should be allowed to say anything they want.we want absolute free speech and seem to be under the mistaken illusion that the usa has it.there is mass moderation happening on this forum and censorship is rife.
... and so on.. all of these claims are utter crap as far as i am concerned.. now, i am not going to put up with people trying to stir things up and interfere with the majority of posters who want to use this forum properly and see me and moderation as the main topic of conversation.. keep harping on and you will be deleted.
To was a nano second! LOL
bc (51st post) ;o)
i have a new cat.
a smallish young adult (1-2 years old) female, with black & gold back and white chest, belly and feet.
i can't come up with a name i like.
I like the name CAT, pronounce every letter C-A-T sounds like "seeatey". Simple and to the point, works for DOG too.
bc (simpleton at heart)
Celebrating my 50th post here too! LOL Whipeeeee!!
we've just got back from out holidays after travelling with 2 young kids for 24+ hours and logged on to see the same old people complaining about the same old things with the same worn out arguments.. the topics seem to be along the lines of:posters should be allowed to say anything they want.we want absolute free speech and seem to be under the mistaken illusion that the usa has it.there is mass moderation happening on this forum and censorship is rife.
... and so on.. all of these claims are utter crap as far as i am concerned.. now, i am not going to put up with people trying to stir things up and interfere with the majority of posters who want to use this forum properly and see me and moderation as the main topic of conversation.. keep harping on and you will be deleted.
Welcome back Simon! As you can see when the cats away the mice will play, guess you must feel needed.....right?! haha!
bc (of the doesn't get involved class)
the discussion board and chat located at will be shut down permanently as of midnight (gmt), sunday august 18, 2002. .
this is primarily due to the recently added stress on simon and his family as a result of the moderator issue.
he simply does not want to see his hard work come to naught and is shutting down while still at the peak of it's success.
Thank you Simon!
bc (of the I believe Simon class)