Hey Scooter!! I'm standing in line for some pickles, please.
bc testing my pigs fly too
the last of the cucs have been packed.....time to celebrate!
pickles anyone?
Hey Scooter!! I'm standing in line for some pickles, please.
bc testing my pigs fly too
dear brothers and sisters:.
as the new flock moves ahead into the generation of apostacy are we as brothers and sisters helping each other?
if there were an apostfest would it not be right to perhaps pick up a brother or sister who may not have transportation and is in need of a pint?.
pending official announcement from dmouse, i am letting you have a look at the first installment of the kingdom ministrys which we will try to put up on a regular basis on my website (bandwidth may turn out to be the killer, as simon suggested).
the url:.
Very nice Stephanus it downloaded fine for me with a 56K modem. I don't know what wrong with the rest of those guys? LOL
Why do the Brits always put an E after words like program? Curious minds want to know. ;o\
the main reason given in the 1973 watchtower was that smoking is tied in with spiritism because the greek word which is rendered as spiritism is pharmakia' which literally means "druggery," (see galatians 5:20.
) therefore the argument was made that by smoking we put ourselves under spiritistic or demonic control.
for the last 20 years i haven't heard this reason used.. today the reasons given are that smoking shows no respect for your body as well as for life and that smoking doesn't show love of neighbor.
Good question, and having been just babtized in the late 60's I remember too well the Elders who did smoke, the ones that were df'd in the early 70's when the "new light" burnt them outa the borg. Some mannaged to quit, but others were destined to become "closet" smokers, later just faded away only to return sometime after the 1975 upset. Anyone remember the resurgence of those coming back to the truth in the early 80's? They've pretty much have all faded away now too.
Don't even get me started on alcoholism and the Society! Well ok, here goes (getting on my soap box). In my 48 years IN, I honestly cannot think of one Elder who didn't drink, and I'm sure half of all the ones I've known are full blown alcoholics, so are their wives, as were a lot of the CO's that made the rounds. It's a known fact that alcoholism adversely affects family life, ruins your health and it runs in families, children of alcoholics are more likely to become alcoholics, and or marry one and so it goes. The fact is alcoholism is so prevalent in the borg and to me it sure explains a lot of the black and white thinking that goes on. Imagine if they started df-ing those who drank in the congergations, that alone would render the 'borg empty!
bc (getting down off my soap box)
finally got up the nerve to send my da letters out yesterday.i sent them in lovely scarlet envelopes(in homage to nathaniel hawthorne's "the scarlet letter")with american flag stamps hehe.i wrote the letters on my hound dog stationary.thought it was fitting, having heard the old "dog returning to its vomit" speech a few gazillion times(hey, my lab and dal eat lots of vomit and they love horse manure-vet says they're the healthiest doggies around:)).. then i went out and bought a little christmas tree and some teeny tiny ornaments.yeah, i know, i'm rushing it a bit.but i really really missed celebrating christmas, and i didn't even admit that to myself until just recently.my kids were absolutely thrilled!
!this year will be their first everything.i'm going to buy them all "my first christmas" ornaments.. but first we have halloween and a few birthdays to do.my sons already got their first invitations to a birthday party.
my kids want me to go trick-or-treating with them.maybe i'll dress up as cruella deville and take my dalmatian puppy,sidhe, with me.. my,my, i'm running on and on like a kid at christmas...and halloween...and ..... it's good to be free.i don't care what the org boogeymen try now.i've said my piece to them,now i'm done with them.i don't have to sneak around and worry about whose seeing me do this or that.i'm the one who has chosen to leave-and you bet your boots i will hold certain ones to their own rules about not speaking to me lol.in this case, what comes around, goes around.i'm just glad to be off the org carousel.i'm a little dizzy yet, but still standing.. hehe-i'm getting punchy.i'm going to go to bed and sleep in on a sunday morning!!!
Cicatrix you go girl! That is awesome! How brave of you to write and send the letter. You and your family have lots to look forward to.....never look back, enjoy, enjoy!
seen as putting photos on the net is popular, i thought it would be great idea to post pictures of your desktop on this site.. heres mine.
I must say Lady Lee those are beautiful pictures! My friend from Canada has told me about the Velodrome as he was a racer there in it's day, wow brought back some fond memories for me. Canada is sure a pretty country, someday I wish to see it for myself.
Now how does one go about making their own design for their desktop. I have a lot of pictures I would like to make a collage for my desktop. If anyone knows and it's not more difficult than, ahh lets say baking a cake, or changing a tire please email me with the difficulties, errr pacticulars. Muchos grassyass.
this should be a fun thread.. one of the funniest things i can remember out in "service" .
was 2 other guys and myself in a car.
so we take turns going to the door alone.
Oh my I nearly peed myself reading some of these stories! I won't try to relate mine, nothing that great in reading but I did have several naked householders, one time I did a double dare and stayed there talking,talking,talking (you know us wimmen can talk!) while my door to door partner nearly fainted at the sight........bawaahhhaaaa. Only bad part is I had the mags up so as I really didn't get a good view at him.....sigh! ;o\
bboyneko's discussion board fills an xjw need.
channel c fills an xjw need.
jwd fills an xjw need.
Hi IslandWoman, so right you are the more the merrier, but some of us "newbies" don't know where these other sights are. Would you or someone else be so kind as to give the url's to them?
bc (wondering how I could even keep up with all of them ;o\)
i am the mother of a 25yr.
old daughter...she has broken off her engagement to her young man..after discovering that they have a few differences in beliefs...she is sick at heart and so am i..after a year of dating they got engaged...then a year later..she dicovers he is an inactive jw...they lived together...and she has a two year old baby..he is not the father...but he is a wonderful man..and really was very good to her and my grandson...my grandson calls him daddy...well the issures started popping up...all of the sudden...he is a jw...and he doesnt celebrate...anything...not so much said..as he doesnt show for the festivities...sort of passive restance...long story short..they started discussing..issures..and my daughter freaks over the not accepting transfusions...her precious baby...not save his life!!
!...she is not a staunch christian...but she has absorbed beleifs having been raised in my church...now she is laying here with tears...and trying to figure out how they can make this work....he says that she can raise the baby in her beilfs...and they could just each beleive what they beleive...she is in that same mode..her heart hurts..and she wants to figure out a way that all this will work...she keeps asking me...she is twenty-five...i am her monther...i am heartsick...i want my daughters happiness...for the long haul...we discussed about the words warning of being unevenly yoked...i was hoping prehaps she could get some of your experinces....and your insight....thank you....
Oh my Garybuss you are so right! I was married to a believing walkaway......my advise to your daughter RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN!!
bc (hoping I can save someone from years of hell...)
PS Not to sound totally bleak, my X was/is a very nice person, he was "selfish and self centered and immature and impulsive in many ways." So very stunted in growth of anykind and you can't raise a family with such imaturity pulling you down.
PSS Edited to say WELCOME and best of luck, I met you breifly in chat today. :o)
Edited by - bikerchic on 25 August 2002 20:1:27
i have been reading this board since right before dateline.. i want to say thanks to simon for this great website!
i want to thank bill bowen, sheila bowen, barbara anderson, joe anderson, the pandelos, erica rodriguez, and all of the other silentlambs who have spoken out!.
i have some questions.. does anyone have any information about a circuit overseer named orval ellis (he used to be the co in arkansas, and then oklahoma, and just now colorado).
Welcome UnDis! AND welcome to Sunny also! You are going to love this place, it really grows on ya!