Respectfully, I cannot agree with the statement that we are fortunate that we had an upbringing that taught us values
and instilled in us the abilitity to think. That's not true for all who responded to onacruse's initial post...
Respectfully your point is taken, maybe a better choice of wording would have been "morals" and maybe I should have said this in regard for myself only. What I've gotten from being raised a JW, is an ingrained sense of values and morals and these dogg me continuously. The "knowing" right from wrong, good from bad and the ability to make for myself, most of the time good honorable decisions.
I can also sympathize with the example you gave of what happened to you when you were nine years old. The "stunting" starts so early on and we do cease to become "people" and become robotrons doing the WTBS work of preaching and selling those books. It's a pity, but at some point we have to get over it and get on with living and onto the fast track of making a life that works in today's society. Which involves overcoming the ways we were "stunted", or feel such.
From your statement:
my cup isn't half anything, it's overflowing
It sounds like you have done your work of healing, my hats off to you!
And all those bible studies were a big waste of my time.
They taught me HOW to study, which was my point. As did the ministry school, it taught me how to do research, develop a theme, talk to others in a coherent way, develop material and these are things that I find useful today in college. Explaination of myself, I'm old and going to college and I have met some people my same age who are also "displaced homemakers" aka: divorced single women, those who have had no kind of schooling outside of leaving high school are lost and having a hard time with the whole study concept. In my healing process after I got all the anger out (it still raises it's ugly head from time to time), I have found that to be thankful for even the tiniest things can make an otherwise bleek situation seem better.
I hope that makes more sense to you nilfun and btw I noticed you are a newbie, I wish to welcome you to the board, this is an awesome place Simon has made for us.
bc I'll go back when pigs fly!