.....bikerchick.......huh ?
LMAO....gotta love those dead links!
.....bikerchick.......huh ?
LMAO....gotta love those dead links!
to JWD Hypnotic!
*note to others that's how it's done*
the full cover reads, "report on 'everlasting good news' assembly of jehovah's witnesses around the world june 30-september 8, 1963", 192 pages.. it appears to be a report on each of the conventions that were held around the world at that time.
a little wordy for modern taste, but there's lots of neato pictures.. hubby is borrowing it from a friend.
is this document available elsewhere or as a scan?
The last one in Pasadena at the Rose Bowl....8 days, super hot during the day and freezing at night (sessions until 9 pm). We skipped 2 days to do tourist stuff and never went out in the "preaching" work in the morning.
It was a grind for the adults but exciting for 3 kids who were in LA and seeing Disney, Marineland, swimming in a heated pool, discovering Mexican food, etc.
OMG blondie I was there too! Maybe you remember seeing me I felt like such a geek. 11ish, wore one shoe with my new dresses and one sandal as I had just been stung the day before the assembly by a stingray and got the nastiest infection walking around the stadium. Missed the last 2 days as my Dad made me stay home he didn't like the looks of the red streak going up my leg from my injury! LOL I felt so loved, most of the time I would have never known he cared, sigh.
Farkel OMG TMI!!
i went to my 2nd aa meeting last night and came away with doubts as to whether this would work for me, so would value peoples opinion especially those who attend aa.. there were one or two there that were quite evangelical, which obviously works for them.
also within the program there is alot of emphasis on god or a higher power.
for many this higher power is the group itself, yet for some it is god.. i spoke to someone sitting by me about this who said that to make sobriety sometimes you have to fake it and go along with the god thing.. at the end of meetings there is a short prayer which i do not want to take part in.
I forgot to say as with anyone struggling with an addiction a diet or whatever your struggles are we always look for the reason why we can no longer do it and that comes from our weak side. That is exactly why we are needing this kind of help in the first place, don't give in to it.
You're learning all kinds of new things about yourself and all of them will feel strange until you incorporate the new way of living and thinking into your life. It takes time and it's a constant battle to drown out the old ways the old programs and tapes that go on in your head trying to justify your old ways of coping. It's a battle to learn new ways to think about yourself and new ways to cope but you can do it!
Two good books which will help you along in this are by M. Scott Peck, M.D. The Road Less Traveled and Further Along The Road Less Traveled.
Remember no one will work harder on your life than YOU.
i went to my 2nd aa meeting last night and came away with doubts as to whether this would work for me, so would value peoples opinion especially those who attend aa.. there were one or two there that were quite evangelical, which obviously works for them.
also within the program there is alot of emphasis on god or a higher power.
for many this higher power is the group itself, yet for some it is god.. i spoke to someone sitting by me about this who said that to make sobriety sometimes you have to fake it and go along with the god thing.. at the end of meetings there is a short prayer which i do not want to take part in.
Congrats on your 7th day of sobriety!
Keep it up! Keep going to the meetings even if you don't find one that doesn't do the God thing you need to be there to stay sober and like they say use what works for YOU, pass on the rest and be generous enough in you heart to understand that what you find to be crap someone else is finding it to be what keeps them sober.
As they say WORK the program, it is work! You'll find everything in life that is good comes with a struggle I'm sure you're up to the task and I wish you success!
Keep going back it works!
Terrorist! This is funny!
to me this is one the most nauseating sayings.
i hear it all the time.
"i'm sooo blessed, i got over that awful cold i had last week".. how are your kids?
I agree it's one of the most nauseating sayings to hear. However I have made peace with the word blessed when I use it in the phrase; "bless your little heart!" It can have lots of meanings without really being a blessing at all! My own passive agressive way to get back at the churchy peeps, LOL.
oh how funny, I posted a response to the crazy person who predicted lights out for the entire month of March - god knows what happened. Did the thread disappear? Did I start a new thread without knowing it? WTF?
LOL well you got our attention for sure! And there wasn't even the "hint" of sex in the title.....go figure!
OMG Hortensia tell them to quit talking about pies............us ladies are on diets!
i was playing around on internet archive's database of reexamine.org and came across this file:.
was it done for tax purposes?
Hey don't rock my boat Fark.....I make him sign over his check every Friday!