green bible...thats funny as hell. tonite i asked my mom how her annuities(sp) are doing in the wake of the financial situation and she said: "it dont matter, this system is going down soon" thats my money she's talking about. hell, i wouldn't be surprised if she changed her will and left everything to the WTBS w/o teling me.
JoinedPosts by bonnzo
In Your Experience, What's The #1 Biggest News Event In The Organization?
by minimus ini think it was when it was announced that an elder arrangement would be practiced.. that shook the foundations of a lot of congregations..
The Gov Body quietly considered expelling those judged too obese
by iloowy inat .
there's a phrase: .
"the gov body quietly considered expelling those judged too obese" .
USA Today reported last year that weight related health problems kill more each year now than tobacco. i don't have the article, but at the time i shared that with several elders to see if being grossly overweight would ever be a df'ing offense. of course the fat bastards said no. funny how sanctity of life issues only come up when someone wants to sky dive or bungee jump, not when someone risks their life by bad eating habits or refusing blood transfusions.
Do You Think George W. Bush Still Drinks?
by minimus ini ask because sometimes he looks like he's in more a stupor than normal.. interestingly, yesterday he said he was going to "meet with his advisers and the president".....was he talking about himself?
i hope so....otherwise he is reeeaaaallly stupid. at least being drunk could be a half assed excuse.
A Mother's Story of loss of her son..............
by Balsam insome names have been changed or removed to protect those in the family who would not want their names known, or are still active jw's.
ruth .
a mothers regret for a religious devotion.
so very sorry for your loss(((ruth))). i lost my sister this past spring and i somewhat understand your grief, although i know there is no comparison to the loss of a child.. i'm still active(barely), but i don't carry a no blood card. i dont want to die. if i'm ever given a blood transfusion and the elders question me, i'll just tell them that i had a shitload of blood fractions all at once. the permitted fractions made no sense to me.
a fellow tarheel
JWs come for a visit! I can't believe it.
by dawg ini just wanted to relate that this weekend, a group of jws came by and visited me-they had come to athens to watch the big game that my team didn't show up for.
most of them knew that i had written letters to many family members and friends saying the jws were full of crocodile crap and yet all of them hung out with me.
one was inquisitive in a good way, asking me if i was an 'apostate"... i told him that i was because i've formerly stated that i disagree with the jws about many of their doctrines.
damn! neverendingjourney, you read my mind. i had no idea i was so transparent to someone i don't know, at least i don't think i know you. but that was creepy. if it was not for family and friendships that i dont want to lose, i'd be outta here. i don't want to start over, so i hang out with weak ones who act the way they want(like me)w/o worry.
Now open "Harvard Witness Window Cleaners University"
by Witness 007 insince the society has banned higher education the "harvard witness window cleaners university" offers witnesses many courses to better field service.
1. phd in window ledge wiping.
2. masters degree in scraping paint off glass.
damn! you really did git a coleg edjukashun from readn dem awakes!
Did you ever get a green handshake?
by Awakened at Gilead inas a former missionary, i would eagerly and greedily look forward to going home and seeing local brothers and sisters.... i would try to give as many public talks and service meeting experiences as possible.... at either of these venues, i could generally take home anywhere from $100 to $300 from all the $20 or more green handshakes.... get-togethers were also an excellent tax-free money making venue (see all your old friends, and get cards from them)... and would generally net from $500-$1000 for a get-together (after an absence of at least a year or more).... so a trip to the us could easily bring in $2k..... tax free.... plus all the perks while visiting the us... the friends that treat you to nice restaurants, lend you their car, etc..... anyone else want to share their green handshakes stories????
let's expose greed green handshakes for what they are!
indulgences for the rich, greed for the clergy order of special fulltime servants!.
the only co i gave green handshakes to was my last one, service years 2005-8, he and his wife were the nicest ever, tho' if he knew i was on this forum he wouldn't be so nice to me. i also gave a green handshake to ciro aulicino after a "park talk" in N.C. one month after 9/11. it was so wild, a friend of mine who was not there had relatives from california calling and emailing him to ask if he was there. i heard that he got in a little trouble for that speculative talk. i wish i could get my $50 back.
What's Your Favorite Junk Food?
by minimus inwhen i wanna be bad, i love a 99 cent double cheeseburger from macdonalds.
ruffles potato one can eat just one, one bag, that is.
Pro-Fiat Money... Debate Me and get your A$$ Kicked...
by Confucious inalrighty.... all in good fun here.. but i feel like the tough guy calling out anybody and everybody.. but people have been talking bad about the federal reserve and the united states fiat money system.. i thing it's good.
it keeps a balance.. after all... all money is fiat.. even if we returned to the gold standard - all money is fiat.
it's just a representation of "what people will pay for what.".
fiat still makes cars? who knew?
Did You Get To "Handle The Microphones"???
by minimus inwere you one of those deemed "qualifed for this privilege":??
yes, still do at 50 yrs old. once, i had a broken middle finger and the roving mics had 3 ft. booms on them. since i couldn't bend my middle finger, i gave everybody who commented the "bird".