outlaw.... i hit 300 yard drives every time off the tee....150 straight, and 150 yards fading to the right. when i straighten them out, watch out tiger!!!! oh yes, how the hell do you get all the little things on your posts? they are funny as hell.....whatever they are called.
JoinedPosts by bonnzo
Apostagolf is happining next week!
by oompa ini continue to appreciate more and more just how many on jwd live so nearby!
so next week i have a little golf outing planned with olin moyles ghost, bonnzo, and hopfully undercover.....it is so nice having friends now with soooo much in common.......thanks jwd and simon...........oompa.
oh and anyone else that wants to come out, just pm me, and i will get some more t-time slots.
by bonnzo inrecently i talked to an elder friend, who is used to and tolerates my liberal thinking about the "truth", about restrictions after df'ing and reproof.
i asked for the scriptural reasons for such.
he proceeded to hem and haw, "well they are necessary for blah, blah...." i repeated scriptural .
recently i talked to an elder friend, who is used to and tolerates my liberal thinking about the "truth", about restrictions after df'ing and reproof. i asked for the scriptural reasons for such. he proceeded to hem and haw, "well they are necessary for blah, blah...." i repeated scriptural . he had none. finally the expected response: "the slave tells us to". i remarked that to comment at WT study, there are no requirements other than raise your hand. to join school there are a few like life in harmony with christian principle and agree with bible, to preach there are 10 questions to answer, to be baptized there are a bunch to answer to qualify. but if i get reinstated as a baptized person, i can immediately go in service but i cant comment. i asked him if he saw any inconsistency in that. "well, now that you put it that way, it is a valid question" i asked," if the slave told you alcohol is a df'ing offense, even tho' the bible states clearly it is not, would you go along with that just 'cause the slave tells you you can? no answer. "it would be my last meeting if they did" What do you think of the irony of the restrictions and my question?
My Wife goes back to Meetings after a year....but I just can't stomach it!
by Witness 007 ineverywhere i go latley we meet damn witnesses!
the cinema watching quantum of solice full of witnesses...mcdonalds having a coffee...witnesses!
and the "love bombing" starts.
oompa, if you cant "rise" to the occasion, try spiritual viagra. just dont get it stuck in your throat, you'll get a stiff neck.
i got a "G" on my #4 tonite!
by bonnzo ini had the #4 talk tonite on 2nd peter-why beneficial.
i talked about you mean ol' postates.
i used 2pet 2:1-3 and even said the internet was a tool of satan to snare christians today.
this is my first 2 page thread! lets keep it going! i need an ego boost!
i got a "G" on my #4 tonite!
by bonnzo ini had the #4 talk tonite on 2nd peter-why beneficial.
i talked about you mean ol' postates.
i used 2pet 2:1-3 and even said the internet was a tool of satan to snare christians today.
stilla.....i know, just got "signed off" to the next point..whatever that is. i just miss the ol' W I G of the counsel slip!....i never got an I (for improved). it was a G or a W. not to brag, but the W's were rare for me. But, if i coulda, i'd got a G. so quit spoiling my fun!
"Scams" on Oprah Today - Insight on Why People Still Become JWs
by Seeker4 inoprah today had a program on scams, things like the mega-millionaire stuck in nigeria that needs your bank account numbers to get his money out of the country, and for that he'll split the millions with you; you've just won the australian, irish etc lottery, just send money to pay the taxes, etc.
those kinds of things.. well, everyday people are still falling for that stuff.
there are some tremendously gullible folks around who won't take a few minutes to research the authenticity of these too-good-to-be-true scams on the internet.. and for these same reasons, people are still becoming jws.
salty....i only added 4 in. to mine, but i only took one pill...with a "tall" glass of iced tea while swinging a "long" golf club....and every other metaphor for a penis....oh! while wearing a necktie!(ask poztate...he'll explain)
My JW Mom Sends us Nice Letter ; But Gets Her Time in Preaching Too !
by flipper inthis is the first time in my 5 years of fading my mom has tried to even " hint " at witnessing to me in a letter !
she is 81 yrs.old , has respected my fade , i have been able to talk to her about anything , and she knows i'm not going to go back to the witnesses - so this was a bit surprising .
i won't worry too much - she's just doing what she's told i guess.
flipper..your mom really loves you. she sounds like my mom, she really believes it, and thinks its for the best that u do too. be kind to her, hell read the awake, talk to her about it. you only have one mom. when she's gone, you'll miss every conversation u had with her and wish u could do it again.
by Mary inshit-for-brains o.j.
finally got sentenced......he got it on 10 counts but all of the sentences are to run concurrently.
he gets 15 years with the possibility of parole after 5 or 8 years........ he didn't look quite as smug as he did 14 years ago..........jackass..
re: gregor..."if it doesn't fit, then you must rip"...almost rhymes.
by Mary inshit-for-brains o.j.
finally got sentenced......he got it on 10 counts but all of the sentences are to run concurrently.
he gets 15 years with the possibility of parole after 5 or 8 years........ he didn't look quite as smug as he did 14 years ago..........jackass..
great one gregor! thats funny! amen!
i got a "G" on my #4 tonite!
by bonnzo ini had the #4 talk tonite on 2nd peter-why beneficial.
i talked about you mean ol' postates.
i used 2pet 2:1-3 and even said the internet was a tool of satan to snare christians today.
my apologies salty, i try to subtly plant seeds when i can. my relationship with mom is very important to me, so i stick around. i'll take your replies with a grain of "salt' next time.