i had the #4 talk tonite on 2nd peter-why beneficial. i talked about you mean ol' postates. i used 2pet 2:1-3 and even said the internet was a tool of satan to snare christians today. "one could accidently stumble across a site with words from a false teacher and be misled", like i did, and discovered the truth about the truth. i thought it was funny as hell. the only problem is, i did such a good job(pat self on back), several people made comments like "look forward to hearing you give another public talk real soon".......not gonna happen. am i a bad person? i hope so......
i got a "G" on my #4 tonite!
by bonnzo 76 Replies latest jw friends
i used 2pet 2:1-3 and even said the internet was a tool of satan to snare christians today.
You didn't really say that, did you? Hope I'm just not getting the joke.
No, you're not a bad person. I hope your talk inspires people to go home and surf the web.
Tyrone van leyen
Let me get this straight. You used your second Peter, to do a #4? In my day we only had one.
Okay here's my suggestion, if you got a G. I'm assuming you mean Gonereah. Try blocking off your first Peter, and Piss out your ass as a #3. This will help the burning for now, until you get to a clinic.
Incidently, do you mind if I borrow your second Peter someday?
Next time, give JWD a plug from the platform.
"Brothers, we should be vigilant so as to not be ensnared by Satan. Apostates use websites whose web addresses even appear to be affiliated with God's organization, such as www.jehovahs-witness.com..."
I bet at least one or two people would go home that night and visit JWD as a result.
Sorry gotta say it : Simply PATHETIC... seems you do not have the 'cojones' to stand up to what you really believe... what are you afraid of?
Your next counsel point is blowing off the talk.
I'm trying really hard to understand this hypocritical secret double-agent personality that faders have. Yes, I understand holding your tongue and keeping your anti-JW views to yourself so you won't lose family relationships, but to go on stage KNOWING the truth about "the truth" and giving more encouragement to the trapped minds of the congregation members with their own propaganda to become deeply entrenched within the organization is just ... well, I'm at a loss for words. I don't understand it. It would have been better if you did name drop this website for the curious-minds to start researching on their own.
bonnzo: like i did, and discovered the truth about the truth.
now i WISH you could have added that part.......but we all know the reprecussions that would invoke.....and of course your sweet ol mom would be in real pickle or worse. Kinjiro seems to forget that having cojones is one thing...using them when it will hurt those you love is another thing. But maybe add SOMETHING in talks that make em think....for that part regarding the internet i would like to add..."one would NEVER want to google 607BCE, but instead use only WT publications when studying, as the sept-07 km instructed".........I think that more dubs are curious when told NOT to do something.......especially younger ones.........hang tough......oompa
i know bonnzo...great sense of humor...and he needs one to get through things like that talk and his monthly "always 6hrs" service report..lmao