BroBennett, you made this comment in another post:
Breeding pedophiles are more common in other religions since they are kept in circulation and not taken out of the religion. There are many disfellowshiped ones that are taken out of Jehovah's organization for a reason.
Can you please let me know the basis for your comment mentioned above? What other religions are more common for breeding pedophiles? Why do you feel that is? What is your religion doing to prevent people from allowing pedophiles into your religion? What are you doing to remove them?
I have heard stories where disfellowshipped pedophiles are allowed back in to your religion? Is that true? If so, does having them "taken out of Jehovah's organization" do any good if they are allowed back in after?
I have seen television programs where pedophiles have admitted that they want to be prevented from being around kids because they know that they are a danger to the kids, but that they can't control their desires. Since these pedophiles admit this themselves, what is your organization doing to make sure that they are in fact prevented from endangering the children?
Thanks in advance for your answers BroBennett. It would be good for all us to have our minds at ease, should we want to become involved in your religion.... at least for those who are not right now. A lot of us have kids and we care about their welfare greatly.
By the way, BroBennett, do you have kids?