JoinedTopics Started by formerout
Ray Franz.
by Englishman ini typed "ray franz" into my wt cd library.
this is what was in the kingdom ministry of august, 1980:.
Xandria esp. and Shakita, jgnat, Narkissos and others - advice appreciated
by formerout ini have followed mario's tragic story from the beginning.
especially in this last battle he is in i have respected very much all your advice to him, especially xandria, who seems to have people at her availability with a lot of experience in this field.. mario is certainly dealing with it very well.
what i liked mostly about all your advice regarding marina is that you encouraged him to keep control of marina legally but also let her believe she has freedom to do what she wants right now.
My grandson's letter to Santa.............hilarious, a must read
by Mulan inour eldest grandson wrote this letter to santa this week.
dear santa,.
i want my own pet godzilla.he needs to be ten stories hyi want him to be alivecan he also breathe fire?i also want him to swimand i want him to obey me.
What would you say to a JW at your door?
by Undecided in.
i will say:i don't need the watchtower magazine because i already know what it says: since i'm an apostate, wicked slave class worldly person and don't beleive the new light from the governing body of the faithful and discrete slave class, i will be buzzard meat at armageddon very soon now, unless there is more new light about it not being as soon as predicted, like so many times before.
ken p.
I Need Some Serious Help Please !!!!!!
by Peterpanippleskin infirst of all, i am not a jw and i never will be, for my own reasons that i need not discuss further.
however, i have a brother who is a jw and there is a serious problem that he is struggling with, which pertains to his horrible marriage, abusive wife, divorce and being "kicked out" of jw as a member... or whatever jw's call it.
he has been married to a woman for 22 years.
by vitty indid you ever go out on the service christmas day.
i always refused to, i mean even sinners deserved a day off from us seriously i was too embarressed to.
my husband got "forced" one year and said never again.
Ozzie's Weekend Poll #123
by ozziepost inhow's this weekend going for you?
stinking hot downunder - and humid too.
really draining weather - y'know what i mean?.
APOSTATES SLOGAN------------------
by vitty in.
-----------someone was going to an assembly to picket, and asked you to write an slogan which would really make a witness think or question what would you write?
fell away.......wanna come back...please help.
by Tiggerchick1012 inok, so here's the situation.
i am 24 yrs old.
married and have 1 child.