BroBennett, you said:
Since you want the Bible's viewpoint I will try to list many scriptural information for our viewers and debaters alike.
No I do not want the Bible's viewpoint. I never said I did. There are too many ways to interpret the very same texts. Please answer the questions as they are asked. The fact of the matter is that some people have a sickening, unnatural desire to do this sort of stuff to kids, much like other people get other diseases that are either cured or prevented from affecting other people. A lot of pedophiles even admit that they are happy that they are prevented from being around kids, since they have trouble controlling themselves. The topic is: The WTBTS' proactive steps at preventing child molestation." Please keep it on that.
A quote you made from the Watchtower:
Just in the area of sexuality alone, think of the heartache and suffering that result when there is no respect for God?s law on morality: broken homes, illegitimate pregnancies, abortions, rape, child molestation, and sexually transmitted diseases, just to list a few things.
This is one of my points about the WTBTS. They include broken homes with child molestation and rape. I am speechless, to be honest about that one.