Really needed this today, than you so much. Like your analogy of the bus broke down in the middle of nowhere--you get out of this cult and you begin to wonder about the point of anything, or where it's going to come from--an amotivational person's worst nightmare! Then you have to summon the courage to look inside, and not be afraid of yourself, because they teach that too, man's broken, sinful, evil, fallen nature, etc. Yes, we must DARE to be happy, in spite of their perverse indoctrination.
I remember like yesterday, when my mother said to me, disparaging and pessimistic, it would be a steady downhill decline for me once I left the organization, and that was 23 years ago! (since then I went on to FIND a career, an education, etc, one or two families, LIFE, in short). They teach and reinforce FEAR, fear of everything and everyone OUTSIDE in the WORLD, where SATAN rules and is destroying everyone, because God "hands over" to wickedness those who leave the WT. Cause/effect question? How much UNhappiness does WT Cause, or even once you leave, still feel the residual Effects of them, persistent Sadness at all those still there, self-deluded, abused, etc. In a different post someone alluded to "12 year-old Johnny mumbling through his Awake presentation at the door"--that made me really sad! I was there, I had to go through that, the systematic destruction of weekend mornings by knocking on doors for an hour or two, to peddle this preposterous literature! To this day I WILL NOT go up to stranger's doors withoutt a DAMN good reason, I DON'T canvass for anyone or anything--that was the worst feeling ever.
Well this turned into my own vent session, I apologize, but thank you again for a really nice post, it helps.