"France have decided not to accept the Jehovah's Witnesses after all.
A victory for common sense!"
Kent, that article didn't say so. The French Senate yesterday, ONLY enforced law against SECTS. Still a long way for the victory!!!
hi folks;.
take a look at http://watchtower.observer.org.
the latest news is that moscow and france have decided not to accept the jehovah's witnesses after all.. a victory for common sense!.
"France have decided not to accept the Jehovah's Witnesses after all.
A victory for common sense!"
Kent, that article didn't say so. The French Senate yesterday, ONLY enforced law against SECTS. Still a long way for the victory!!!
"through the ages the lavish wealth of religion that profess christianity has disturbed many people.
popes, bishops, and other religious dignitaries have lived in splendor supported by their flocks, many of whom have existed in poverty.
the situation has not changed in modern times.
"Through the ages the lavish wealth of religion that profess Christianity has disturbed many people. Popes, bishops, and other religious dignitaries have lived in splendor supported by their flocks, many of whom have existed in poverty. The situation has not changed in modern times." - Awake! October 22, 1988, p. 31. (see also Awake! October 22, 1982, p. 30) Far from it. But what is funny, those who are here pointing their fingers towards others, are not better themselves than the rest, (John 8:7) as the following examples clearly show:
* JOSEPH F. RUTHERFORD, second President of the WBTS, was of luxurious accomodations. Wherever he traveled, his nice room and office at Brooklyn Bethel, use of a fancy hotelat $ 10,000 a year in rent, access to private accomadations at Staten Island, NY (where the WTS had its radio station WBBR located there until it closed in 1957), access to private accomadations at Kingdom Farm, in South Lansing, NY, his Bethsarim mansion in San Diego, Califonia, his two Cadillacs, plus his provisions for comfort at the Society branch offices in UK, France, and Germany. Plus Rutherford had the Societys Canadian director, Walter F. Salter, send him huge quantities of liquor during the 1920's when liqour was illegal in Americaa.
Olin R. Moyle, (WTS attorney) accused Rutherford on many things including: "You work in a nice air conditioned room. You and your attendants spend a portion of the week in the quiet of country surroundings. The boys at the factory diligently work without such helps, or any effort made to give them."
* NATHAN H. KNORR, traveled the world all over first class. He lived in a luxury penthouse appartment on the tenth floor of Bethel, with murals on the walls, private kitchen, television and other conforts. In addition, Knorr had a Bethel worker who served him personally and also acted as his cook. He owned a Cadillac, took people to the most expensive resturants, and to Broadway shows. (see Questions for Jehovah's Witnesses - William I. Cetnar)
* HAYDEN C. COVINGTON, Attorney and vice-President of the WTS, in an interview stated: "We went first class, Brother Rutherford told me, "I want you, whenever you travel, to travel first class." And so I did, and Brother Heath [Rutherfords secretary] did, Nathan Knorr did, and Freddy Franz did too, all the whole bunch of us did." (Interview on November 19, 1978, by Jerry Murray, p. 13)
* MILTON G. HENSCHEL, on two occasions, when visiting the Island of Malta, lodged in a five star hotel. (accompanied by Walter Farneti, branch coordinator of Italy, and their wives) When an answer was requested, by means of letter, (19 August 1994) he ignored it. When an ex JW popped the question by phone, Henschel started laughing, and when pressed for an answer, he arrogantly replied: "It's not your business" and abruptly hung up.
* ALBERT D. SCHROEDER, together with his son Judah-Ben, invited Dr. Gabriele Yonan, for a meal, in one of the most pochy resturants in Germany. While eating together he even propossed to pay her a trip to Italy to attend the 1998 CESNUR conference held in Torino. (private conversation, Dr. Yonan, September 1998, Torino, Italy)
* "GOVERNING BODY MEMBERS can regularly take their vacations in places most people could only afford to dream about. In 1978, my wife and I [Ray Franz] found ourselves boarding planes over fifty times in that one year." - Crisis of Conscience, R. Franz, 3rd edition, p. 265.
"The monthly allowances of fourteen dollars often barely covered (and in some cases was less than) their transportation costs going to and from kingdom hall meetings. Those whose family or friends were more affluent had no problems as they received outside assistance. But others rarely could afford anything beyond bare necessities. Those from more distant points, particularly those from the western states, might find it virtually impossible to spend vacations with their families, particularly if they came from a poor family. Yet they wee regularly hearing greetings passed on to the Bethel family from members of the Governing Body and others as they travelled around the country and to other parts of the world giving talks. They saw the corporation officers driving new Oldsmobile's bought by the Society and serviced and cleaned by workers like themselves." - ibid., p. 82.
* At certain BETHELS, such as in UK, they even have the VIP bedrooms. (Confirmed by a local bethelite Elder, Roger Kay)
On the other hand, loyal servants, such as Adams Akuetteh, from Ghana, naively, spend four years while the Ghana Branch office was being constructed, every morning collecting stray nails. The project overseer, told him that his work was saving the Society money, Jehovah's money. With joy he recycled nails to sav'e money for Jehovah! (Awake! May 22, 1992, p. 31)
What are the GB doing with "Jehovah's money"? Is this the 'vow of poverty' that all the members of the GB are suppose to subscribe to? (see Jehovah's Witnesses - Proclaimers of God's Kingdom p. 351). Their actions are far more like that of some worldly politician or corporation executive!
"When professed Christian leaders adopt opulent life-styles, might it not make others wonder about their credentials as Christ's true followers?" Awake! October 22, 1988, p. 31.
have you ever heard of karl saller?
i happened to come across his name by chance, while reading the nazi doctors, by dr. robert jay lifton (p. 39).
what i admired in this person and would like to share with you is his notable example of courage.. dr. karl saller, a prominent german anthropologist,had the temerity to insist that in all races there was a continually changing gene pool a constant state of flux, and that the german race had become entwind with many others and contained extensive slavic influences.
Have you ever heard of Karl Saller? I happened to come across his name by chance, while reading THE NAZI DOCTORS, by Dr. Robert Jay Lifton (p. 39). What I admired in this person and would like to share with you is his notable example of courage.
Dr. Karl Saller, a prominent German anthropologist,had the temerity to insist that in all races there was a continually changing gene pool a constant state of flux, and that the German race had become entwind with many others and contained extensive Slavic influences. That thesis questioned the very basis of the Nazi biomedical vision.
No less a personage than the Gestapo chief, Reinhard Heydrich, initiated an order prohibiting Saller from teaching, which forced him to leave his chair at the University of Munich. At his farewell lecture, he repeated his scientific views and stated that his love of truth and sence of honor prevented him from renouncing them.
While many anthropologists, as well as biologists and physicians must have agreed with his views, they tented to remain silent, and he found himself generally rejected and avoided by former colleagues and friends.
This is also what happened to Carl Olof Jonsson, Edward Dunlap and such others, under the regime of the GB and their such like SS men. They were forced to recant, but their love of truth prevented them from doing so. Therefore, they suffered similar consequences, stripped from their positions, rejected by their former friends and even sometimes by family members.
Unfortunately, my family and I experienced also this!!!
i would like to share with you the following comparison that is based from the book the firm by john grisham:.
the main character is mitchell mcdeere, a young advocate who was recruited by a small, but well-respected law firm.
they promised him a colourful future if he abide with their codes.
Thanks Gopher,
Have you read my first (yesterday) message: WTS vs HISTORY?
i would like to share with you the following comparison that is based from the book the firm by john grisham:.
the main character is mitchell mcdeere, a young advocate who was recruited by a small, but well-respected law firm.
they promised him a colourful future if he abide with their codes.
I would like to share with you the following comparison that is based from the book THE FIRM by John Grisham:
The main character is Mitchell McDeere, a young advocate who was recruited by a small, but well-respected law firm. They promised him a colourful future if he abide with their codes. (nice officee, good wage, car, house, friends, holidays, etc.
Time passed, dedicating all his energy in the firm. Because of it, the relationship with his wife started deteriorating. One day, he noticed some secret files. This led him to investigate. Soon, he realised who were really behind the firm. The problem? There was no way out, he was trapped. If he spoke, they would silence him (by killing him as they already did to others). If he try to run away, he would loose everything, and the worst, they would chase him. The only alternative, play the ostrich game and become like the rest. This is where nightmares begin ...
Does this novel remind you in something? Two friendly faces, approach your door, proposing a free 'Bible Study', only one hour a week. The first deception, turns to be a 'book study' and not really a 'Bible Study'. From the beginning, the student is encouraged to answer from the book (which is not really from his own) From "just only one hour a week", becomes nearly a full engagement. Because of it, sadly to say, many couples finally, ended up dived.
If the student (who by now is baptised) wants his many new 'friends' and 'privledges' he has to abide to The Society codes, which are many: how to dress, what to read, which music to listen, what to celebrate, who to court, what medecine to accept, how to educate his kids, what to practise in bed, etc.
One day, he notice another change in the WTS teachings. This leads him to investigate. He soon discover, he is misled on many other things. The Gpverning Body, are not much better than the other religious leaders, who are hypocrites, teach one thing, but they do the opposite. Now, what should he do? If he speaks, the Elders would disfellowship him. (in a night he would loose everything) If he walks out, he is disassociated, same consequences, (also his file keeps running after him). And if he try to plat the ostrich, his conscience keeps bothering him, for being an hypocrite§ Therefore, he realize, that there is no honorable way out from the WTS. His nightmares begin ...
Went through it all!!!!
according to the watchtower- april 1, 2001, p. 11, par.
11, peter went to babylon (1peter 5:13) but according to tradition it was thomas who went to babylon.
so what is meant by babylon?.
Apostle AK, without no animosity, instead of turning to your Insight on the Scriptures I sincerely encourage you to look up the subject YOURSELF.
What you might find is:
The first who interpreted 1 Peter 5:13 in a literal sense was Erasmus. But as the Bible scholar Harnack said: "That this was an error, is now as clear as daylight to every student of history who does not blindfold himself." (Thoughts on the present position of Protestantism)
according to the watchtower- april 1, 2001, p. 11, par.
11, peter went to babylon (1peter 5:13) but according to tradition it was thomas who went to babylon.
so what is meant by babylon?.
Yes the WTS teach that Peter never went to Rome! They follow the old argument which the Waldensses in the 13th century started. Till that time it was universally accepted that PETER WENT TO ROME.
When they want they qoute Tradition but when it ring another bell they put it a side.
according to the watchtower- april 1, 2001, p. 11, par.
11, peter went to babylon (1peter 5:13) but according to tradition it was thomas who went to babylon.
so what is meant by babylon?.
According to Pliny Nat. Hist., VI, 30; Josephus Ant. Jud. XVIII,ix,8,9. Sat that at that time the Jews were already chasted out from Babylon.
Also Nehardaa boasted that up to the end of the third century Babylon had not numbered among its members any convert to Christianity.
Interesting the miniscul Manuscripts of the Greek NT n° 1518 and 2138 render in 1 Peter 5:13 ROME instead of Babylon.
according to the watchtower- april 1, 2001, p. 11, par.
11, peter went to babylon (1peter 5:13) but according to tradition it was thomas who went to babylon.
so what is meant by babylon?.
Please don't answer without knowing the subject or without research. See the following list which all say PETER WENT TO ROME:
1st Century
Clement of Rome
Ignatius of Antioch
2nd Century
Papias of Hierapolis
Dionysius of Corinth
Clement of Alexandria
3rd Century
Firmilian of Caesarea
Peter of Alexandria
4th Century
Eusebius of Caesaea
Ephraem Syrus
Sulpicius Severius
Arnbius the Elder
John Chrysotom
5th Century
Paulus Orosius
Moses of Khorene
Eznigh of Golph
John Mantagouni
Mar- Narsaï
Mar- Balaï
Council of 450
Prosper of Aquitaine
Cyril of Alexandria
6th Century
James of Sarug
7th Century
Council of Carni (622)
Ischou-ïab III l' Adiabenique
8th Century
Patriarch Timothy I
The school of Karkaphienne
9th Century
Denis of Telmahr
Thomas of Marga
Council of Schiraghavan
10th Century
Moses Bar- Cephas
Chosroes Bishop of Antsevatzi
Georges of Arbeles
Elie of Damas
11th Century
Council of Ani (1036)
Aboul' Faradj-Ben-Attaïb of Bagdad
Elias of Nisibe
Gregoire Maghistros
12th Century
John of Mardin
Council of Tarse (1177)
Nierses Glaietsi
Michel the Great
Denis Bar-Tsalbi
13th Century
Salomon of Bassora
Ischou-ïab of Nisibe
Gregoire Bar-Hebraeus
Counsil of Sis (1251)
Vardan Bar- Tsbertzi
Floruit Mikhitar
14th Century
Counsil of Sis (1307)
Counsil of Aden (1316)
Counsil of Sis (1343)
15th Century
Counsil of Florence (1439)
16th Century
John Oronetsi
according to the watchtower- april 1, 2001, p. 11, par.
11, peter went to babylon (1peter 5:13) but according to tradition it was thomas who went to babylon.
so what is meant by babylon?.
According to the Watchtower- April 1, 2001, p. 11, par. 11, Peter went to BABYLON (1Peter 5:13) But according to tradition it was Thomas who went to Babylon. So what is meant by BABYLON?
Today Bible scholars nearly all agree that it means ROME. To add weight to this, Eusebius in his famous book The History of the Church (2:15) stated: "Mark is mentioned by Peter in his first epistle, which he is said to have composed in Rome itself, as he himself indicates when he speaks of the city figuratively as Babylon."
This was also the opinion of many noted Protestant scholars such as Valesius, Grotius,Cave, Whitby, and Lardner.
Even in the book of Revelation the word 'Babylon' is symbolic.
True, the Bible never say that Peter went to Rome neighter that he didn't but between the lines it does.
Therefore, once again the teachings of the WTS is in conflict with history.