For your records:
The New English Bible (Study helps by Dr William Barclay) p.27:
"The Book of Daniel was , in fact written during the persecution unleashed by Antiochus."
jan. you said on a recent post that the book of daniel is meant to be dated a lot later then thought.
have you any info on this please?.
For your records:
The New English Bible (Study helps by Dr William Barclay) p.27:
"The Book of Daniel was , in fact written during the persecution unleashed by Antiochus."
jan. you said on a recent post that the book of daniel is meant to be dated a lot later then thought.
have you any info on this please?.
Hi UO,
In my notes I have the following books that you can check which provide the needed information, also they show that it was writen in the times of Antiochus IV (167 - 164 BC)as contrary to what the WBTS say (536 BC):
* Le Livre de Daniel Commentaire Philologique du Texte Araméen - Jean Margain, (1994), p. 7
* Manuel du Traducteur Pour le Livre de Daniel - René Peter-Contesse, (1986), p. 8.
* Le Livre de Daniel - André Lacocque, (1976), p. 18.
* Le Livre de Daniel - Gilles Gaide, (1969), pp. 14-17.
* Daniel - Jean Steinmann, (1961), p. 30.
* Le Livre de Daniel - Pierre Oschwald, (1957), pp. 10-12.
* Commentary on Daniel - R.H.Charles, (1929), p. xlix-l.
* The Book of Daniel - J.A.Montgomery, (1927), p. 96.
* Daniel - R. Saadia, Aben-Ezra, Raschi, (1900), p. 1.
* Visions of the End - Adam C. Welch, (?), p. 64.
Porphyry (232-305 AD), was among the first to seed dubts in the book of Daniel.
send my regards to your family,
i want to let all of you know that we have decided not to contest the elders decision to publicly reprove us tonight.
after a lot of thought, we feel in the long run that by letting this go ahead it will only make the elders and the organization look guilty, not us.. the elders have basically ordered us not to talk about what our "crime" is with anyone.
so we have decided that we will tell others what our crime was not, i.e.
My brother did it for his disassociation. I was with him. The only thing we regret was we didn't had a journalist as the audience turned literally hysterical. Some even came to beat us, but the Attendants (who for that special occasion were all Elders)stopped them.
Remeber, you're not anymore under the Elders, don't leave them tell you what to do. If you can prevent the local police the better. Your HUMAN RIGHTS are being violated.
If you can hire a special microphone (that are used in strikes) it will help you to make sure your message is reached.
Bonne fête
i want to let all of you know that we have decided not to contest the elders decision to publicly reprove us tonight.
after a lot of thought, we feel in the long run that by letting this go ahead it will only make the elders and the organization look guilty, not us.. the elders have basically ordered us not to talk about what our "crime" is with anyone.
so we have decided that we will tell others what our crime was not, i.e.
As Kent sugested, make sure you be present for your announcement (you shouldn't be ashamed)and especially also MAKE SURE that a journalist is with you. If you can find some friends who can come with you the better. After the announcement, stand up, and tell the audience WHY you left. Make some photocopies of the UN letter, and spread to the audience and tell them look it up for themselves.
It will be your last chance, after it will be to late. All the best.
i would know more to check the hebrews scripture of nwt.
and i have found also 50 errors in the greek scripure of nwt.
i need more scripure - about 100 hebrews and 100 greek scriputres.
You can tell them what Professor Jason BeDuhn (who is quoted in The Watchtower - 1 February 1998, p. 32,) wrote me in the following letter (I'm just adding the main point):
Dear Mr. Bonanno,
Thank you for your message. I get many inquiries such as yours, and I do my best to answer each one....You are right to raise questions about the use of "Jehovah" in the NWT New Testament. The Greek word in nearly all of the passages where the NWT NT has "Jehovah" is, as you say, KYRIOS, which means "lord." It would be most accurate to translate "Lord" in those passages. This is a case where I disagree with the choice made by the NWT translators. The JWs have a theory that the divine name was expunged from the writings of the New Testament when Christianity was trying to win over non-Jewish converts who had no appreciation for the Jewish name for God. They may or may not be right about
that, but the current state of evidence does not prove their claim. There are a few dozen passages where the New Testament is quoting Old Testament passages where "Jehovah" (or "Yahweh" or however it was pronounced) is used, and one could make an argument that in those passages it would be reasonable to present the original wording, including "Jehovah." But that still leaves well
over a hundred uses of "Jehovah" in the NWT that should be reconsidered in future editions....
best wishes,
Jason BeDuhn
i was baptised as a jw when i was about 12. i dropped out when i was about 19. i just stopped going to meetings and going in service.
it is now 20 years later.
i am interested in learning about other religions.
I also agree fully with the advice of Ranchette. But if the local Elders one day turn up on your porch, and start hassling, I strongly recomend you to take legal advice and take action. Why? As you said, you NEVER had nothing to do with this congregation (as you lived in another state) and you were NEVER affiliated with it.
see what others think about this.
if you were to check out www.charity-commission.gov.uk.
you would find if you typed in ibsa the following registration number would show: 216647. as far as we know, for we are now awaiting a response, it is illegal all over the country for charities to solicit from door to door unless they have a full identity card, something which the wtbts has flouted law on for many years.. in view of current events, surely they must be able to see the wisdom of such an approach.
i mean its not exactly unreasonable when you really think about it, what the state is asking them to do.
I think they ought to look up the word CHARITY. According to one dictionary, it means:
1. loving kindness towards others.
2. tolerance in judging others; kindness; leniency.
3. giving money, food, help, etc to the needy.
4. society or organization for helping the needy.
here's what raymond franz wrote me concerning the claims of roger scott:.
"i believe roger scott's claim is fictional.
my uncle did not have a "secretary," did his own typing, research.
here's what raymond franz wrote me concerning the claims of roger scott:.
"i believe roger scott's claim is fictional.
my uncle did not have a "secretary," did his own typing, research.
Here's what Raymond Franz wrote me concerning the claims of Roger Scott:
"I believe Roger Scott's claim is fictional. My uncle did not have a "secretary," did his own typing, research. In later years his eyesight became very weak and David Sinclair from the Executive Offices was assigned to read material for him, according to my uncl'e's wishes. He is the only one who did so. Roger Scott is evidently trying to convey the idea of holding some inside position, but Jon Mitchell, who did work as a secretary in the Executive Offices indicates Scott had no position of the kind he attrtibutes to himself."
this is my 616th post!
did you know that some divurgent texts of rev 13:18 state that the number of the beast is 616?
did you know that ceasar nero's name, in the greek form, spelled with hebrew letters adds up (numerically) to 666, and that the latin form of nero's name in hebrew letters add up to 616?
"In the times of Irenaeus, there was in some copies another reading ... 616. This reading was adopted by the expositor Tychonius; but against this, Irenaeus inveighs."
BARNES' NOTES ON THE NEW TESTAMENT - Albert Barnes, p. 1672.
"Some very old copies, but not the best, read six hundred and sixteen."
THE BIBLE IN LIVING ENGLISH - Steven Byington, p.1592.
"Some ancient authorities read Six hundred and sixteen."