You Know:
Is that it bjc2012? / You Know
No...not quite.
The 34th chapter of Ezekiel doesn't make that sort of judgment. It doesn't even condemn the bad shepherds to death. It merely points out that at some point Jehovah is going to relieve incompetent shepherds of their positions over his sheep and more directly, personally, take over shepherding, through his servant "David."
Ezekiel 34:21 says,
"For the reason that with flank and with shoulder you kept pushing and with your horns you kept shoving all the sickened ones until you had scattered them to the outside."
First of all, whatever happened to elders being "appointed by holy spirit", as it was among first century christians? Have you abandoned that thought now, even in regards to the Governing Body? In your estimation, were they ever appointed by holy spirit?
Well, regardless, I'm afraid the word "incompetence" doesn't even begin to encompass the massive guilt incurred upon JWs at this point, and the wicked Governing Body and assistants at Bethel. The 10-year secret UN liason Scandal and the pervasive pedophile problem for JWs is just the "tip of the iceberg". Here's why.
You see an "incompetent" elder might make a few mistakes here and there. Maybe stumble a few by accident, but not on purpose. He's simply "incompetent", as you suggest. But he is not working DELIBERATELY to stumble or harm individuals, is he?
But what do you read above?
The verse says the bad "shepherds"
"... kept pushing and with your horns you kept shoving ALL the sickened ones until you had scattered them to the outside."
All. The word is "ALL".
The bad shepherds "kept shoving", repeatedly, until they had successfully managed to put out ... "ALL", "All of the sickened ones" -- and "scattered them to the outside" of the JW Organization.
That's what the verse says, You Know.
All of Jehovah's Sheep are "scattered to the outside" of the JW Organization. All!
So then, this is not the work of some one making a few mistakes here and there, a few persons of "incompetence" as you suggest. No, but unmistakably, this is the work and operation of "Babylon the Great" [aka WTS Headquarters] who is under the Satan-inspired auspices and direction of the wicked "man of lawlessness" [aka Governing Body of JWs] of Bible prophecy. (2 Thess. 2:3-12; Rev. 18:4)
So you are much mistaken. And Ezekiel 34:21 proves it.
One more point:
Because of the prolific practice of wickedness on the parts of the WTS and G.B., now and in the future, Jehovah's Witnesses will lose their "christian" standing completely with God. They will lose the "Christian" Covenant, and have to seek another to regain God's blessings. Here is the prophecy.
Jeremiah 50:4,5
"In those days and at that time is the utterance of Jehovah, the sons of Israel, they and the sons of Judah together, will come. They will walk, weeping as they walk, and for Jehovah their God they will seek. To Zion they will keep asking the way [because they are totally lost], with their faces in that direction, saying "Come and let us JOIN OURSELVES to Jehovah in an indefinitely lasting covenant that will not be forgotten."
They have been detached from God. That's why they have to "join themselves to Jehovah", again. By way of another Covenant arrangement. The WTS and G.B. have successfully led JWs so far away from God, that they need to "rejoin" themselves to God again. They need another Covenant. The Christian Covenant of Jesus, is gone, thanks to your "incompetent" leaders.
And why does this happen to JWs as an organization?
The next verses, verses 6-7 of Jeremiah 50 says,
"A flock of perishing creatures my people has become. Their own shepherds have caused them to wander about. On the mountains they have led them away. From mountain to hill they have gone. They have forgotten their resting-place. All those finding them have eaten them up, and their own adversaries have said, "We shall not become guilty, due to the fact that they [JWs] have SINNED AGAINST JEHOVAH the abiding place of righteousness and the hope of their forefather, Jehovah."
These above verses show that even those that "eat them up", those that "eat" Jehovah's Witnesses up as a nation, those that brutalize them, even they know that Jehovah Himself has abandoned them to their "enemies". The "worst ones of the nations" Jehovah says will know JWs have "sinned". Even they know. (See Ezekiel 7:8-9, 24.)
So you are mistaken again. Because these "worst ones of the nations" will know JWs as a nation are precisely the ones that have "sinned against Jehovah", greatly. The "worst" enemy will know JWs have been completely abandoned by God, the prophecy says.
This is because, JWs have "sinned" greatly, sinned to such an extent, that the nation of JWs will have to have another "covenant". They will have to rejoin themselves, "join themselves" again to God, by way of this new Covenant arrangement. Because their wicked "shepherds" have led them completely astray, You Know.