There is so much that is wrong-headed about the article.
Firstly, how would any JW feel if their child were featured in such a classically negative and manipulative way on the cover of a widely distributed magazine whose main article "feeds off" human desperation? The article has absolutely nothing of value to offer but future promises. God is not slow indeed for those who already have food in their belly but for those on the edge of death His slowness equals death. How dare the well-fed writer(s) quote the words from 1 Peter when people are dying.
Secondly, the article is not pitched at the organizations, scientists, volunteers and others who have devoted their lives to helping those suffering from extreme poverty. It is pitched to the well fed people who are as far removed from the desperate plight of human suffering and who are comfortable enough to read this kind of lame rubbish.
Thirdly - and with no disrespect to those still suffering from extreme poverty - but since the article was printed nearly 30 years ago (1991) - the extent of extreme poverty in the world has decreased significantly. Of course extreme poverty still exists - but its scale has dropped.
Fourthly, if the organizations, scientists, volunteers and others who strive to help those living in poverty had somehow heard about and subsequently accepted and embraced JW organization's notoriously passive line about leaving the solution in Jehovah's hands, the world would currently have an even greater proportion of humans suffering extreme poverty. Look at countries like Bangladesh which once was one of the "poster" nations of extreme and burgeoning poverty: The standard of living in that country had improved exponentially in recent years beyond all predictions and expectations.
JWs' line on poverty suits the mindset of those who are NOT in the grip of extreme poverty for those near to or suffering from it do not have the luxury of using such poverty as an entry in preaching a useless message about a tomorrow of plenty than never ever comes.