Dustin, I try!
Walter & RW-Lol!
for me i think i have nice eyes, and a nice ass for a dude.
i don't like my stomach, i had a hernia surgery 2 years ago, and it's just never gotten as flat as it used to be.
i also wish i had bigger arms.. dustin
Dustin, I try!
Walter & RW-Lol!
for me i think i have nice eyes, and a nice ass for a dude.
i don't like my stomach, i had a hernia surgery 2 years ago, and it's just never gotten as flat as it used to be.
i also wish i had bigger arms.. dustin
Best-my eyes, breasts and booty
Worse-stomach. 2 c-sections in within two years of each other killed it. ...But, tae bo is fixing that.
apostate literature - i have read the lot.
you name it - c of c, gentile times reconsidered, thirty tears a watchtower slave, the orwellian world of jehovah's witness, apocalypse delayed, and the freeminds and watchtower observer sites, so on and so on.
and i have been reading the posts on this site regularly pretty much since it started, and hourglass before it.
How do you think they are 'the truth'?
I left because I chose not to get baptized. There was never any proof that they ARE God's organization. I thought about it using my own brain, and realized there is no proof of this! How can I preach b.s. to other people when I know it's all lies?!
You made a claim that apostates aren't right in your opinion, yet that doesn't mean JW's are. Just because you want to believe what you're told doesn't mean it's correct.
Have he PM'd you yet?
i was just wondering the other day about the bible, in a different manner than i usually would (inspired by god).. it is like if i were a atheist, or something........ so what is the bibile?.
is it a rule book, that we must follow?
a guide we reference to enrich our lives?
The book to judge others by!
Religion taught me that.
yesterday was my son turned 9 years old.
he's going to have his birthday party this saturday but we took him out last night for his birthday dinner (he chose red lobster).
he had been dying to see what we had bought him for his birthday and begged (with those big puss n boots eyes) to open "just one" present yesterday morning.
Yes, they are great. My son turned 3 on Sunday. We had a party for him Sat. due to my hubby's work schedule.
His face lit up when he saw all the Buzz Lightyear decorations and balloons. I got an ice cream cake (from DQ) with Buzz on it. He loved every minute of it.
I wasn't raised jw and studied on my own. So, this is the first party we've had for either of my kids, and it won't be the last.
the quote below was part of a talk in the 90's.
i heard this as a child and thought to myself, how can any woman accept such a draconian veiw?
i was not sure if i had understood correctly so, i brought it up to my bible study conductor maggie, i was appalled that she agreed with this veiw, we debated it back and forth, until i got the upper hand, then she told me that i was to "rebellious and strong willed", and that i "should never get married", that i way i would not have to submit to male "headshit" "headship".
Though never baptized, the more I studied, the more I began to display that 'lowliness of mind'. My non-religious husband missed the real me. Once in a while (as seeds were planted), I'd say something sarcastic and he'd say, "yeah, there you go!". He likes that I speak my mind and don't take sh** from people. Most of the time, anyway!
i live in mexico and the dubs come to my door from time to time.
usually i tell them that i hope that they can leave their religion because it's a cult.
yesterday i told them that i'm gay and that i know they hate gays.
Good, Chris! I'm glad you told them about themselves.
my first thought was actually that the 2 prophets had arrived for the watchtower, meaning it would collapse itself in the not to distant future.. secondly i thought the watchtower would say the twin towers are the final prophets for the coming armageddon.
i'm not aware of any official communications on behalf of the wtbts regarding the subject, are there?
in fact i did stay in new york in 2000 but i only walked brooklyn bridge halfway, never made it to brooklyn.
There were swarms of ppl coming across the Brooklyn bridge from the Manhattan side. He told me that bethel locked all their doors.
Wow, the woman I was studying with during that time, told me that tons of people walked over the bridge and went inside the wt buildings...because they let them! The 2nd lady I studied with told me the same thing! "People went to HQ for safety and bethelites took them in. See how Jehovah's org provides!"
I believe the doors were locked because the panic that set in was enormous. It was obvious this was an attack on the country.
So they looked like 'loving citizens' to most people in the congregations.
I went to the meeting that night, and the elder mostly talked about how we should continue to serve jeh and we will be safe if we come to the meetings, and Satan's against us blah blah blah...
if you had the power to make one new law up in your community or country, what would it be??
I second db74's answer!