The quote below was part of a talk in the 90's. I heard this as a child and thought to myself, how can any woman accept such a draconian veiw? I was not sure if I had understood correctly so, I brought it up to my bible study conductor Maggie, I was appalled that she agreed with this veiw, we debated it back and forth, until I got the upper hand, then she told me that I was to "rebellious and strong willed", and that I "should never get married", that I way I would not have to submit to male "headshit" "headship". Every time I think about that talk, my blood boils and the rage I feel is hard to suppress. Dragonlady76
*** w99 8/1 pp. 19-20 Show Honor to Others ***At 1 Peter 3:7, the husband is directed to assign his wife "honor as to a weaker vessel, the feminine one." He can do this by displaying a genuine willingness to listen and by taking his wife?s suggestions into consideration. (Genesis 21:12) He may give her first choice when no issue is at stake, and he does things for her and treats her kindly. In turn, "the wife should have deep respect for her husband." (Ephesians 5:33) She listens to him, does not always strive to get her way, does not belittle or nag him. She shows lowliness of mind by not trying to dominate her husband, even when she has superior abilities in certain areas.