Topics Started by Gill
The enigmatic mystery of the Nephilim, the Rephaim, and the Titans
by Leolaia init has been said that historical memory in oral tradition goes back only a few hundred years before it alters considerably in later retellings, and when even greater time depth is involved the mythic past fills in what has been collectively forgotten.
but myths purporting to relate events hundreds or even thousands of years in the past often contain kernals of historical memory amid the layers of tradition and archetypal folk motifs.
an excellent example from my own reading is that of the inuit eskimo in greenland who have a rich oral tradition about the norsemen who died out over 500 years ago and who originally colonized the land a millenium ago.
The Slippery Slope
by donkey inthis is not an issue related directly to this board, but it is an issue related to every one of us here.
it seems to me as if society is about to undergo a radical upheaval in the form of an new energy crisis.
to put it simply we are running out of oil.
Disfellowshipping - How long to return?
by CaptK indoes anybody know how long it takes for one to get re-instated if you are not that well liked by the body of elders?
i was disfellowshiped for immorality almost 2 years ago.
with my job and attending college to keep in step with my field of work, i have only been attending the sunday talk & wt meeting every week.
Goodbye to the Board
by dedalus inim leaving the board, and am compelled to announce it.
but there are a few things i want to say first -- some recollections that (perhaps incongruously) seem germane to my leave-taking of
1) my first post was also my first thread, written in the summer of 2000 (on h2o, actually).
2 Elders steal 6 million dollars
by outoftheorg inthe missoulia montana paper of 12/30/02 carried the following news report.. two jehovahs witness elders, dale a. erickson and darryl k willis pleaded no contest to charges of fraud, amounting to 6 million dollar theft from an aged lady, una anderson.. it is the biggest single theft case in the history of montana, according to the prosecutors.
this is quite a long interesting news release.. it can be found at ""
this theft occured over a seven year period.
car chase by elders at age 11
by ashtheflash inhello there i would like to tell a story that will shock you.
this is how it all started... my sister at 19 was planning to marry a brother into the kingdom hall, she was not yet baptized so she was trying to keep her marriage plans a secret.
a couple of weeks from her marriage the elders of the congretation found out and contacted my mother whom we were still living with.
SHUNNING- Oregonian Article-HUGE!
by messenger in
shunning in spotlight .
wendy y. lawton .
Hi, newbie here
by ChimpGirl inhi y'all from chimpgirl in the uk.
have been posting on support board for exjws for a year or so now and someone there pointed me in your direction.
glad i found ya!.
To Loyal Witnesses: Please Listen!
by metatron inif you are a loyal, zealous witness, please listen to me.. i'm going to tell you straight from my heart, right out of.
my hard-won personal experience, how to avoid unhappiness.. here it is:.
don't bet on games you can't win.. let me illustrate.
Breaking news from the front lines...
by Roamingfeline infrom
breaking news .
dateline: june 15, 2000 .