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Posts by rmt1
If the big change at the AGM meeting is dropping the literal 144,000...
by slimboyfat inthe best conjecture seems to be that the gb are going to drop the literal 144,000 teaching, especially in view of the december watchtower that pointedly does not mention the 144,000 number.
if they are dropping the literal 144,000 number, but still claim that only a small number are anointed, and can partake, and that only a few are left on earth, then it is fair to ask what has really changed?
they are simply clearing up the embarrassing situation that there were obviously more than 144,000 "anointed" believers from 36 ad until now, and that the number of partakers has been increasing in recent years.
Thank you Jehovah for the GBs unapologetic manner in providing these adjustments.
by Joepublisher1 ini was shocked when i heard a circuit overseer include a strange comment in his concluding prayer at the end of this sundays meeting concerning the adjustments discussed in the watchtower.
he said, in part (and im paraphrasing) thank you jehovah for the governing bodys unapologetic manner in providing these adjustments.
i thought to myself, what a strange expression to make in prayer to god!
Yeah, that sounds like a Freudian slip. In repose or composure, he would have found a different way to express the sentiment that the GB must be patient, and so you should be also.
Gorby's father collapses at home after new light watchtower study
by Gorbatchov infriends,.
sunday my father, a strong believing witness, former elder and still a ms, collapses at home after the new light watchtower study.. the cause was extreme stress.
i asked him about his worries.
I'm sorry you have to see that with your own eyes.
I have not looked around for what this particular new light is. Is this the GB redefining themselves?
OMG Have you seen this?? This site is sooo hysterical. It reminds me of The Onion, but for exJW's
by noni1974 in
i read the cat baptisim article and i doubled over laughing.
one time when i was a kid i asked why my kitty couldn't go to the kh with us and my mom told me that animals were perfect and didn't need to go to the kh.. .
What would really make this extra awesome is if this guy is on the inside.
WTS admits (indirectly) decreasing in U.S. publisher ratio to population
by Gayle inservice year reports:.
2010 - 1/259.
so, the wts is not keeping up with the u.s. population (and they know it), though it rants about increasing pubs., etc..
Are these numbers massaged or cooked? If so, in what way? Is it really so that TWS would publish factual numbers that any JW with a spreadsheet could track over time? I'm just surprised.
OMG Have you seen this?? This site is sooo hysterical. It reminds me of The Onion, but for exJW's
by noni1974 in
i read the cat baptisim article and i doubled over laughing.
one time when i was a kid i asked why my kitty couldn't go to the kh with us and my mom told me that animals were perfect and didn't need to go to the kh.. .
Very good.
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Apocalypse
by 5go inun-covering is what the word really means in greek.
i no longer long think of the apocalypse as the death of six billion people but the uncovering of the truth about what is really going on.
so in a metaphoric sence i have been through it already..
""concealing the knowledge", which combined with the Homeric epithet δολ?εσσα, meaning subtle or wily, justifies the hermetic character of Calypso and her island."
The wife is in a steel drum band that plays arrangements of Trinidadian Calypso music (which function in Tucson as rain dances for senior citizens who want to relive their Caribbean cruise). She said that at least colloquially, calypso music is characterized by hidden meaning, innuendo, suggestiveness. It was doing this in the 40's and 50's, which sort of justifies the distinctive term in a specific context, and it certainly would not have a monopoly on suggestive lyrics by today's standards. -
Are JWs more negative than normal people?
by Julia Orwell incompare a typical conversation with a jw to one with a random non-jw:.
run into jw in the shops.. .
jw:[surprised] julia!
The most insufferable, infantile, petulant, pernicious scripture I have ever heard from the NWT is, "It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step."
Are JWs more negative than normal people?
by Julia Orwell incompare a typical conversation with a jw to one with a random non-jw:.
run into jw in the shops.. .
jw:[surprised] julia!
JO: "One of the things that actually helped me wake up was taking a look around at beauty and goodness in the world and honestly saying to myself, "It's actually not that bad...""
Pioneering in rural and semi-suburban central PA (Halifax, Dauphin, Lebanon) got me to a lot of landscaped beauty and well-appointed porches right out of Homes and Gardens, a lot of hill-top and mountain-top vistas, a lot of river-side (Susquehanna) and creek-side residences, a lot of farming fields, in all weathers, under a covering snow, sheets of rain, mists, baking summer sun, under day-long overcasts. Drove across bridges over the Susquehanna, etc, hundreds of times - passing the naturally serene while selling genocide. During one of the last years, I and my younger cousin went up the west shore of the Susquehanna and stopped at some teens who were fishing. I trotted out my tired line, it was just what I did, knowing it was all nonsense, but I just did it, like a small number of other persons, apparently. And the oldest boy, younger than me, but clear-headed enough to know nonsense when he saw it, hears what I trotted out, flings his line out skillfully, plonk in the gentle eddy of a backwater behind some of the islands that dot the Susquehanna like a beauty you've never seen in the lush springtime unless you've seen it, and then he turns to me and says, "Why are you doing this?"
Nature saved me, I would have to say. I knew it was all crap because Nature announced it to be so. I had to verify it was all crap by doing time at Bethel and Patterson, and by giving one public talk, and conducting Book Study groups, to overturn any last stone of evidence. But that last bit was calibration data, not actually crucial to the brutish conclusion, but more of a refinement. The brutal truth was watching a teenager fishing. -
Who Really Will Give JWN Members the Proper Food at the Proper Time?
by nochoice inhello friends.
do we have a board member that has committed to divulging the annual meeting highlights as soon as they're out?
i understand the live show will be at 10:00 am on saturday.
Stanley isn't that huge. This makes me wonder if TWS has its own counter-espionage database that could search any username posting here and link it, forever more, to the attendance list (that I assume they have) for Stanley. Then, do that twice, for some other event that has an attendance list.