Well, it's obviously one of the following or not:
MEPS | Medical Expenditure Panel Survey |
MEPS | Minimum Energy Performance Standards (Australia & New Zealand) |
MEPS | Military Entrance Processing Station |
MEPS | Malaysian Electronic Payment System |
MEPS | Military Enlistment Processing Station |
MEPS | Multilanguage Electronic Phototypesetting System |
MEPS | Mechanical Electrical Plumbing Structural (construction) |
MEPS | Modification Engineering Program Status |
MEPS | Microgravity Encapsulation Process System |
MEPS | Message Editing and Preparation Service |
MEPS | Mobile Emergency Psychiatric Services |
MEPS | Mobile Electric Power System |
MEPS | Management Engineering and Production Services (UK Consultancy Steel Company) |
MEPS | Member of the Emergency Planning Society (UK) |