It's a slow motion train wreck of a train loaded with people, a very long train, and they will all crash, traincar by traincar, in slow motion, and they will all see the traincar ahead of them crash, and they will all have time to get out of their own traincar if they wanted to, but they will not, and their traincar will crash, and they will be no more, and the train will keep coming, and crashing, and there's not much any one person can do about it. This is a function of the human species. A certain percentage of the human species will have the bad luck to get born in, get stuck in a mental, emotional, spiritual ditch at the wrong time, make eye contact, swallow the hook of fake smiles, ignore the red flags from doorstep to podium to swimming pool. I would candidly say that x% of humanity is just plain stupid, and they naturally fall into this potential well of JW promises. But that's not it. I would absolutely say that x% of humanity are more dependent on their social lives and connections than they are on the freedom to think and speak and act as they would. This slow motion train wreck will continue before your eyes for at least another century if not more. There is simply not enough instant communication between n^n humans to avert this social dependency. Millions of newborns into this cult will die in this cult of old age and natural causes.