Seabreeze, "I agree when in person. But for posting online, I think documented quote snippets are very effective, and make people more comfortable cut and pasting the data." That is exactly what I have been doing on JWN for years, hanging them with the WTS with their own words I"m sorry if I seemed to say that should be done in person. Sometimes, depending on the circumstances, I have copied a few to the point comments by the WTS with the source given, and give to them and ask how they would explain this kindly with a wondering tone of voice, invite them to look it up on the Watchtower Online Library. As in person, I agree, that it is not as effective. That is why I have done it on JWN and other ex-jw sites, in writing giving the source. (thought you knew that about my posting on JWN :) Blondie
Posts by blondie
What is Your Favorite WT Lie?
by Sea Breeze ini would like to start a thread on lies that the watchtower and their reps have told.
surely we all have one or two that truly sticks out in our memories, no matter how much we would like to forget.
my favorite wt lie: the reason they don't want to release the name of the "scholars" who worked on the new world translation is because they do not want to accept "glory and honor" from others.
by raymond frantz in
here we have the more indepth interview of the two new gb members jody jodele & jacob rumph and what jumps out to me is how borring they are, interestingly they don't go into detail when it dawned on them when they became anointed but they only go though their history and how they ended up in bethel.
as we already know jody jodele is the real estate expert that will help the gb capitalise on all this real estate money and jacob rumph sounds he spend alot of time as a missionary in south america, maybe he will provide a more insightful understanding of that continent to the gb since no indigenous jw will be part of the gb anytime what strikes to me as odd is the examples they both sited as the bible characters they want to relate more with, and no it is not jesus.. these modern-day governing body of jehovah's witnesses seems to be leaning heavily on old testament figures like moses and gideon as their role models instead of focusing on jesus, which speaks volumes about the kind of organization they’re leading.
And then there are "replacements" of anointed fallen away (1935 was the cutoff date, no more anointed after that, then this when those after 1935 started partaking, and the the steading increase of those partaking on the memorial which starting about 2008, about 20,000 today)
W2008 1/15 p. 23
It seems, however, that not all who have been called to a heavenly hope since the 1930’s are replacements for ones who have fallen away. Jehovah has evidently made sure that we will have anointed Christians among us all through the final days of this system of things until the destruction of “Babylon the Great.”
WT1998 2/15 p.21
Suppose an anointed one became unfaithful. Would there be a replacement? Paul indicated as much in his discussion of the symbolic olive tree. (Romans 11:11-32) If a spirit-begotten one needs to be replaced, likely God would give the heavenly calling to someone whose faith had been exemplary in rendering sacred service to him for many years
WT1992 3/1 p. 20-21
What if some anointed ones fail to be integrity keepers? At this late hour, the number of such disloyal ones will no doubt be few. Reasonably, any replacement would come, not from among newly baptized ones, but from among those who have stuck with Jesus in his trials through many years of faithful service.
by raymond frantz in
here we have the more indepth interview of the two new gb members jody jodele & jacob rumph and what jumps out to me is how borring they are, interestingly they don't go into detail when it dawned on them when they became anointed but they only go though their history and how they ended up in bethel.
as we already know jody jodele is the real estate expert that will help the gb capitalise on all this real estate money and jacob rumph sounds he spend alot of time as a missionary in south america, maybe he will provide a more insightful understanding of that continent to the gb since no indigenous jw will be part of the gb anytime what strikes to me as odd is the examples they both sited as the bible characters they want to relate more with, and no it is not jesus.. these modern-day governing body of jehovah's witnesses seems to be leaning heavily on old testament figures like moses and gideon as their role models instead of focusing on jesus, which speaks volumes about the kind of organization they’re leading.
The WTS wants "loyalists" who have proven it over time, and not necessarily "anointed" from their baptism. "replacement anointed" something that made Fred Franz furious. Puppets.
Ramapo project approved
by dropoffyourkeylee innews is that the ramapo project has been approved by authorities and can move forward..
How many locations does the WTS have now and past ones.
one in CT
This one
and another whose name I can't think of
Preaching the "good news" - about whom or what?
by BoogerMan inthe "good news" was specifically about christ's imminent kingship/rulership in heaven, to be followed by his rulership over the earth.
(matthew 6:10).
basileia (kingdom) - royal power, kingship, dominion, rule: not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather rulership, the right or authority to rule over a kingdom, of the royal power of jesus as the triumphant messiah.
Nice list of scriptures, Boogerman (interesting name), and searching for witnesses of Jehovah in the New Testament (WTS bible) as opposed to witnesses of Jesus.
What is Your Favorite WT Lie?
by Sea Breeze ini would like to start a thread on lies that the watchtower and their reps have told.
surely we all have one or two that truly sticks out in our memories, no matter how much we would like to forget.
my favorite wt lie: the reason they don't want to release the name of the "scholars" who worked on the new world translation is because they do not want to accept "glory and honor" from others.
I myself would stick to doctrinal and policy issues and what scriptures the WTS uses and why not accurate or where the WTS has waffled on their applications of certain scriptures.
What is Your Favorite WT Lie?
by Sea Breeze ini would like to start a thread on lies that the watchtower and their reps have told.
surely we all have one or two that truly sticks out in our memories, no matter how much we would like to forget.
my favorite wt lie: the reason they don't want to release the name of the "scholars" who worked on the new world translation is because they do not want to accept "glory and honor" from others.
Yes, I would a link to a WT publication regarding Bethelites running with pillows.
Trump wins
by gavindlt ini am non political and have never voted but nonetheless i have been keenly watching to see how the trump presidential race unfolds.
i believe that his involvement in propelling or influencing a leaning toward bible prophecy will unfold.
how, i can’t say but something tells me that this anomaly and outlier being trump is highly signifiant!
liam, considering how President Biden did not seem to get any supreme court justices appointed to the the open positions, I don't see how it could happen by January 20, 2025, considering the numbers in Congress.
Alteration of Revelation 3:14 in the 4th century to support the emerging Trinity doctrine
by slimboyfat inin an earlier thread another poster asserted that there is no evidence that revelation 3:14 played a part in the 4th controversy that led to the trinity doctrine.
this was claimed as evidence that the description of jesus as “the beginning of the creation of god” in the verse was not understood to mean that jesus was god’s first creation.
the scholarly greek–english lexicon of the new testament & other early christian literature 3e (2001) by bauer, arndt, gingrich, and danker, in its latest edition states that “first creation” is indeed the probable meaning of the greek phrase.
Duran, I like your explanation, but people set in the beliefs, might have cognitive dissonance. I am a bible reader for research purposes, but don't have any personal beliefs either way on this topic.
Tis the season
by garyneal inseems like i just pop in here every now and then to see what everyone is up to.
just like the previous years, i check in during the holidays to let everyone know about the annual christmas card exchange.. blondie used to lead this several years ago and i was involved for about 3 to 4 years before it began to fall off.
for those of you who participated back then, i still have your addresses and have just sent off this year's christmas cards to everyone.
Remember to check the required postage from your own address to the receiver's address when you mail your cards, is more than you think. Don't want the card to get there postage due. I know because I didn't do it the first year. For me, examples Canada, Australia, Germany, UK, most in the US.