a watcher, is that in the US? "No longer apartments in the assembly halls. Caused issues with the non-profit status of congregations and ultimately the national organization in the US."
Posts by blondie
Wythenshawe Kingdom Hall - Sold
by AdamCzarnobay ini was slightly surprised to see that wythenshawe hall has been sold.
it's now a mosque.
this one had an attached flat where the co and his wife lived, i wonder what accommodation they put them in these days..
Wythenshawe Kingdom Hall - Sold
by AdamCzarnobay ini was slightly surprised to see that wythenshawe hall has been sold.
it's now a mosque.
this one had an attached flat where the co and his wife lived, i wonder what accommodation they put them in these days..
Diogenesister, actually the WTS can sell to a religious organization and buy a religious building. They have actually commented on this in a Questions from Readers article. But a jw can't donate money to another religious organization or accept money in pay for work done from a religious organization.
Interesting bit of Watch Tower history
by vienne intwo images of allegheny city and a challenge.
see https://truthhistory.blogspot.com/ the newest post.
Wythenshawe Kingdom Hall - Sold
by AdamCzarnobay ini was slightly surprised to see that wythenshawe hall has been sold.
it's now a mosque.
this one had an attached flat where the co and his wife lived, i wonder what accommodation they put them in these days..
Around here, the apartments for the COs have not been used, or when KHs are built, not incorporated in any new KH building. No longer apartments in the assembly halls. Caused issues with the non-profit status of congregations and ultimately the national organization in the US. In the old days, COs stayed in home of jws and later had travel trailers and KHs had hookups for them or a jw had hookups at their houses. I do wonder what specifically is happening to accommodations for COs. Perhaps the WTS will go to substitute COs, something they tried in the past, "qualified" elders from the circuit doing it within easy driving range.
The Governing Body Are Proud To announce..
by Ron.W. inthe governing body are proud to announce... can you finish off the line for them - the more outrageous the better,, .
FedUpJW, I'm sure many jws bring their pads to the meetings because it is easier and faster to look up the scriptures (if they do that). I understand that that jws now carry those pads from door to door and share scriptures from that not a paper bible, pictures in the WT publications show that happening. So the day when everyone has to have a pad may be a real possibility.
Reddit thread - ‘Organization Finally Suggesting to Plan for Retirement’
by LongHairGal inthis information is supposed to be in the upcoming march wt.
(i don’t go on jw dot org).
it would sound like they are hinting at a change in thinking.. in my opinion, any such change would be yet another slap in the face to faithful pimis along with those other recent changes.. there are so many heartfelt responses on that thread and a lot of justified anger.. don’t know what to say except that i’m so glad i never listened to the religion all those years ago.
I can have seen that the WTS has discouraged planning for retirement in the years before a date they have set for the end. The end is near, why save for retirement when we are on the threshold of the new system. So jws who wanted to be seen as "righteous" in the eyes of the organization did not plan, 1914, 1925, 1975...but now was it has been 110 years since 1914 and the end is not near and perhaps jws are becoming disillusioned reaching retirement age with nothing to live on...time to change...like the dress code and hiding the practice of disfellowshipping changing "disfellowshipping" to other words which really mean the same thing. When Ray Franz was asked to leave Bethel (he was neither df'd or da'd at that time) he did not have enough work credits to qualify for Social Security in the US. So he had to go to work using the hours to get credit. So even social security is not automatic, one has to get a minimum # of credits first. So I wonder how many jws regret not qualifying even for that especially as the boomer generation is growing and in retirement or approaching retirement in the US. Does the WTS want a repeat of 1975 when many jws had quit jobs, school, sold their homes and property to preach full-time because it was only 9 years away, or 8 etc. The WTS also used to tell jws not to invest in the stock and bond market comparing it to gambling. But for a long time the WTS has been investing their money in stocks and bonds. Just some thoughts.
List of conventions that congregation are assigned to
by AdamCzarnobay indoes anyone have access to the list that shows which congregations are assigned to each convention in the uk.
would really like the 2024 list if anyone has it.. thanks in advance.
Locations of Regional Conventions, how to find one near you....but not necessarily assignment. Many locations are now smaller ones at places with assembly halls still. Assignments used to be somewhat covered in the old kingdom ministry. During COVID during the days of "zoom" assignments might not have been an issue. So this assignment thing may have evolved today. Perhaps someone mentally out of the WTS but still attending that is posting here, might share if that info has been announced at their meetings. https://apps.jw.org/ui/E/meeting-search.html#/conventions
Maddison, WI Shool Shooting - 3 Dead
by Sea Breeze inlike the one in tennessee, this one in maddison, wi, was done be a female.
the police chief points out that: .
“yes, i don’t know whether [the shooter] was transgender or not, and quite frankly, i don’t think that’s even important.
Yes, I think the families of the victims "and" the shooter are having enough to handle than have strangers speculating on the motive and it getting out there. So moomanchu, you seem to be trying to say that sharing guesses is a good thing for these families to see shared around. I think that someone who is now dead, may not be harmed, but their living family can be.
Maddison, WI Shool Shooting - 3 Dead
by Sea Breeze inlike the one in tennessee, this one in maddison, wi, was done be a female.
the police chief points out that: .
“yes, i don’t know whether [the shooter] was transgender or not, and quite frankly, i don’t think that’s even important.
moomanchu, I did not say it never happens, but it is more likely not for that reason. Maybe not, I know jws that reputations were ruined by gossip, business, said to have committed horrendous acts, so took their own lives. I should have said slander, this is not some gossip like whether a sister should be pioneering. The people killed have families and sharing such guesses, is very harmful, even here to those unknown readers or jws coming here. There is a reason why gossiping is said to be like stabbing someone in the back. I am still embarrassed to see these unsupported guesses are not informative. When there is more information from sources with the contacts to know, like law enforcement investigating, then share that.
Why Did God Create Us?
by Sea Breeze injesus is the creator god, but why did he create us?
what say you?.
St. Augustine The solution to this problem, suggested St. Augustine, was to see how those fallen angels could be, and would be, replaced by humans: https://www.patheos.com/blogs/henrykarlson/2016/04/replacing-fallen-angels-overturning-the-evil-powers-part-1/
Anne Catherine Emmerich (1774-1824): “Man was created to fill the choirs of the fallen angels. Were it not for the Fall of Adam, the human race would have increased only till the number of the fallen angels was reached, and then the world would have come to an end” (Life of Jesus Christ and Biblical Revelations, Vol. 1, p. 17).