Reddit thread - ‘Organization Finally Suggesting to Plan for Retirement’

by LongHairGal 109 Replies latest jw friends

  • LongHairGal

    This information is supposed to be in the upcoming March WT. (I don’t go on JW dot org). It would sound like they are hinting at a change in thinking.. In my opinion, any such change would be yet another slap in the face to faithful PIMIs along with those other recent changes.

    There are so many heartfelt responses on that thread and a lot of justified anger.. Don’t know what to say except that I’m so Glad I never listened to the religion all those years ago. What is there to say except this information is too late for the multitudes of JWs (both in and out) who swallowed the ‘no career’ mantra hook line and sinker and criticized people like me who paid no attention.

    I’m just sorry for all the many thousands (maybe millions) of ex-Witnesses all over who reached retirement age totally unprepared and are struggling now! 👎

  • liam

    The Generation that saw and understood what 1914 meant, will not grow old and die

    The Generation that saw and understood what 1914 meant, HAS ALL DIED

    The overlapping generation was introduced

    No more counting Hours

    You can wait till the last minute of the Great Tribulation and Repent and be saved

    You should start planning for retirement

    WHAT MORE DO THE PIMIs need to get what they are being told?


  • liam


  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Wha,,wha what?.

    The Borg giving practical advice on saving for retirement???

    Pinch me. I must be dreaming.

  • blondie

    I can have seen that the WTS has discouraged planning for retirement in the years before a date they have set for the end. The end is near, why save for retirement when we are on the threshold of the new system. So jws who wanted to be seen as "righteous" in the eyes of the organization did not plan, 1914, 1925, 1975...but now was it has been 110 years since 1914 and the end is not near and perhaps jws are becoming disillusioned reaching retirement age with nothing to live on...time to the dress code and hiding the practice of disfellowshipping changing "disfellowshipping" to other words which really mean the same thing. When Ray Franz was asked to leave Bethel (he was neither df'd or da'd at that time) he did not have enough work credits to qualify for Social Security in the US. So he had to go to work using the hours to get credit. So even social security is not automatic, one has to get a minimum # of credits first. So I wonder how many jws regret not qualifying even for that especially as the boomer generation is growing and in retirement or approaching retirement in the US. Does the WTS want a repeat of 1975 when many jws had quit jobs, school, sold their homes and property to preach full-time because it was only 9 years away, or 8 etc. The WTS also used to tell jws not to invest in the stock and bond market comparing it to gambling. But for a long time the WTS has been investing their money in stocks and bonds. Just some thoughts.

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo
    Our trust in Jehovah’s hand could also be tested as we consider what our situation might be like when we grow older. The Bible encourages us to work hard so that we can care for our future material needs. (Prov. 6:6-11) It is reasonable, as our means allow, to set something aside for the future. Money does provide a measure of protection. (Eccl. 7:12) However, we should avoid making the quest for material things the focus of our life.
    5 In some cultures, couples primarily have a family so that the children can provide financial support to the parents when they grow old. In a sense, these couples view their children as a “retirement plan.” The Bible says that parents should care for the needs of their children. (2 Cor. 12:14) Of course, parents may need to receive some practical help as they grow old, and many children are happy to arrange for that. (1 Tim. 5:4) But Christian parents recognize that their greatest joy comes, not from raising children with a view to getting financial support from them, but from helping their children to become servants of Jehovah.​—3 John 4.
  • Phizzy

    I am so pleased that I took no notice of the 1975 hype, it was all supposed to be over by October '75.

    In August '75 I started my private pension, if I didn't have that, my standard of living would be very low, on just the paltry State Pension we get in the U.K.

    Of course i ignored any End Times crap over the years until I walked away for good, putting more in to my private pension as I could afford to do so.

    The J.W Org. has a lot to answer for !

  • TonusOH

    They should have done this long ago. In the build up to 1975, they praised JWs who sold property and left jobs to dedicate all of their time to preaching "in the remaining months" before the end. They warned young people that they would "never grow old" before the end. Reminding them to prepare for old age and retirement would have run counter to the message.

    Then, when 1975 passed without incident, they tried to ignore it and then blamed JWs for getting too worked up over nothing. They finally made a half-hearted admission of their part in it, but only when publisher growth went negative. With the chance to remind JWs to prepare for old age and retirement, they instead leaned into "the generation" for another 20 years.

    And it's taken a further 20+ years after that for them to finally decide it's a good idea to encourage JWs to prepare for old age and retirement. Too late for all of the JWs who were convinced the end was going to come before they got old. Can't collect money from them now, I guess.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Whatever comes from the platform,, magazines ,,, broadcasting or whatever,,,whatever comes out is not about benefitting you. No,,, its about benefitting them,, not you.

    Tthats why you'll never hear any apology.

  • liam

    So one of my Uncles called me because I pointed out to my parents that the WT is now talking about retirement. My uncle is an elder and he called the CO to confirm if the WT is saying the end is not going to come for a long time so we should start planning for retirement.

    The CO said that was not the intention of the article. The article makes it very plain that the END IS STILL VERY CLOSE............([probably in the next year or two, for sure during Trump's presidency...His words not mine)

    I don't think the Watchtower is telling everyone that the end is not coming because in the same article they stress the end is close.

    For example in paragraph 10 it says this;

    As the present system of things draws closer to its end, we can expect economic conditions to worsen. Political turmoil, armed conflicts, natural disasters, or new pandemics might lead to unexpected expenses or to the loss of our job, our possessions, or our home. We may have to find new work in our current location or consider moving our family to another area in order to provide for them. What can help us to make decisions that show our trust in Jehovah’s hand?

    In paragraph 17 is says this;

    Jehovah’s loyal servants can count on his ability and his desire to satisfy their material needs. As we approach the end of this system of things, we can expect our confidence in Jehovah to be tested. No matter what happens, though, let us be determined to trust that Jehovah will use his power to provide for us materially. We can be certain that his mighty hand and his outstretched arm will never be too short to reach us.

    The article is just comparing the lack of faith among Israel when they left Egypt and complained about their situation and didn't trust in Jehovah. They stressed how Jehovah provided quail and manna so don't worry about the future. They have a picture of a bunch of quail being provided by Jehovah. (it sucks being a quail)

    The article before this one shows that the Watchtower is not encouraging the members to focus on retirement but on pioneering because the end is near. for example in the previous study in paragraph 7,8 it give this example;

    Note how Javier, a a brother in South America, saw the need to walk by faith. He says: “I had applied for a prestigious job that would double my salary and provide considerable personal satisfaction.” However, Javier had the deep desire to pioneer. He continues: “I was recommended for an interview with the national manager. Before the interview, I prayed for help, convinced that Jehovah knew what was best for me. I wanted to progress professionally, but I did not want this job if it would not help me reach my spiritual goals.”

    8 Javier relates: “During the interview, the manager told me that I would regularly have to work overtime. I kindly pointed out that I couldn’t do that because of my ministry.” Yes, Javier rejected the offer. Two weeks later, he started pioneering. And later that year, he found a part-time job. He says: “Jehovah heard my prayers and provided a job that fit my pioneer schedule. I am truly happy to have work that allows me to dedicate more time to serve Jehovah and my brothers.”

    So they are still encouraging PART TIME JOBS instead of a regular full time job with benefits like retirement.

    The have a bunch of other examples, you know, ....KEVIN, ROSA, etc., but not Andre.

    Rosa wants to marry a non-jw but decided that Special Pioneering was a better option,so that's what she did.

    So no, the Watchtower is not encouraging the members to seek retirement because the Last Days are far away.

    Like the CO said; "The end will come during TRUMP'S PRESIDENCY"

    I think the writer that mentioned retirement made a BIG BO-BO. Because they are still hunkering down on pioneering because the END IS CLOSE!

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