When Russell was a Seven Day Adventist they liked the year 1913. So, inorder to be different, he picked 1914. They thought there was a zero year and he didn't or visa versa.
Anyway you look at it... they both were wrong.
i was in the "truth" for 5 or 6 years...i asked many pioneers,elders, other brothers and sisters...all of them really confused...one elder told me it had sumthing to do with one of daniel's prophecy's??.
can someone explain to me fully about the "1914" situation??
When Russell was a Seven Day Adventist they liked the year 1913. So, inorder to be different, he picked 1914. They thought there was a zero year and he didn't or visa versa.
Anyway you look at it... they both were wrong.
evil lives
monday, april 11, 2005
-if ever in your mind you wonder as to whether the leadership at watchtower has some level of sincerity, or perhaps as you move deeper into your pursuit of the real truth, you find yourself having doubts that you are doing the right thing in "doubting" the watchtower ?then read on.
they say Jesus name every so often but they take away his power and insert their own.
whom do you see at this place of worship?
christian identity or their identity as jehovah?s witnesses?.
faith and confidence in?his organization?in jehovah and his promises which can only be explained by the wts.
He welcomes honest questions asked with the right motive.
And what it the right motive? Who decides if you have the "right motive"?
I find this so far from what I was taught in the 50's and 60's. We were not Christians back then and God did not help individuals, but the organization. And now, just pray and Jehovah will help you. Wow, that is news to me. He must have changed... And here I thought Jesus said He is the same yesterday and tomorrow... OOPS must have read that wrong.
This article is so much double speak it makes my hair hurt.
Thanks Blondie for bringing it to us and for all your hard work week after week. It helps me keep up with the garbage they are filling my Mother's head full of and prepare for her letters.
a challenge for any who wish to use their youngs or strongs analytical concordances, and just listen to the bible as to the creator's personage.. names @ titles of: the father the son the holy spirit.
descriptive name given yhwh jesus no name, pneuma/ruahh/ wind.
king of kings yes yes no.
Just two questions...
How can Jehovah be the first and the last and Jesus be the first and the last?
Does that mean you worship two gods? (since Jesus is a god too)
i've noticed on this forum that a fair few ex-jw's still refer to the members of the non-christain cult known as the jehovah's witneses as christians.
im aware that current members may wrongly believe they are in fact christians because the organisation leads them to believe they are serving god.
but for ex-members who are awake to the false teachings of this non-christain organisation, i thought they may be more prudent in their choice of words, and not refer to them as christians.
Back in the "old days" when I was a JW we did not think of ourselves as Christian. In fact, they made a point of saying we were not Christians and part of Christiandom. I left in the late 60's. Sometime later, maybe after Jesus grew a beard, they started calling themselves Christians.
Do they follow Christ? No, in their eyes He is just a god with a little g. They allege they follow Jehovah.
why is it that a jw is considered "spiritually sick" by the elders and the members of the congregation, if he suddenly decides to stop going to meetings and doesn't see eye to eye with the organization anymore?.
i see people who belong to other faiths, and are very active and seem spiritually healthy, even though they don't believe in what jw's teach.. .
i've been told by elders, that i was "spiritually sick".
No, you are not "spiritually sick" because you stop attending JW meetings. The only place you can be spiritually strong is outside the meetings by allowing the Holy Spirit to direct you in Bible study.
my husband and i started adoption proceedings over a year ago so he could adopt my 2 sons from my first marriage.
well today we finally had the court hearing and guess what.................the adoption went through!
my hubby is now the boy's father!
That's GREAT!!!!!!
WOW... great to hear from all of you. I came to Memphis in 1957 to serve where the need was great. I graduated from South Side High School in 1960 and then (like a good dub) pioneered. Back then we had to put in 100 hours... not the wimpy 70 they do now. But, we didn't have pioneer school... whatever that is. I faded in 1963 when they changed the "which world did Jesus die for" belief...
Again, great hearing from all of you....
I attended the Whitehaven Cong.
i remember mine did, way back in the early- to mid-80's.
it was always funny to all of a sudden hear a trucker hollering out the f-word in the middle of the service meeting!
man, if could only imagine the deer-in-the-headlights look of panic in the eyes of the elders.
Oh how I had to laugh when I read the title of this post. Yes, way back in the olden days... but we never had a hall large enough for mics used for the audience...