(sorry about post above) afin sorry if I have offended you with "gutter" talk. Also, that topic was about if my dad could find out about me being on this JW-discussion board site, not about porn. And no, my dad yelling at me is not the biggest problem I have had to face in my life. My dad is not evil. He lost his temper, and it wasnt the first time. And why would I be ready to disown my family just because of some advice i have gotten here. I came here for help to deal with this problem the best way possibly, and I already knew before that "this way" would not be to act like an asshole (gutter talk again sorry) to my family. Its nice to get some support here, but I wouldnt do something irrationally just because of that - get real. afin now when you are a jw, maybe I can get some other answers from you then from the ones who are not? WHY should i get out of here? Can you give me some arguments for why JWs are right? I would appreciate it since I want to view things from both sides. Filip PS: no need to read those scriptures, i've read em a dozen times.
Posts by filip
Urgent! Need help - I told my parents.
by filip inwe have just gotten home from sunday-meeting, when my mom ask me if i believe in god and so on.
so i tell her, cause you adviced me to be honest.
and despite all my fears, she took it very calm, and then told my dad whos also taking it calm, and it doesnt seem like theyre hating me now or want to throw me out of the house.. the thing is.
Urgent! Need help - I told my parents.
by filip inwe have just gotten home from sunday-meeting, when my mom ask me if i believe in god and so on.
so i tell her, cause you adviced me to be honest.
and despite all my fears, she took it very calm, and then told my dad whos also taking it calm, and it doesnt seem like theyre hating me now or want to throw me out of the house.. the thing is.
afin sorry if I have offended you with "gutter" talk. Also, that topic was about if my dad could find out about me being on this JW-discussion board site, not about porn. And no, my dad yelling at me is not the biggest problem I have had to face in my life. My dad is not evil. He lost his temper, and it wasnt the first time. And why would I be ready to disown my family just because of some advice i have gotten here. I came here for help to deal with this problem the best way possibly, and I already knew before that "this way" would not be to act like an asshole (gutter talk again sorry) to my family. Its nice to get some support here, but I wouldnt do something irrationally just because of that - get real. afin now when you are a jw, maybe I can get some other answers from you then from the ones who are not? WHY should i get out of here? Can you give me some arguments for why JWs are right? I would appreciate it since I want to view things from both sides. Filip PS: no need to read those scriptures, i've read em a dozen times.
Urgent! Need help - I told my parents.
by filip inwe have just gotten home from sunday-meeting, when my mom ask me if i believe in god and so on.
so i tell her, cause you adviced me to be honest.
and despite all my fears, she took it very calm, and then told my dad whos also taking it calm, and it doesnt seem like theyre hating me now or want to throw me out of the house.. the thing is.
all right, a few things first:
what is a PM?
Morty: I dont really know exactly why it feels so good to skateboard. I think that its because, skateboarding lets you conentrate on the trick youre trying to make, so you forget all other problems except the one about landing the trick... maybe.
I think I see a little war going on in here. I dont want you to get personal at each other, cause I think its good that you give such different views on the subject. That makes it easier for me to "see" whats right and wrong.
I think all of you have great arguments, also AFIN. And to you: Do you really think my language have changed? from what? Was I talking like a wuss before or what? I dont think my language have changed, but I do think I have become more custom to this site and therefore can speak more freely and relaxed.
I dont think either, that Im too young to this site... yes, I am aware of that I get easily affected, but thats why its good you all have different thoughts and advice.
AFIN: you think the reason why I participate on this forum, is because it makes me feel good? Youre right, it does makes me feel good. Of course its nice to hear people say your smart, have courage etc. Whou wouldnt think that was nice? My thoughts are confirmed, by people who are or have been in the same situation or something simliar to what Im in.
No rules? well, thats one of the things that I dont like about the WT. All those rules, and all that time you waste at meeting and field service. But Im not going to disobey my parents completely, and say to go f*ck themselves... if I think they are unfair I'll let them now.
Btw AFIN: I just wondered, are you a JW or not?
Urgent! Need help - I told my parents.
by filip inwe have just gotten home from sunday-meeting, when my mom ask me if i believe in god and so on.
so i tell her, cause you adviced me to be honest.
and despite all my fears, she took it very calm, and then told my dad whos also taking it calm, and it doesnt seem like theyre hating me now or want to throw me out of the house.. the thing is.
14011 Yes, I do skateboard, and I love it! It also lets me deal with these hard times I have at home. Its like, whenever I just hit the road with my skateboard I feel free. I dont care about the meaning of life, if JWs are right or wrong, or my f*cked up relationship with my dad. Did you ever skate some street-skating? Or did you only rode the ramp? I like the street-skating, jumping down some stairs or hitting a rail... uhhh, is it only me that likes the feeling of rolling down a rail and crush your balls on it? hmmm I love that... lol
Urgent! Need help - I told my parents.
by filip inwe have just gotten home from sunday-meeting, when my mom ask me if i believe in god and so on.
so i tell her, cause you adviced me to be honest.
and despite all my fears, she took it very calm, and then told my dad whos also taking it calm, and it doesnt seem like theyre hating me now or want to throw me out of the house.. the thing is.
oh... im sorry i havent been viewing all the new replies... I thought that the post was dead.
But thanks for all the replies. Heres four pages of advice here, so I cant really remember all of it... but in a lot of the posts, you desribe things and Im thinking that its exactly how I feel, I just couldtn describe it.
All right, it seems many of you arent agreeing, whether or not Im being mentally abused. Well, for a long time of my childhood, I think that I WAS abused by my father. I understand he never meant anything bad with his actions, that was just the way he was raised by his psyco-dad.
For many years Ive was afrasid of him. When I was younger he used to beat me when I was behaving bad. One time I was over playing with one of the neighbors, not knowing they were celebrating birthday. When I came back my brother told me that I was going to be in trouble, so I hid in some bushes in out garden the whole afternoon. Only to get my punishment when I got out. Or when were at the meetings, he would to take me out to the bathroom to beat if I was too noisy.
He has never been a friend or father to me. He never had time. He was always working or doing something for the WT. Hes a lawyer, so the WT uses him to defend their cases too. (He has among others won some cases about child abuse.)
The only time he had time for us ( I have a big brother, big sister and a little brother. My big brother and sister has left home? still in the troof), it was to discipline us, give orders and beat us if we were behaving bad.
Its only for the past 2 years that my father have changed into the better, after my mom nearly had left him with a bangin divorce.
So NOW he wants to spend time with me, be my friend, and be kind to me? but theres just something in me that can never love him? and he can feel that, so that sometimes leads to conflict where occasionally he goes back to his old him and loses his temper.
Remember asking to be a part of the Theocratic Ministry School?
by Kimmee inand giving your first talk?
i found my first talk i gave.
i was so corny and nervous and get graded for your efforts and the rehearsing for sisters with other sisters.
I dont know how many of you know it, but for not so long ago they renewed the Theocratic school system. Brothers no longer get assigned a topic were they both have to read a piece from the bible, AND analyse and make a talk about it. Now you only get to read a piece from the bible, OR only make a talk about some topic they use. I dont mind getting the ones were you only have to read from the bible... I mean, with those you can just quickly read them through a few minutes before youre going on stage and then read it perfect. Whenever they assign a talk where I have to make everything myself over a given topic, I just turn it back and refuse. The first time I did so, I think it was the first time for the ministry teacher or whatever hes called that he had ever got an assignment back just for the reason: "I dont bother making it." lol
What is your favorite sandwich?
by Jez in.
ok, mine is either:.
peanut butter and mayo or cheez whiz and mayo
to tell the truth, Id pick a buritto instead
The president of cong. has invited me to dinner and a little "talk"
by filip in.
the president of our congregation has invited me and a couple of other young people from the cong.
to dinner on friday and then to watch the new "youth: how to make good friends" video, and then have a little "talk" about it.. though, im fearing that "talk" is going to be a little bit more serious than just a relaxed night out.. should i go?
The president of our congregation has invited me and a couple of other young people from the cong. to dinner on friday and then to watch the new "Youth: how to make good friends" video, and then have a little "talk" about it.
Though, Im fearing that "talk" is going to be a little bit more serious than just a relaxed night out.
Should I go?
Who was told that the New order would be here before......................
by avishai inthey finished high school?
etc and what year were you told?.
I was told at 9/11 that NOW the end was here. Also not long afterwards, somebody important politician said what had been prophecied (I dont know the english way say it but direct translated from danish): "And the nations will say: Peace and safety..." or something, and now the prophecie was fulfilled and all religion would be forbidden. I was told that the big A would come in less than 5 years.
Let me see, that was 3 years ago, that leaves a maximum of 2 years...
Urgent! Need help - I told my parents.
by filip inwe have just gotten home from sunday-meeting, when my mom ask me if i believe in god and so on.
so i tell her, cause you adviced me to be honest.
and despite all my fears, she took it very calm, and then told my dad whos also taking it calm, and it doesnt seem like theyre hating me now or want to throw me out of the house.. the thing is.
forget everything I said about my parents taking it calm - this morning my dad got into "military-mode" again and ordered me to say my morning-prayer with him, next he said that he would come in with me everynight I was going to sleep, and then we should say a prayer together. Then he ordered me to study with him.
Then, when I didnt say "thank you for dinner,sir" loud enough he lost all manners and were yelling at me completely uncontrolled. It all ended with him saying: "well then, go find yourself another home!"