The chief of our police department was arrested for smoking marijuana in his office at the police station, the marijuana was taken from the evidence locker!
JoinedPosts by chrissee
tell the board some embarrassing secret from where you live
by ninja inladies and gentlemen....i give you.....the krankies
Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss?
by chrissee inhas anyone ever tried it and with what result?
i'm going to a class at the end of march and i am a little bit wary.
i mean as witnesses we are told not to get hypnotized because that will let in the demons.
I forgot to post last weeks Hypnotherapy class - It was okay - I don't think it helped alot but it was fun - I think the class was too big - I could probably be hypnotized in a smaller group - but there was about 30 women there - and the hypnotherapist kept telling us that you can't get stuck in hypnosis and that you'll be very relaxed, like right before you fall asleep at night, but you won't fall asleep. Well - one lady did - she was snoring so loud I really couldn't concentrate on the hypnotist. Then the seats were uncomfortable, so that didn't help either.
Good thing the class was only $30 for 3 classes - The second class was last night and the lady was asleep again - I heard her snoring - but I think the lady next to her woke her up - I couldn't really relax enough to get fully into the hypnosis - I was too busy thinking about all the things I needed to do at work. I go with my boss and I think we just go to laugh and have some fun outside of work time. We had the giggles before the hypnotist started because he had on a brand new pair of khaki pants - and we knew they were new because the long sticker that had the size on it was still stuck to the pant leg!
His "suggestions" were eat more fruits, vegetables and cool, clear water. Eat 1/2 of your regular portions at meal times and when you are thinking of a snack, we are to take a deep breath and say in our heads - "I don't need to eat" then we drink some cool, clear water and instantly feel full.
Oh, well, it may work if I'd listen to myself more often.
I'll let ya'll know how the last one goes.
Back Surgery
by AuntieJane inhi guys, i'm asking for your support as i face a frightful event...back surgery.
excrutiating pain for about 6 weeks due to the l2-3 herniation.
i have had problems only since.
My husband suffered from herniated L4 & L5 (I believe those were the ones) - he did 3 cortizone injections with no relief - he suffered through several months of the pain before he finally broke down and went to a doctor about it - they did the MRI before the 3 injections and said to do the shots first and physical therapy, if there was no relief then surgery. He had surgery August of last year and when they went in they said the discs were no longer herniated ?? they told him that he had scar tissue built up on the spine, most likely from the injections and the discs healing... but he was still in pain and still in pain to this day. I told him to go back to the doctor, but he thinks there all quacks since they didn't do anything for him the 1st time.
But then his Uncle had the same kind of surgery about 7 years ago and he is fine. So I'm 50/50 on it - I think they should have done surgery on my husband before 3 or 4 months of shots - I think he would have had better results.
My husband is the type of guy that will push himself til he bleeds - he works hard at his job and at home - sometimes I think he'll end up in the hospital one day confined to a bed - then he'll be miserable! - P.S. he's only 36
Shhh...the witnesses are at the door!
by chrissee in2 witnesses from the kh stopped by today.
i did the hide and not answer the door!
i know, i'm a big chicken!
Thanks exwitless & sunspot - I kind of thought MAD was a little harsh with his words -
And your right too - It's my house! I don't have to open the door if I don't want to!
It was kind of ironic because I looked in the mirror that very morning and said to myself - I don't have to do my hair, I'm not getting any company today! and wha-la! company!
Shhh...the witnesses are at the door!
by chrissee in2 witnesses from the kh stopped by today.
i did the hide and not answer the door!
i know, i'm a big chicken!
there are probably OTHER motives for you posting something so vain...
And what do you mean by this??
Shhh...the witnesses are at the door!
by chrissee in2 witnesses from the kh stopped by today.
i did the hide and not answer the door!
i know, i'm a big chicken!
Mad - Your active - you wouldn't understand -
Shhh...the witnesses are at the door!
by chrissee in2 witnesses from the kh stopped by today.
i did the hide and not answer the door!
i know, i'm a big chicken!
2 witnesses from the KH stopped by today. I did the hide and not answer the door! I know, I'm a big chicken! It's been 5 or 6 years since any have been at my house!
I think it's because of the Memorial and the fact that my parents are in the area visiting from Florida, other wise I would not get a visit or phone call from anyone.
Something that ticked me off is that my husband was sleeping - he works 12 hour night shifts and he was sleeping - they woke him up when they rang the doorbell!! My mother knows that he is working this weekend and I sure as hell know that she knew about this - if she didn't I'm sure my dad knew! HOW IGNORANT!!!
As I said before I did the hide and not answer - They had to know I was here, both of our cars were parked out front. The dog was barking too - but I hid in the living room and when he started to quiet down I snapped my fingers so that he would come into the room. Good thing I didn't see them peeking into the front windows - I'd be caught!! It just makes me crazy!! No contact for the last 5 or 6 years and when my parents are around they start bugging me!!
If they had pressed the doorbell a second time - I think I would have gone to the door and told them something snotty!! I certainly wouldn't have asked them in - more like "I'm really busy and have no time for you!!"
Has anyone else done the hide & not answer?? Anyone answer after years of no contact?? And what happened?!
I will keep you all informed on whether my parents were in on this!
I'm thinking they were because my daughter just had her 14th birthday party and yesterday was her official B-day! and we kept mentioning it when we visited my parents.
Ever been sick for years then got better?
by avishai ini've had seizures for the last three or for years and they're finally starting to get under control.
the deal is, now what do i do?
i'm not 100%, mind you, but quite a bit, it's just kinda weird..
Yes - I have rheumatoid arthritis - I was on meds for about 6 or 7 years. Pain was so bad I would sit and just cry. Then about 5 years ago I was getting so sick from meds that I had to stop taking them and have not had to take any arthritis meds since!! Sometimes I get achy, but it's nothing like the early years - nothing at all like it!!
Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss?
by chrissee inhas anyone ever tried it and with what result?
i'm going to a class at the end of march and i am a little bit wary.
i mean as witnesses we are told not to get hypnotized because that will let in the demons.
I will certainly post when the classes begin - end of March -
Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss?
by chrissee inhas anyone ever tried it and with what result?
i'm going to a class at the end of march and i am a little bit wary.
i mean as witnesses we are told not to get hypnotized because that will let in the demons.
Thanks - I will look into that as well.