Honesty, Scholar is an Apostate. No better than the WTS.
JoinedPosts by Alwayshere
On a whim, stopped by the library for books on Jerusalems destruction
by ithinkisee inso i was driving by the library on my way home today and remembered i do have a library card and decided to go in and do my own research on 607 bce.
i figured i might find a book or two in our little old library.
i did a search on the library's computers for "jerusalem history" and got a handful of books ... i wrote down the dewey decimal number (or whatever it is) of one of them (they are all in the same general section) and headed to the reference wing of the library.
generation shift - 1995 or 1984?
by sonofapreacherman ini first came to know about the 1995 shift in the definition of a generation from this website, having not stepped foot into a kh, bar the odd funeral, since the early 90s.
i recently had the opportunity to question my mother and aunt about the change in doctrine.
in an apparently innocent way, i asked about the post great war generation dying out and what that meant for the prophecy.
But what did he mean when he spoke of a generation that would not pass away?
Since he was talking to his Disciples when he said "this generation", he meant their generation. The WS says it has a greater fullfillment but Jesus no where, says it does. They have to say it does so they can throw that 1914 in. All of Matthew chapter 24 was fullfilled in the 1st century.They were living in the last days of their generation. No where in the Bible does it say 1914 was the beginning of the last days. But WS can't drop the 1914 so when the end didn't come in 1914, they changed 1914 to "the beginning of the last days". They will always have "new light" because this seems to work with those still trapped in that cult.
Does anyone know a good source(s) that refutes the Daniel book?
by Check_Your_Premises inas some of you know, they are getting ready to go through the daniel book.
i don't want to attack the dumb ideas in the book.
i would just like to be able to ask some troubling questions, so it doesn't all take.. cyp
A good source to refute the Daniel book is the Bible. The Daniel book contridicts the Bible.
Where's the payoff?
by AllAlongTheWatchtower inexcuse me if i'm being cynical, but i've had my own experiences with [b]organized religion, though it was non-jw.
the group i was affiliated with demanded that full fledged members tithe (10% off the top of your income; pre-taxes), and a donation basket was also circulated at nearly every gathering in addition to tithing.
even kids were encouraged to participate; they would give them little envelopes to put loose change into and put in the basket.
AllAlongTheWatchtower, The Watchtower Society is a very rich organization. Every Kingdom Hall that is built the Witnesses are used for free labor. The WS loans them the money for land and material but they have you make a vow to pay so much a month and the WS gets their money back WITH INTEREST.They also own 51% of a company that makes War Weapons and they invest in the stock market. They will disfellowship a person for smoking and yet one of the things they invested in was Philip Morris cigs.You have to pay for the litature and go get donations from door to door.They own land and Kingdom Halls world wide.I think they rank number 34 in NY as owning the most property. They have Witnesses who work and put out all the publications And labor on their farm is done by Witnesses. These can't work outside the organization and are only givin the necessities [toothpaste. and other personal things] [I think they get $14.00 a month]. Yet they call themself a non-profit organization.Have your wife to check their background. They teach lies and say God says things, like "the end of the world would end in 1914, 1918, 1925 1975 and other times. If you can get a copy of an Awake mag. from march 1988- October 1995 and look on the inside cover where it says"The purpose of this mag. It goes on to say the CREATOR PROMISES the end BEFORE the generation that saw events of 1914 passes away. When it didn't happen they said 1918 and it didn't happen so they just keep giving dates to hold the poor people in.They also had to change the so called purpose of the mag. It is a cult and they will take your family and friends away from you if you disagree with them. You can not think for yourself, it is not allowed. They think and you do. Of course when you are only studying and not yet baptized it seems like just a loving organization but once you are baptized you belong to them , not to God Hope you can help your wife to see she does not want anything to do with JWs.
The EU and WTS prophecy
by dorayakii inthe european union does not exist on the american political landscape.
at a time when many foreign-policy experts are looking toward a multipolar world with the eu and china as two of the important poles, when foreign-policy issues are more important in the u.s. presidential election than at any time in recent memory, george w. bush has not even mentioned the eu in any speech given in 2004. not once.
(http://www.iht.com/articles/2004/10/18/news/edslaughter.html) .
Do the events in Daniel really have a fullfillment in our days or is it just the JWs that believe this type antitype interpretation?
greendawn, I personally believe the events in Daniel have no meaning for us. WS gives everything a greater fullfillment or says things represents things that the Bible plainly does not say. an example is Daniel chapter 4 where Daniel is saying the "Tree" represents Neb. and "seven times" is to pass over his kingdom.On page 94 of "Pay attention to Daniel's prophecy" [the book JWs are studing now] They say the tree represents God's sovereignty and page 96-97 they say the seven times is to pass over God's Kingdom. Read chapter 4 of Daniel, Daniel says nothing about God's kingdom. He said it represented Neb. and nothing else.This is the one thing that helped me to see the organization is not what it claims to be.There are so many more lies they have taught and still teaching. I was in that cult too long and waisted the best years of my life.If you disagree with the WS you are labeled an Apostate.You can not agree with the Bible if the Bible and WS conflicks. I can't remember what Watchtower it was but it stated "if you could have either the Bible or a Watchtower, you would be better off with the Watchtower". Come to think of it I believe it was an older publication that I read that.Anyway, if you don't know anything about the WS, there are pleanty of ex-JWs who have been down that road of regret.
shunned from the congeration
by raisedinthetruth ini was just wondering if anyone could give me the proper procdure on throwing someone out of the hall?
i recently found out that a good friend of mine was basicly kicked out of the hall.
she was raised in the truth but then decided not to go to the meetings anymore.
raisedinthetruth, that is exactly how they treat you if you quit going to meetings. You are only their frinds if you keep going in service and meetings. I am not disfellowshipped and it has been about 3 years since i have been to the KH. None of my so called friends have called to see why i quit. My Kids will speak to me but have said they can no longer have a realationship with me. It's hard to believe they think more of that organazation than me.But I have to live with it knowing i raised them in that cult. Have tried to talk and show them things but they say they don't want to discuss anything with me.Just hoping someday they see the light.
Has the Watchtower set the date 2034?
by VM44 inthe year 2034 has been mentioned in some posts here as the new date the watchtower is suggesting for armaggedon.
has the watchtower officially stated this?
has it appeared in any articles?
it was in the watchtower and they kind of hinted in that direction but thats a long ways off and they can deny it like thry did 1914, 1916, 1925, 1975 and all their other dates.
Something the speaker said yesterday that got my wife thinking. Advice?
by PaNiCAtTaCk ini was working yesterday so i wasnt at the meeting but the speaker in his talk made comments about 1914 on several occasions and towards the end of his talk he mentioned that if any new ones in attendence didnt understand the signficance of 1914 or how we know that christ started ruling in 1914 that they were invited to ask any jw in attendence to explain these things to them and they would be happy to.
this really got my wife to thinking because as a 28 year old jw who was raised as a witness and who has always been very active in the ministry she couldnt explain 1914 or any beliefs that we have as witnesses in regards to 1914 other than things havent been the same in the world since this pivotal date.
something as simple as this comment from this speaker can be the first step into seeing the errors in the wt belief system.
their only defense was that I "could" be wrong, though they couldn't say how
Jeffro. that happened to my son. Elders ask him "Is there any way you can be wrong?" He told them to prove him wrong and they disfellowshipped him for Apostasy.
Something the speaker said yesterday that got my wife thinking. Advice?
by PaNiCAtTaCk ini was working yesterday so i wasnt at the meeting but the speaker in his talk made comments about 1914 on several occasions and towards the end of his talk he mentioned that if any new ones in attendence didnt understand the signficance of 1914 or how we know that christ started ruling in 1914 that they were invited to ask any jw in attendence to explain these things to them and they would be happy to.
this really got my wife to thinking because as a 28 year old jw who was raised as a witness and who has always been very active in the ministry she couldnt explain 1914 or any beliefs that we have as witnesses in regards to 1914 other than things havent been the same in the world since this pivotal date.
something as simple as this comment from this speaker can be the first step into seeing the errors in the wt belief system.
OK, try the Daniel book and page 87,Daniel is telling King Nebuchadnezzar 'the tree represents HIM and HIS rulership is to the extremity of the earth.' But in that same paragraph the Society contridicts Daniel and says the tree represents God's sovereignty. The next paragraph, Daniel says 'seven times is to pass over Nebuchadnezzar's rulership.' Now go to page 94 and paragraph 26-28, the Society uses these seven times for God's rulership. No where in Daniel's dream or anywhere else in the Bible does it say 7 times would pass over God's rulership. The Society just throws that out in front of you [like that 607] and you are supposed to believe it. They can not have 1914 without 607. Daniel said the tree represented Nebuchadnezzar and that is all it represented. If you check other post, you will find the Society joined the UN [something they say is satan's world] when it was found out they with drew in 2001.They also own 51 percent of a company called Regi U.S.that produces War Weapons. Also they invest in the stock market and one thing they invested in was philip morris cigs. Yet they will disfellowship a person for smoking. They are a bunch of lying hypocrites and the organization is run by Apostates. Was in that mess too long.
Daniel 4......
by Stromboli inlet's assume that the 70 year prophecy will be confirmed by all archeologists and geremia 29:10 is correctly rendered "at babilonia" so 607-537 is fine.
when we get to daniel 4 we have the dream and the tree is compared to the king nebuchadnezzar.
the wt confirms this and all is fine.
Ok, go to page 87 of the Daniel book. Daniel says the tree represents Nebuchadnezzar and that HIS rulership is to the extremity of the earth. Now the last paragraph is where the Society contridicts Daniel, they say "rulership to the extremity of the earth represents God's sovereignty." This has nothing to do with Daniel's dream but they work it in so they can continue with their lies. In paragraph11 Daniel says the 7 times is to pass over Nebuchadnezzar. Now page 94 the Society again says the tree represents God's sovereignty so they say 7 times passes over God's rulership but no where in Daniel's dream did he say anything about God's rulership. It represented Nebuchadnezzar and thats all it represented. The Society has to throw that in so they can have their 1914 doctrain. I'm no expert but I can see what the Bible says and what it doesn't say. Apostates run that organization. No where in the Bible does it say 7 times is to pass over God's rulership!