Define what the Jehovah's Witness's religion is
The worse cult ever started by man. The most heartless religion on earth. For those who know the truth about the cult, the most hated religion on earth.
this thread is the result of a coversation i had with a devout christian friend..i was trying to define what the jehovah`s witness religion really best definition was:"jehovah`s witness`s are a non-christian,christian cult.
".....from your own experiences and first hand knowledge,define what the jehovah`s witness`s religion is...outlaw
Define what the Jehovah's Witness's religion is
The worse cult ever started by man. The most heartless religion on earth. For those who know the truth about the cult, the most hated religion on earth.
this is for the us crowd, what state do you live in?
or from?----i live in tennessee, but from ohio and kentucky.
texas [central]
my friend (not baptized jw yet, but heading that direction) is having a birthday soon.
i received my last birthday card from her about two years ago.
i miss them too, because i don't have a lot of family left, and most of them don't even know when my birthday is!.
whyizit, If your friend ever gets baptized, she will not be your friend any more. The Watchtower Society will own her and she will have to follow their rules. Their rule is "not to associate with people who are not Jehovah witnesses." She will speak to you but when she sees you are not going to study with them, she will drop you eventually. Sorry but that is how it is.
good very hello,.
i am not a jw but have had the pleasure of reading, studying and associating to a small degree.
i have been reading with interest the societies involvement in the un as ngo.
until I am directed to break one of Jehovah's commandments, I must give my support and prayers to Jehovahs body of believers.
The Watchtower is always saying "the end is near." And Jesus said at Luke 21:8 "Look out that you are not mislead, for many will come on the basis of my name, saying "the due time has approached. Do not go after them." "generation" meant just what Jesus said it meant in Matthew 24:34 "Truly I say to you that THIS generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur." He meant the present generation of his time. All of that chapter was fullfilled before the end came in 70C.E. Watchtower says it has a greater fullfillment but Jesus never said so. Watchtower will also tell you the "Tree" in Daniel 4 represents God's rulership but Daniel said it represents King Neb. [verses 20-25] Verse 24 Daniel says "this is the interpretation and degree of the Most High." So you can believe the Watchtower or God's word. Myself I believe what Jesus said at John 17:17 "your word is truth."
i recently read the spanish edition of the december watchtower on the anti-christ and i am still confused as to what jw's believe the anti-christ is.
i know they believe that the churches of christendom are part of it but the december watchtower did not specifically state so.
also what do jw's believe is the mark of the beast and the 666. i never really got a definite explanation on this even when i was a jw's.
I say that Watchtower is a part of the Anti-Christ
And I say you are right!
when i was a young kid in the 70's and we studied the "nation shall know that i am jehovah" book it really scared me especially the part of gog/magog.
they way the elders would constantly tell us that we did not love jehovah enough and we should do this and do that.
i remember one time the bookstudy conductor told my bookstudy group that "if you all don't want to be part of gog/magog you should pioneer".
booker-t, according to the JWs insight vol. 1 page 981, Gog/Magog are the "Nations in the four corners of the earth' who allow themselfs to be misled by Satan after he is released from the "abyss." I have been out of that cult for about 3 years now.
i recently read the spanish edition of the december watchtower on the anti-christ and i am still confused as to what jw's believe the anti-christ is.
i know they believe that the churches of christendom are part of it but the december watchtower did not specifically state so.
also what do jw's believe is the mark of the beast and the 666. i never really got a definite explanation on this even when i was a jw's.
Booker-T, According to the vol. 1 insight book of the JWs, on page 116 an Anti-Christ is all of the churches, Apostates, and Kingdoms,Nations and organizations. So everyone is an Anti-christ but the JWs. lol. They believe the Beast is the U.N. and if you support the wild beast you accept it's mark "666". And you will die. You only get life if you are one of JWs.
based on the "kingdom" book appendix we know that josephus wrote regarding a 70 years desolation of judea and jerusalem , in his "antiquites jews".
now , i remember i red somewhere that josephus also mentioned 40 (or maybe 50) years desolation in a second statement in his book , probably he get confused .
obviusly the watchtower did not mention the second statement.
Ancientofdays, I heard Josephus done research and found out it was 50 years for the desolation. 537 from 587 = 50 years. Watchtower can no longer agree with Josephus now because this proves Jerusalem was desolated in 587 not 607. Maybe someone can confirm this for us.
i know that this already exists in past threads, but i'd like an answer that fits my situation.
today i had an older witness preach to me and quoting every verse about a new earth and heaven, and meek shall inherit the eart, and the "do you have loved ones that died and you'd like to see again?".
anyway, he said he's coming back with a gift yada yada.. he's really nice and i don't want to offend him, cause he's an old man.
Tras, you might say "I know JWs believe king Nebuchadnezzar's first year to rule was 624 and they believe Jerusalem was laid desolated in 607 but notice what it says here at 2kings:25 verse 8-9." It plainly says "in the 19th year of King Neb. was when Jerusalem was desolated so how do you get 607 when you minus 18 from 624 it is 606." Of course we know from the Bible and History King Neb. first year to rule was 605 and when you minus 18 from 605 =587.
an elder in my hall finally called me after 7 months after me moving out on my own.
he was inquiring about how i was doing and which hall i needed my publishers card sent too.
(of course i did not ansewr and he left a message) up until now, my parents still think i go to meetings (although even my mom has been wondering why my publishers card has not been sent over) i keep stalling insisting i don't know why and that i am regular at meetings and service.
WHAT DO I DO? Just come right out and tell my family I am not attending meetings anymore? Can I be D'F for that or do I have to do something outright bad?
Stillawitness, it may not be the same where you are but I have told my kids and grandkids, also a friend [I thought] who said she would save me a seat if I decided to come back. I told them all I was never coming back and that has been about 3 years. They [not even the elders ] have bothered me since. And my family still speaks to me. Someday they may decide to DF me but it looks good so far.