Jehoiakim and Zedekiah were the last to rule and each ruled 11 years. 609-22=587.
JoinedPosts by Alwayshere
Jeremiah and the 70 years. Jewish exile or Babylonian rule?
by digderidoo ini have never until a few days ago been able to reconcile the 70 year prophecy with the 587/6 bce date for jerusalems destruction.
although a post was about this in a previous thread by a@g , i would like to explore this more.. when the 70 years are applied to babylonian rule, rather than the jewish exile everything seems to make sense.. to ellaborate for those who haven't come across it, this is how 587/6 does match the 70 year prophecy.. i hope a@g doesn't mind but i have cut and paste his post:-.
the 587 date does match the bible.... (jeremiah 25:11) 11 and all this land must become a devastated place, an object of astonishment, and these nations will have to serve the king of babylon seventy years.".
Jeremiah and the 70 years. Jewish exile or Babylonian rule?
by digderidoo ini have never until a few days ago been able to reconcile the 70 year prophecy with the 587/6 bce date for jerusalems destruction.
although a post was about this in a previous thread by a@g , i would like to explore this more.. when the 70 years are applied to babylonian rule, rather than the jewish exile everything seems to make sense.. to ellaborate for those who haven't come across it, this is how 587/6 does match the 70 year prophecy.. i hope a@g doesn't mind but i have cut and paste his post:-.
the 587 date does match the bible.... (jeremiah 25:11) 11 and all this land must become a devastated place, an object of astonishment, and these nations will have to serve the king of babylon seventy years.".
Your research is right. I also done the same and came up with the same year 587. Zechariah 7 verse1 and 5 proves this. 518 was King Darius's fourth year so if you count 518 as 1 year for the fasting and add 69 more years, you will get 587. Even at the top of the WTS's bible, at chapter 7, it says 70 years. The Bible and History agree. WTS does not agree with anyone but their self.
The CO asked for more contributions
by outofthebox init looks like the wt is running out of money fast.
few weeks ago we had the co visit and he told us in the ms and elders meeting that he had never seen a letter from the gb like this one, but then he went ahead and read it.
the letter basically said: "the contributions are down and there is more people in the congregation.
Isaiah 56 verse 11.
What are they afraid of ???
by TooBad TooSad inall jw's will openly confess that they have the "truth.
" the word truth means.
reality, actual existence, correctness, that which is true.
They are afraid of the "Truth". The truth is THEY ARE A CULT.
Matt. 25:31-46
by GetOverIt ini came upon this scripture after writing down a dream i had about separating the sheep from the goats.
as i read further into the scripture, jesus talks about the clothing, feeding, thirsting, sickness, etc.
of individuals and those on the right met those needs for him (those in that situation).
GetOverIt, I know of only one time [could be more] where they applied Matt.25, 31-46. The Book "Pay attention to Daniel's Prophecy" on page 288 it says" would be wise for the "great crowd" to associate with these holy ones....Jesus Christ recommended that sheeplike people do exactly that-associate with his anointed spritual brothers by supporting them in their work." Then it gives the scripture, Matt.25, 31-46. Nothing is said about the preaching work in that scripture. The WTS is guilty of adding to God's word. Deut. 12 verse 32 and Rev.22 verse 19.
July 15 Study Edition
by StAnn ini just read the first article in the july 15 study edition, entitled "the house-to-house ministry--why important now?
" i thought it was insane overall but i noticed that they seem to be reintroducing the "marking work.
" hadn't that belief been eliminated?.
StAnn, The last part of paragraph 11 says"What is the mark?" And goes on to say the Mark is the evidence that such sheep are dedicated, baptized disciples of Jesus Christ..... And the fist part of paragraph 12 says "Soon Jehovah will destroy those who does not have this mark.... My interpretation is, they are saying unless you are baptized, you are not marked for life.
how many insiders?
by agent zero inhi everyone, i'm new here, been viewing the board for a while, decided to join yesterday.. so i'm about 95% convinced now the wts is bogus, but i'm still in coz as yall know leaving is the hardest part.
i plan on doing a fade to avoid the complete disconnection, but first want to gradually help my gf to see things too.
in the meantime, i'm just wondering how many of you are still "active" jdubs?
how many would it be? and how can you tell?
I know of 2 who goes to the same hall as I used to. They said so, thats how I know. But they will not leave.
Mexico angry at the influx of Mexicans into Mexico...
by zeroday in
legislators from mexican state angry at influx of...mexicansposted by kim priestap.
published: january 20, 2008 - 1:39 pmcan you believe the nerve of these people?
If you were an illegal immigrant, you could get one.
How Long Did It Take You to Realize It Wasn't "The Truth"?
by minimus ini see some posters still aren't 100% sure that the jehovah's witness religion might not be "the truth"....was there a moment when things became very clear for you regarding this religion?.
do you still think, maybe----jws aren't all that bad??
Hate to admit it but 33 years. If I had not done a LOT of research to get my son back in, guess I would still be in. It only took me about 3 months to leave then.
Mexico angry at the influx of Mexicans into Mexico...
by zeroday in
legislators from mexican state angry at influx of...mexicansposted by kim priestap.
published: january 20, 2008 - 1:39 pmcan you believe the nerve of these people?
What we do mind is when people blatantly ignore our laws and want us to be nice about it.
There are so many here in texas and they even have the nerve to fly the dam mexican flag here. If they love it that much, wish they would leave. 90% of the time when there is a robbery or rape, you can bet it's a mexican that done it. They have a "card " that lets them buy all their food and clothes and I am pretty sure their gas. If you watch them when they leave the store, they get in a brand new Dodge pick-up or new car. Most are young so you know the government is behind this. You can't blame them for coming over when everything is givin to them free.