NO, THEY DID NOT "luck out" because what they predicted was the "END OF THE WORLD IN 1914" NOT WORLD WAR 1".
JoinedPosts by Alwayshere
Did the WT totally "luck out" with World War I starting in 1914?
by lepermessiah inmy family is still fixated on the 1914 date, simply because world war i started that year.. i told them i will agree it is a significant year in world history, but that the 1914 date as presented by jw's is based on lies and charlatanry.. i said "i think the wt really lucked out with 1914 with wwi starting that year - it keeps most jw's stuck on that date" .
the standard answer is "well, that was the year everything went haywire"...... let the circular reasoning continue .
Using Wikipedia to Quote Sources
by Georgiegirl inrecently, i've seen alot of posts using cut-n-pastes from wikipedia.
.now, i love wikipedia - but - for those of you who may not be aware - wikipedia is not a credible source.
we aren't allowed to use it as a reference for any paper in university, and anyone who wants to be taken seriously as a scholar and researcher would lose all credibility by using wikipedia as a direct reference.. wikipedia is user-created - which means i can create a wiki on any subject i choose (whether i know anything about it or not).
ONE THING WIKIPEDIA HAS RIGHT IS "America was never a member of "The League of Nations." Even Funk&Wagnalls will tell you the same. And any history on Woodrow Wilson will tell you the same. So Watchtower Society lied when they said Britain and America make up the seventh world power which is The "League Of Nations."
Two of mine, yes I did and they are not ok because they are still in. My youngest son and wife and their little girl are out. He helped me out.
This Week's Article - Young People's Baptism
by jgnat inthis is the first study article from the april 15, 2010 watchtower, titled "young people - strengthen your desire to serve jehovah.
" i hit paragraph four and i just had to pause to comment.
i am pretty darn sure this is a softening of the jehovah's witness stance regarding the appropriate age for baptism.
Jesus may have went to the Temple when he was 12 but he was 30 when baptized. This is what I tell my Grandson who is 12 and I tell him to follow in Jesus's footsteps.
Do I believe the 144,000 are anointed? NO.
Do you still believe in the doctrines of the Watchtower
by SAHARA inman, i did it again in messing up my post.
anyway, after reading many exjw responses to questions from posters, i see there is a wide variety of opinions on faith and religion in general such as still believing that there is a god to no belief in god at all.
for those of you who still believe that there is a god, i'd like to know whether or not you still believe in the doctrines of the watchtower, but you just don't believe that it is gods "only true religion"?.
Spelled Anointed wrong.
Do you still believe in the doctrines of the Watchtower
by SAHARA inman, i did it again in messing up my post.
anyway, after reading many exjw responses to questions from posters, i see there is a wide variety of opinions on faith and religion in general such as still believing that there is a god to no belief in god at all.
for those of you who still believe that there is a god, i'd like to know whether or not you still believe in the doctrines of the watchtower, but you just don't believe that it is gods "only true religion"?.
Not at all! Where in the Bible does it say the 144,000 ARE Annoited?
ok I have a question for anyone who can answer me about this......
by queenbella ini divorced my husband for cheating on me that is why i left him.
i came home from visiting family two days early and found him in bed with someone else.
i left him but he blamed me for everything and then when i thought i could go back to the kingdom hall they told me that they called my husband and he said he didnt do anything.
Most-Ignored Scriptures by JWs
by Mad Sweeney inthe watchtower has been known for over 130 years as a great scriptural cherry-picker.
they pick out disparate unrelated verses and combine them to support the wackiest of wacky doctrines.. on the other hand there are many scriptures they almost never address, whether because they contradict wt doctrine or because they simply don't have a clue what they mean or how to spin them to the wt advantage.. one of these is revelation 19:1 that mentions a "great crowd" "in heaven.
" the only time it is ever brought up it is dismissed.
Matthew 16:28 "Truely I say to you that there are some of those standing here that will not taste death at all untill first they see the Son of man coming in his Kingdom." If Jesus came in 1914 as they teach, the people Jesus said this to, died long before 1914.
Was it EX JW literature / WT's or the BIBLE which woke you up? Post scriptures if any....
by EndofMysteries ini considered myself immune to ex jw stuff.
no amount of old watchtowers or anything would change me.
it was seeing treatment of others by elders and the bible itself, which woke me.
JimmyPage, He quit coming to the meetings because he said 1914 was a lie. Well, I was going to prove to him the Society was right. So done LOTS of research and found out it was a lie. The Elders came to talk to me when I tried to tell my Daughter what I found. I told them I refused to believe a lie. Right after that my Son and his Wife were labeled APOSTATES. The Elders never came back again. But another one called and wanted to talk to me but I told him, "I wasn't bothering anyone and I didn't want to be bothered." IT as been about 7 years now and no one has came by. The only reason I didn't want to be DF is because my Daughter has 2 Children and she lets me see and keep them 3-4 hours sometime. The grandson is almost 13 and we are close. I have talking to him and he is listening.