Thanks for the welcome. Sorry for not explaning more about my situation... I meant to write more but with it being late and also my husband coming into the room, I had to quickly end it.
To help you get an idea, my husband is in his mid 30s and his father first got involved about 25-30 years ago... sometime around the 1975 incident because I have heard him talk about that. My husband said he attended Baptist and Catholic churches since he was 6 but he said he didn't like any of them until he dad and family went to the hall. He only went to Sunday meetings and Theocratic Ministry School. And like you all, I was surprised that he had never attended the Memorial before. I had thought for sure he had and dropped my jaw when he told me the other night .
He isn't baptised, and neither is the rest of his family. In fact his dad, step mom, brother and step sister are going to be baptized at this coming District convention. For a long time his dad couldn't be because he worked at a place that made weapons for the military and a couple years ago he was let go from that job.
My husband liked going to the meetings and to this day agrees with a number of things that the WT teaches. But when he was working someplace around in his 20s (I think... not too sure) when he had co-workers who were JWs were behaved in the hall and at work but on the weekends they were getting drunk and swearing and having wild parties. And that made him open his eyes (well, somewhat) and he saw the contradictions in the WT, and he stopped going to the meetings.
He still considers himself a JW though, and as I said earlier, he agrees with some of what they teach. But he either forgot or never really knew some of what they do, like the other night when he said he puzzled as to why his dad wasn't home and I said that he probably was at one of their 5 meetings, and he dropped his jaw... he didn't know about that. And a couple of the teachings that I have talked about from my studies he didn't know about. I don't know if he even had a person study with him.
He doesn't like going to any of the meetings however... the Sunday meetings he calls the "Sunday Social Club"... he says that about every church. I was surprised when he said he wanted to go to the memorial.
Since he wasn't active, I thought that I might be able to go to the church I wanted... either the one I had grown up in or the Unitarian Universalist church. My parents are from different denominations (Catholic and Protestant) and they got along fine (30+ year marriage :)). Since my dad was not acitve, my mom brought us kids up in a Protestant church. And so I thought that'll work for us... ok so I was wrong.
I don't hate the JWs though... I don't fall into that trap that they try and set up against other religions to apply to theirs as well. And like you said myMichelle, that makes me nauseous. I really feel sorry for them. Whenever I read the personal stories in the Awakes or WTs I sigh and pray for them.
And about me studying... not to worry, I have no intention :). With such great resources like Free Minds, the Watchtower Observer, this board and a few other great sites, it keeps my head level. And also the Bible which I always compare with what their NWT says and what the KJV says (For years I had thought there was little difference, but never really paid attention). I never read the Bible so much until I got involved with my husband's family and then the recent studying... mostly to find out what it really says than what the WT interpretations are. I have to show my hubby John 1:1... I think that might make a good start point about their faulty teachings. I'm also a history buff so I have real problems with their claim that Jesus was put on a stake. I never heard anything outside the WT about a stake being used then.
Whew! I hope that clears up most of the confusion about my situation :). If not just ask :).