I plan to maintain better structure in my work.
Financially: Already set up to again max-out my 401k contribution for '05. I did it for '04 (YAY me!!) and will do it again in '05. Imperative to start (and continue) saving for retirement.
Weight management and excercise - Yup. Always. *sigh* Always struggle by Jan 10
I will broaden my social contacts. This year I need to find things I like to do - and DO them
I want to attend an apostafest - if one of y'all will invite me...!!
I will participate in a few backgammon tournaments.
I might consider learning to ride a motorcycle. I will definitely investigate this one.
Probably won't skydive this year, though.
I will continue with therapy - here and with my therapist.
Looking to make '05 a year of true growth. Of coming to terms with my jw past. Owning it and moving on.
Happy New Year to all on JWD!!