Oh ya...and he said it's one more reason the end is almost here...
ok, I'll keep holding my breath.
msnbc online has an article written by arthur caplan, ph.d. it's pretty good actually, page 2 he writes, and yes, we heard from the vatican about its thoughts concerning schiavo.
but where are the christian scientists, the jehovah?s witnesses and the fundamentalist protestants who turn to prayer to express their views on the right to refuse any and all medical care including a feeding tube?
Oh ya...and he said it's one more reason the end is almost here...
ok, I'll keep holding my breath.
when jws preach, they get the most people because of the hope of living forever in a paradise-like earth.. when somebody is looking to leave, what's their first objection?
"jah is going to give you eternal life.
don't you want to live forever?".
Your point has been proven again and again. The WTS and JWs as a whole do not volunteer to actually help other people, they don't donate to humanitarian efforts. Their "volunteer" work consists of helping themselves convert new people and helping their own organization by having free labor. It's all in their OWN interests.
You go door to door and go the Hall because the carrot is being dangled, the idea of getting your own beautiful home, paradise conditions, living forever in what looks to be Tahiti with no sickness. If there was absolutely NO carrot, would they go? I don't think so.
Yes, I do believe there are those that just believe and are truly trying to serve God. However that is not the organization's philosophy.
msnbc online has an article written by arthur caplan, ph.d. it's pretty good actually, page 2 he writes, and yes, we heard from the vatican about its thoughts concerning schiavo.
but where are the christian scientists, the jehovah?s witnesses and the fundamentalist protestants who turn to prayer to express their views on the right to refuse any and all medical care including a feeding tube?
I think he has a valid point though. They go knocking on doors, they want to spread their message, why don't they get up on the press conference stage and use this as a "witness" then everyone can know their wacko stanse on medical issues.
I truly hope everyone lets her rest in peace finally.
I am also glad to hear that the Medical Examiner for the County will be performing an autopsy to actually tell the truth about her condition once and for all, although I still don't believe it will silence the critics.
msnbc online has an article written by arthur caplan, ph.d. it's pretty good actually, page 2 he writes, and yes, we heard from the vatican about its thoughts concerning schiavo.
but where are the christian scientists, the jehovah?s witnesses and the fundamentalist protestants who turn to prayer to express their views on the right to refuse any and all medical care including a feeding tube?
MSNBC online has an article written by Arthur Caplan, Ph.D. It's pretty good actually, page 2 he writes,
And yes, we heard from the Vatican about its thoughts concerning Schiavo. But where are the Christian Scientists, the Jehovah?s Witnesses and the fundamentalist Protestants who turn to prayer to express their views on the right to refuse any and all medical care including a feeding tube? And what are the views of the Lutheran Church, the United Church of Christ, reform Jews, Congregationalists, Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists, Unitarians, Presbyterians, and Episcopalians on the right to refuse treatment including feeding tubes? These groups owe it to us to end their silence and to weigh in with their thinking.
guardian even though he should be removed as terri?s guardian .
29. judge greer has ignored terri?s right under 765.102(5)(a) to .
judge greer has .
A judge is not going to be impeached simply because he made an unpopular decision, especially one that's been repeatedly upheld.
Actually according to every poll I've seen, his decision isn't unpopular. In fact between 60-75% of all Americans agree with his decision.
If you're going to start signing these petitions, you might as well throw our entire court system into the toilet. Go ahead and throw away the US Supreme Court. They didn't throw out his decision.
You know just because George W Bush was elected and I didn't like it, I didn't start a petition a have him impeached.
i finally started reading ray franz book and was reading the part how he ends up with little to no money, buying a trailer in ms. i thought about my own mother, who sacrificed a lot in the name of the "truth" meaning she only worked part time jobs so that she could pioneer, she didn't accumulate money or buy herself a nice house, she continued to believe and still does that armeggedon is around the corner.. some of these people have literally sacrificed their whole lives.
at this point they may or may not come to the realization that armeggedon isn't coming.
whether they are still waiting for it or not, many of them have gotten old and they may not have paid a lot into social security, they may have a very limited income, may live in trailers or whatever.
There are many mistakes to make in life, a young girl can get pregnant from a one night stand when she's 18, a guy can get into drugs and maybe an criminal record, all these sort of choices affect you for the rest of your life.
My thing is, all our choices affect us. I do feel compassion, but I also feel the need for people to accept responsibility for their choices and actions.
in a sense it's heartening to see so many other people in the same boat as i am.. i have many questions though after reading the other threads on this site.. my boyfriend's former girlfriends were catholics like me as well.
his dad is an elder and he hasn't been baptized yet.
we have had sex.
If he's in his late 20's then he is a GROWN UP MAN and he needs to start making some DECISION on his own.
He is not a child, don't treat him like one. He needs to either be honest about who he is and tell you straight what he wants in life or quit stringing you along. He either wants to be a JW or not. He either wants to be with your or not. He either is over the ex-girlfriend or not. These aren't grey areas, it's actually pretty black and white. He might be using the JW thing as an excuse to get away from commitment.
You sound like a great girl, and you deserve to be happy. Don't let this guy take advantage of you or play you.
for those of you who dont already know by now, the sheriff's deputy who told us to stop picketing last thursday works for the very same department that i do.
she works patrol, and i work corrections.
i remember when she used to work in the jail a few years ago, but im not sure if she recognized me.
In my City you have to apply for a City permit to picket. Then they tell you all the legal things you can and can't do. They send a copy to the local police/sheriff and then you are all set. No problems.
It is your right to picket, just follow the legal standard procedures in your local area.
i finally started reading ray franz book and was reading the part how he ends up with little to no money, buying a trailer in ms. i thought about my own mother, who sacrificed a lot in the name of the "truth" meaning she only worked part time jobs so that she could pioneer, she didn't accumulate money or buy herself a nice house, she continued to believe and still does that armeggedon is around the corner.. some of these people have literally sacrificed their whole lives.
at this point they may or may not come to the realization that armeggedon isn't coming.
whether they are still waiting for it or not, many of them have gotten old and they may not have paid a lot into social security, they may have a very limited income, may live in trailers or whatever.
Ok, not sure what happened to my thread, but I still pose the original question.