All I know is thst I will be down the doctors in record time when they call me for the vaccine shot.
All the "experts" say it is safe and it is certainly better than a wheezing death from covid.
right now i would like to see how good the vaccine really is.
i’ve never taken a flu shot and so far, no flu..
All I know is thst I will be down the doctors in record time when they call me for the vaccine shot.
All the "experts" say it is safe and it is certainly better than a wheezing death from covid.
p .
plus another increase in memorial partakes number etc .
Thanks to Slimboy Fat for his excellent resume of the situation in Britain. That is just how I see it.
Actually , given the circumstances I don't think a o.6% decrease is a bad result for them this year. The House To House and street ministry virtually stopped since last spring. Letter writing is done by a zealous few. Long term active dubs , like my family members , are now technically inactive but they still believe and will no doubt start again when the pandemic is over .. So we could see a false increase next year.
so my brother recently became df.
he has full intentions of being reinstated, but it is going to take at least a year.
if the end times occurs while he is df, will he still be allowed in the kingdom of god?.
When I was an elder , the only way I could cope with the responsibility of judgment to disfellowship people was when I reasoned that salvation still lay in the hands of God alone. All that we were doing was denying congregation fellowship with the person.. nothing more.
We always reckoned that when the day came, there would be some big surprises as to who had made it ... (and that was when I was still a Witness)
a vaccine is here!!!
the light at the end of the tunnel is visible!!!
so what happened to armageddon?.
My lot must be more down to earth than some mentioned on here. Armageddon? Covid being a special sign that the end is here? Nah... they just sighed and dealt with it.
They have been delighted not to have to do the ministry and sit in the bedroom and have the meetings. They do not want to have to go back to the Hall.
similar to the bethelites being dismissed topic for march/april 2020 is the article for april 5-11 related to the idea "if you just do what says....then someone is going to slide cash under your door and it will all be good related to your future finances" (link below).. i know current jws that believe this and have pimi family that believe this.
they believe these even though they have endlessly challenging finances even struggling to pay bills.
the reality is that anyone struggling financially as a jw is going to be in a state of poverty just trying to survive.
Article for next April, already....
“Jehovah promised the priests and the Levites that he would care for their basic material needs. We can be confident that Jehovah will support us if we make sacrifices to serve him.”
A picture of envelope on doormat.
That is pure [ expletive deleted] !
You could starve waiting for the ones I know to do that. Also it is unscriptural...”He that does not work neither let him eat”
this year was actually “the beginning of the last days for the watchtower.
before this year, there were very few that questioned the watchtower.
they were truly god’s only channel.
I only dared venture onto the internet after I had lost my faith in the WTS . I can well remember the fearful sessions in the Public Library , looking over my shoulder to make sure nobody from the congregation was about.
The beginning of the end for me was in 1995 when the WT changed the “generation “ doctrine. I could see that they were fixing the belief to fit the passing of time. I didn’t go then, it took 2 or 3 years before my moment of enlightenment.
the watchtower—study edition | july 2020.
6. the first-century disciples built their faith on their knowledge of the scriptures and the teachings of jesus christ, that is, “the truth of the good news.” (gal.
2:5) this truth consists of the whole body of christian teachings, including the facts about jesus’ ransom sacrifice and his resurrection.
July issue , studied last September. ..
I'll go along with the points for them. The later ones belong entirely to the writing committee not Gods word.
i knew a few pretty intelligent elders .
sometimes i would wonder why they remained as elders or even witnesses because they were successful men who made a good living and were highly respected because of their qualities.. that is a rather small group.
most elders that i know of aren’t the brightest bulbs in the sky.
Back in the day, when I was first appointed (prematurely ) to the BOE there were a bunch of elders that were indeed smart. They had intelligence, worldly experience prior to becoming dubs, and management ability to handle the cong. We had a lot of laughs among ourselves, the meetings were often fun too.
As time went by things changed. The Borg became more controlling and the newer elders were born-ins who could simply follow rules. Often tbey lacked gbe ability to think on their feet so meetings became dull since they could only say what they had prepared. Often they lacked confidence, that is why I can well believe tbe experience given by 'Mum' earlier about her elder husband.
So, "Dumb?".....that is a simple stereotype but to say they lack good judgement, self confidence, teaching ability and tact would certainly be true.
this week's midweek meeting has an item on this theme.
as usual there is a video to show:-.
This week's Midweek meeting has an item on this theme. As usual there is a video to show:-
If you don't watch it, there is a familiar story , son grows up, challenges beliefs, leaves home and disassociates. ..This highlights the mother's pain and heartache as she loses her son . But- loyalty to uphold the shunning must come first.
This will cause a few tears to families in this situation. And it does show what I saw time and again when I was in. That disfellowshipping hurts the family that are left in too.
It is easy to say" More fool them for following it" and yes, that is right. But they are victims. . Victims of a controlling organization that they believe speaks for almighty God. Perhaps they really believe that this will bring their loved one back into the fold?
Whatever.... everybody suffers.
[Edit.. Sorry for the typo in the title, should have been Family. Darned auto-correct ]
i was recently present at a witness funeral (by zoom) and the brother did do a nice talk about this sister who passed away.
her and her husband had pioneered for many years, but she succumbed to cancer.. in his closing remarks, of course he talked about the resurrection, and remarked how the husband (still alive) would soon be back together with his wife.. certainly fine thoughts, but imagine if this guy ended up getting remarried?
isn’t that putting a lot of pressure on someone, when it isn’t even mentioned in the bible at all?.
The opening post makes a fair point. Funeral talks try to encourage faithfulness so as to be there to greet the dead one when ressurected. I suppose it would sound crass if he said to the husband...." You can look forward to seeing her again, if you want to, or not if you have found another nice woman that you want to marry"
On the subject of marriage , the WTS used to be adamant that the ressurected would not be available to marry, taking Jesus' words on the subject. In recent years ,however , they decided they could not be sure about that and left the door open to the hope that many have, to re-marry their deceased spouse.