Definitely unofficial and frowned upon by those at the top.. I see it came from DreamWorld. That’s kind of appropriate.
JoinedPosts by BluesBrother
JW's getting creative (or desperate) to preach during the pandemic ....
by EdenOne inso, there's this social game called second life.. there one creates an avatar and can lead a parallel life.
there's a bit of everything, from general environments to adult.
it can be a hub for creative people, it can be a magnet for creeps.
False memorial partakers deserve to die???
by Jofi_Wofo inevery memorial, much emphasis is placed on making sure that only the (self-proclaimed) anointed partake in the emblems.
this year, however, the speaker at my wife's congregation presented it as an even more serious matter.
he likened it to individuals in ancient israel who sought position of the priesthood despite never been appointed by jehovah.
I heard the Memorial talk here in the U K . The Society tells them strictly to stick to the outline . This speaker was definitely going off the book and over the top.
Perhaps we can see why they are putting so much on video ,where they have control.
My son's observation: Mom wants to believe, But really doesn't that's why she can't defend her religion
by goingthruthemotions inmy wife has been off the rails lately.
she is not really a loving mom or wife.
she is upset that me and the boys don't believe the same crap as her.
Truth.b.known said
”I believe one of the points she bring out in her research is that the human mind has evolved to believe things that are not true if they are beneficial to us.”
So True.. I always like the quote from Demosthenes which was something like “ it is extremely easy to convince a man of something he want to believe “
The WTS is at fault here . Rather than teach properly giving a grounding in Scripture and reasoning, they opt for a quick picture of a paradise earth , material luxury which can be yours if you only join us , spread the word and be good. Lovely!
If anyone comes up with awkward questions they are opposers , “not of our sort” agents of the Devil...
At least the old ones had a Bible knowledge and could hold their own, even if the conclusions were wrong.
Jw spokesman Says door to door preaching not coming back!
by nowwhat? in
hope link works.
I am with FF Ghost on this. I dont hear the guy say what the thread said he said.
They will go back , they have to keep the r and f busy . Some will be pleased to others not.... but the work will go on as it has for well over 100 years. " Until the cities crash in ruins" or until there is nobody left to do it.
Zoom Memorial
by gabcol inwell i did it.. i attended the zoom memorial ( in respect for my mum).
it was very strange to say the least.
everyone had bread and wine at their houses.
In the U K we still have it to look forward to......about 90 minutes away. I will sit respectfully, to keep the happy marriage that I have it is worth it.
I am not expecting much.
Just invited to a zoom memorial.
by Overrated inwalked away from the trooth years ago(over 20) my older sister sends me an invite to the memorial via zoom.
i have no interest in jwism at all.
should i ignore or respond?.
You could ignore it... or politely thank them and include a sarcastic comment about the lengths they have to go to in making up service time on their monthly reports. That is what the invite is all about.
Memorial Prep question
by ExCircuitOverseer inso are individual witnesses being told to prepare bread and have wine on hand for the zoom memorial?
are they saying it’s “vital” or is it just a “suggestion?” .
Most of the dubs I know are baking unleavened bread and getting the red wine.I thank my lucky stars that my wife is practical enough to say that since we are not anointed there is no point.
What to do with it afterwards? I guess it is up to the individual. When I conducted a memorial one year I found an article that directed what sort of wine to buy and bread to have. I just bought a bottle of red plonk and a packet of Jewish matzohs.. keep it simple.
After the memorial some friends came around and we had a nice supper with red wine cheese and matzohs.
Belgium: Jehovah's Witnesses in court to respond to incitement to hatred
by yalbmert99 inbelgium: jehovah's witnesses in court to respond to incitement to hatred.
february 16, 2021..
They certainly have a case with the claims of incitement to discriminate and to shun . The article mentions incitement to hatred and violence which has never happened in my experience.
Tne Witnesses still view this as an act of love , bizarrely, tough love to try and bring the individual back to them and therefore on the road to salvation. Often enough it may work in the cases of unmarried sex, or smoking , but it can never work with cases of “ apostasy “ because once your eyes are opened there is no going back.
Rap Music That Debases Should Be “Cancelled “
by minimus ini find it interesting that we live in a cancel culture.
the influencers go after abraham lincoln, uncle ben , aunt jemima, the flag, the national anthem, people they perceive as not following their agenda.
in the midst of all of this, rap music and its dehumanizing culture are off limits to talk about.
I agree with mickbobcat’s dismissal of rap, but Iwould never want to ban something just because I don’t like it...
In many cases the lyrics are offensive, so why does mainstream media play them ?
I love old blues records . In some cases they sing of similar social problems and misbehaviour as modern rap artists do. Were they played on radio at the time? I doubt it.
Any word on if the jws can take the Johnson & Johnson Vaccine?
by mynameislame inlooks like there's some controversy among the catholics because the j&j vaccine may be produced using a cell line derived from an aborted fetus.. have the jws made a statement?.
don't tell me they are going to let themselves be outdone by the catholics..
At the beginning of the vaccine program the WTS made an announcement at meetings that there was no Scriptual objection to the Covid vaccine.
That may have been before the issue you speak of was known. However, my guess is that it would be a “conscience matter” . They are pretty keen to get the flock vaccinated and to see halls open again.