I loved that….. any man who can write about the Blues is a friend of mine.
For all its coarseness and bad ways , The Blues has an honesty and simple humanity that reaches my soul.
Thanks Terry
(poppa was a) guitar manpoppa drank from muddy waters made three sons and then four daughtersmomma owns the things he bought her for a songshe lived like old blind lemonbut his messin’ with wild women done her wrongi found him in new orleans livin’ off one of his darlingsin a jail drunk on rye whisky just becausehe’d broken every law there ever wasi bailed his sorry ass out, took him home and watched him pass outthen he woke up, swore he’d do it all againfriends tell me not to bother, i’ll become just like my fatherin bars on bad guitars like my old manhe’d sing:“there’s no harm in harmony and nothin’ fair about farewell,one of these days i’ll mend my waysor end up down in hell.”_____(i got) one old silver dollar in a suitcase in the parlorpoppa’s porkpie hat and coat are down the hallgonna break a pawn shop window snatch his guitar quick and then gograb a southbound bus to nachadoches townbar chords earn my living, and some women are forgivingwhen i sing the things the lady loves to heargirls with lonely faces sipping beer in lowdown placesguitar man’s the candy for her earnow i sing:“darlin’ i sure love you, my oh my if you piss me off this bird is gonna flyboo-yah - why oh why ohdo i do the thing that makes my baby cry?”______you can live for love or glory but the moral of this storyis that fate determines “what, where, when, and why”some of us are teachers, plumbers, bums, or holy preachersin the end my friend, we’re all a-gonna die_______poppa was a guitar man he sang the blues but had no plannow i’m the acorn from his crooked oak, i play for drunks and sing for mealsor break a window and i stealjust go ahead and laugh but i’m no joke________some cats fall - land on their toes (but that’s just how their story goes)dogs chase cars - run over on the roadi pluck, and slide, and moan and waili got my tiger by its tailall a man can do is bear his load________bar chords earn my living, but some women are forgivingwhen i sing the things the ladies love to hearthose girls with lonely faces sipping beer in lowdown placesthis guitar man is the candy for their ears___________i got one old silver dollar that he left me when he diedmomma cried and called to tell me at the bar.
i told her i was sorry, she said,.
“you know what you are?”i guess i maybe should have, could have lied.
I loved that….. any man who can write about the Blues is a friend of mine.
For all its coarseness and bad ways , The Blues has an honesty and simple humanity that reaches my soul.
Thanks Terry
massive new document written by wt, 837 pages, meant for arguments vs officials and media to defend the disfellowshipping arrangement.
found in the casefile in norway.
meant to be secret.. .
I saw immediately the blatant lie about individuals using their own conscience as to shun.
I wondered how an organisation known as The Truth could do that. But then I remembered being told about “ theocratic strategy “, I.e. that they don’t owe the truth to opposers of their work . If they view the Governments as the agents of Satan then maybe they feel free to be “ economical with the truth” , as a politician once put it .
This old quote says it all . After discussing Rahab hiding the Jewish spies and misleading the soldiers, it says
Wt 1956 Feb 1st
“Remember that there was war then. The enemies did not deserve to learn the truth to the hurt or endangerment of Jehovah’s servants. In wartime it is proper to misdirect the wolfish enemy.“
so my in-laws actually went out to dinner with us today.
normally, since leaving in 2016, they wouldn’t eat with us or talk much to me.
(since i did convince their daughter to leave the cult).
All depends on the individual. The official line is to definitely shun the d/f’d and they have said on occasion that should include ex dubs who are strong non believers.
However, there is no penalty for associating if one is not d/f’ ,so it is a matter of conscience.
from jw org news alert:.
breaking news | resuming public witnessing.
on may 31, 2022, the governing body informed all branch committees that they may now resume all forms of public witnessing with the exception of the door-to-door ministry.
Yes , this is official. The announcement is on JW.org.
The dubs on JW Talk are ecstatic, or say they are!
i may have put this in the wrong thread.
if so, i'm sorry.. my conundrum is this.... i am almost completely certain that an awake back in the 80's/90's mentioned a group of rock bands we shouldn't listen to and i seem to remember them actually naming guns and roses.. i can't find anything now, and i'm wondering if it's the mandela effect, or if it's another case of the cdrom versions of the awakes being doctored again.. does anyone else remember this?
or am i crazy?
Who needs a cover of a rock classic when you could enjoy the real Guns n Roses singing it?
....is the best, in your opinion?.
out of the numerous translations i've had/used, i can honestly state that the 2001 translation is head & shoulders above all the others i've ever consulted, imo.
the publishers even invite suggestions/corrections to be submitted.
Their liberal use of the name Jehovah means that this translation will never be popular, but I find it interesting that a group of translators who claim to be non denominational have come to this conclusion.
I find the text very readable . I don’t feel qualified to comment on its accuracy, but I will turn to it again fo comparison. Thank you for sharing.
in my opinion, having been a jehovah's witness for twenty years as well as being an ex-jw for forty-three years,is that the following talk as given by peter gregerson, emphatically removes any shadow of a doubt aboutwhether the claim for the faithful slave has any merit whatsoever.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytcj6smffbk&t=3145s.
note: (references to the publication the finished mystery are given.
you can read the entire book here:https://www.gutenberg.org/files/46016/46016-pdf.pdf.
Thank you Blondie for confirming that fact about PG and Ray Frank . I thought that was the case but was not sure.
PG certainly came over as a warm , straight up person. .....
more than 60 percent of our full-time translation teams work, not at branch offices, but at remote translation offices (rto).
why is this arrangement beneficial?
what equipment do translators need in order to work effectively at an rto?
Opening line ....
”For all practical purposes, Welsh is a dead language.”
That may have been the case at one time but recent years have seen a resurgence of the language as the Welsh are determined to hang on to their culture. When you drive in Wales all the road and direction signs are primarily written in Welsh , very confusing to a bloke like me!how do jws resolve these conflicting facts.. 1. no matter how you spin it, bible chronology calculates to circa 4000 bc for adam's creation.
i followed the trail many years ago and that's what it adds up to.. 2. the most cursory investigation of any branch of relevant science puts man's habitation on the earth as hugely earlier than that.
it's now so well-proved that anyone disputing it is guilty of wilful ignorance.
Thomas asked if it mattered?
I believe it matters because the credibility of God’ Word is at stake.
To me it is not the scripture that states the date of Adam but man’s calculations say it.
How do we know that all the relevant information is contained in The Bible? It was not written for that purpose.
I am no longer a literal Genesis creationist . It may not be written to be a scientific record. I admit I don’t know about such things . I just think it wrong to make mathematical calculations based on many scriptures and proclaim it to be a Bible teaching
its a personal pet peeve to me but i hate it when ex jws use the catch phrase friends.
this was used at every convention and many meetings i went to.
the friends, mother and others.
In the U.K. we don’t say “friends “, we refer. to the brothers...... as if we were all one family.
These days , if I am talking to a dub I will use their own expressions for clarity and simplicity. Even on here it is sometimes suitable to refer to them in that way . It depends on the context .
Ah....get over it....