According to the blurb at the bottom they surveyed over 2000 Brits to to get their answers. I wonder how they found them ? In a pub after a few beers , perhaps?
So it seems we can’t blame stupidity all on Americans.....
but maybe they over-value their own abilities.
c'mon, imagining you could fight a gorilla, lion, elephant, or bear with your bare hands?!?.
this could be an amazing new reality tv show though ... "ok, bubba, you've just beaten a dog ... now for $16,000 do you want to fight a chimpanzee?
According to the blurb at the bottom they surveyed over 2000 Brits to to get their answers. I wonder how they found them ? In a pub after a few beers , perhaps?
So it seems we can’t blame stupidity all on Americans.....
how many jw's are aware they have "priests?".
w02 5/1 p. 16 par.
9 jehovah hates the course of treachery - "comparably, for more than a century now, the anointed brothers of christ, those with the heavenly hope, have served as “a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to god.”.
The post from “enoughisenough” says a lot. There were often small comments in the articles that , taken by themselves, would seem strange. But as long-standing dubs we just fitted it in with our own prior understanding and let it go by.
I can remember saying that it must be difficult to keep writing articles, by a team of writers, and have them all fit everything exactly. Comments like the above we would led wash over us.
here's mine:.
1. go immediately to college and study construction management.
2. set up an ira and start contributing every year.
Oh, to be 18 years old and crucially to know what I know now…I would do everything different.. Who knows where or how I would have ended up.. but at least the mistakes and successes would be my own , and I would have had more fun along the way…
Reminds me of that old song from The Faces “ Ooh La La
the watchtower—study edition | november 2022. study article 48. keep your senses when your loyalty is tested.
14 vlado, a 73-year-old elder in slovenia, struggled when his congregation merged with another congregation and the kingdom hall that he attended was closed.
he says: “i did not understand why such a beautiful kingdom hall would be closed.
“ When you support such changes and loyally stick to Jehovah and the organization that he is using, you will surely be blessed.”
Makes me wonder , what are they softening the r &f up for, what more unpopular changes are coming?
When I was at work, the company started making a big thing about adapting to change, with training courses and videos about supporting changes …
we all wondered what was up and sure enough, we were all downgraded and jobs altered for the worst
the sheeple have always been indoctrinated to think of themselves as witnesses for jehovah.. but the 8m followers of the jw governing body are now told a biblical truth - that they are witnesses for jesus!.
december 2022 study watchtower, p.21, par.
17 = "one of the primary reasons why satan wages war against god’s people is that they “have the work of bearing witness concerning jesus.” (rev.
Yes , they bear witness to Jesus in that they recognise his place as the ‘son of God’ , he is the one charged with the removal of this system, and I have seen him called the ‘foremost Jehovah’s Witness. But that is a long way from the way that mainstream Christians view him .
I have long said that they ought to give him greater respect in their worship...
I thought last week’s study article was a tad disrespectful to Jesus, being entitled “ Support Our Overseer Jesus “ ... Overseer? That is a word to describe one of the local “brothers “ , not the mighty king of the Kingdom...
"senior jehovah’s witnesses member charged with rape, torture and assault of teenage boys...".
the 61 year-old man "faces 21 counts of rape, 17 counts of sexual assault, 13 counts of procuring sexual acts by false pretence and one count each of incest, torture and common assault.".
“and the rest of the congregation rallied around him, till ALL the evidence came out in court. Shameful.”
Is it really shameful or just human nature? It is not uncommon for paedophiles to be supported by family and friends, not because they endorse the crime but they simply cannot believe that dear old Joe could be guilty. Someone they have known, lived with, laughed with worshipped with for decades is suddenly accused by some outside person? No ,it can’t be true......
I agree that the Police must have reasons to charge him, but it is hard for close friends to see that.
why do you think many jws are hostile and rude?
or is that just my imagination?.
mark jones writes: the vast majority of jehovah’s witnesses are nice people.
Punk said ….
” depends who you meet. Some are ok.”
true…. Actually I find that almost to a man they are decent folk who try to show the right attitude in life.. Of course there are always some and sometimes they lack so many social skills they don’t know it.
If you mean on line, then they are very defensive and if they think you are one of “those apostates” they won’t think you deserve politeness
yes, that is an actual question in the awake magazine.
jw kids lives are already miserable enough trying to obey all the ignorant rules of the wt.. no sports, no school dance, no holidays.... just field service.
as if that isn't enough.... let's take away their puppy dogs too!.
“ just know I should have gone then, or before in the 60’s when they said females wouldn’t be allowed to wear jeans or ride horses in the ‘new system”
I don’t know who the “they” are , but I am darn sure that has never appeared in print.. somebody’s personal rant, I guess…
the use of the divine name in the nwtcgs
romans 10:9, 13
identifying jesus as jehovah
Just to put across the WT view of this verse.. Romans 10 : 13 “ For’ everyone that calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved’” NWT
They say that the writer is here quoting Isaiah 28: 16.
The problem I have with that is that Is. 28:16 does not contain the sacred name anyway, at least not as I can see ……
i watched some wendi renay youtube videos.
the former elder who was being interviewed mentioned a couple of things i noted.
i would like to know what your reactions were at the time you learned what i am going to relate if you had the same or kindred experience.
Yes , I heard that,.. ( the angels thing) never believed it…
I do think it made some elders feel superior if they were prone to think that
It's totally untrue of course, we were always supposed to be humble, not like clergy…..