They definitely do identify B the G as “ false religion “ still. However they do no carry on about it so much these days .They have a new image of cosy warmth and holding out a carrot of material pleasure in a New World . So there is no more calling down fire and brimstone on the Catholic Church …. No more “clergy bashing “ , My old school dub relatives miss that…..
JoinedPosts by BluesBrother
Babylon the Great
by Godlyman indo jw's still believe that babylon the great is the empire of false religion?
inquiring minds want to know .
Watchtower online religion
by Hellothere inif watchtower becomes a online religion, how you think transition gonna be like?
i thought this maeby would happen in a span of 20 years.
when all old timers are gone and just the new tech savvy generation left.
I don’t see any signs of it at the moment. The covid closedown would have been the perfect opportunity to do it, keeping a lot of meetings on zoom. But, no, they have re opened the Halls, are planning real conventions and Circuit Assemblies next year as well as in-person elders schools . They know the value of being together as a group .
Maybe one day if it is forced on them but not for a long time yet.
Impact of Death of Favorite Character
by peacefulpete ini'll assume we have all felt a jolt of loss when a favorite tv, movie or book character dies.
when i watched the death of the incredible hulk tv movie after years of reading the comics and watch the tv show i was impacted.
funny even today it just feels wrong.
I am not really so involved with films and tv to feel personal sadness when a character dies . The only one that was really poignant and sad was the last episode of Blackadder, on U.K. tv. That was set in WW1 and it ended when the characters, despite their comedic efforts to escape it,were sent “ over the top “ to a certain death in battle.
That was deliberately made to be moving and showing the folly of war.......
The best and worst Travelling Overseers in the UK
by usualusername inmy fave was roy renouf - district overseer.
always had time for me and seemed to keep thigs real.. heard that on a zone vist he told the governing body the branch was told old and grumpy or something like that!.
worst was michael purbrick.
Don’t they have to retire at a certain age? Don’t quote me because I have never heard anything specific but I would be surprised if the old guys were still supported in the Circuit Work.
The oldies I have come across were now resident in a congregation.
(Edit.. The one I was thinking of was Anthony Kendall )
Dirt floors in Africa, Ultra modern Towers in Indonesia
by RULES & REGULATIONS inmatthew 19:21. jesus said to him, “if you will to be perfect, go away, sell what you have, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven, and come, follow me.”.
jw family tanzania - bukombe kingdom hall.
nothing like attending your local kingdom hall in africa with dirt floors, tarps as a roof, brutal heat with no air-conditioning, and small wooden benches to sit on after a hard days work.. does the society help this congregation in africa with a suitable kingdom hall that would have the local members more comfortable with these unbearable conditions?.
Doesn’t that show the economic inequality and injustice of the world rather than the WTS?
I get that they are not slow to splash the cash on modern buildings in the Westernised world but they could hardly put a air conditioned building in rural Africa, without the infrastructure to support it
by punkofnice ini wonder what this earth will really be like in 500 years from now?.
what are your thoughts?.
I used to think I knew exactly what the future held for mankind,but now I really don’t know. I fear for the planet with global warming and the pollution of our seas , but who knows?
Mankind has always been terrible at forecasting the future. The things expected in my childhood look ridiculous now.
Like St George of England, I am glad that I am old and will not see the worst of it
New rules for inactive ones?
by Lynnie inhave the rules changed as far as disfellowshipping inactive ones when it's clear they are engaged in "wrongdoing?".
i have a cousin in seattle who was disfellowshipped about 3 years ago or so and then went through the process of being reinstated (took only 6 months) and then proceeded to fade and do nothing regarding the jw's .
fast forward to today and now she's had a baby out of wedlock and the uber jw elder father and mother are all on board somehow.
According to the original post, the woman had faded some years ago and not doing anything about the Witnesses. As I recall, the congregation are under no requirement to seek her out and disfellowship her. If they knew about her they would likely ignore it.
It is not favouritism, it is the way the system works. As for the family, I agree that some would decide to shun her but they are not obligated to. These people seem more loving and practical than some Witnesses are.
The length of a public talk
by Farmer Jim1 indoes anyone ever wonder the good they could have done instead of giving a public talk for 45 or 30 minutes?
i remember giving my first public talk aged 18 and even then i was thinking ' this is just me making up half truths trying to blind people with jw propaganda'.
fast forward 15 years to when i gave my final public talk and i was so close to seeding the 30 minutes with ideas that could possibly wake people up but i never had the guts.. in that 30 minutes i could have done so much real good for a person instead of spreading this awful religions dogma.
30 minutes? That is for sissies!
When I gave my first Public Talks they were 55 minutes, and the audience had to endure them! Actually I did my best to keep it interesting but some of the outlines were , well you know…..
They changed to 45 minutes for a number of years. By the time they changed to 30 minutes I was leaving. I remember saying to my wife that that I would not have been prepared to drive several miles to give a talk that short . It is hardly worth it, but they do , don’t they.
I could never have done it if I did not believe what I was saying. I really did….
UK pedestrian crossings
by BoogerMan indid you know, (said with a michael caine voice) that many of the uk's pedestrian crossing consoles - upon which you find the button to press in order to cross - actually have a concealed button which is located underneath the console and out of sight!.
when the 'green man' lights up, the hidden button then rotates, letting people who are blind and deaf have a physical alert to know that it's now safe to cross the road..
Yes, a blind man showed me.....years ago
You can [not] trust the Brothers, wt study this week
by waton infor the lucid lurkers: # 37. the article's examples really show, that among the 'name people' only 50 % of rank and file, and none of the leaders can be trusted all the time.
but, shut up and put up.. eli and hannah, eli's sons committed gross sins, raping/ seducing woman visitors to the temple, for years, yet naive worshippers are to trust their brothers, even with their children ?
inaction by wt approved?
The article states the headline “ You CAN Trust the Brothers “ but then gives a whole lot of examples where brothers could not be trusted.
If someone has been hurt by a fellow believer, the article acknowledges that this happens and just says that it happened in Bible times too….. Not very encouraging.