In all the 20 years or so that I have been on this board , we have been predicting the collapse of the Watchtower Society... either by scandal, finance or simply falling numbers. It has not happened yet and I don’t believe it will happen in the foreseeable future. It will continue to change,adapt and maybe downsize its operations but if they have half a brain at War-wick they should be able to keep it going.
JoinedPosts by BluesBrother
Front row seats watching the collapse of watchtower
by Indoubtbigtime ini’m a pimo ministerial servant and i won’t fade because i want to keep my front row seats watching what happens next few years.. my predictions are that this current governing body will slowly die off and the current younger helpers will be the next gb.
they will eventually have new light that they were wrong about 1914 and the overlapping generations.. the new light will be something on the lines of the last days are now because of king of north king of south pushing each other etc etc.
they will do their very best to burry old literature and try to change the past trying to make it sound like they were right all along just as they have done for 150 years now.
Does This Case Show The Value of the 2 Witness Rule ?
by BluesBrother ini read this in the public area of jwtalk, about a canadian case concerning reena virk, over 20 years ago..
“manjit, her father, got arrested by the police due to reena's accusation of sexual abuse.
he lost his job, many of his friends and almost his family.
Thanks all……that link provided by Peaceful Pete was a very interesting article by an experienced Psychiatrist. This case would seem to tick all the boxes and probably explains why he did not serve time.
Unfortunately cases like this only strengthens the belief of the sheeplike ones that most of these cases are “ apostate lies”
Does This Case Show The Value of the 2 Witness Rule ?
by BluesBrother ini read this in the public area of jwtalk, about a canadian case concerning reena virk, over 20 years ago..
“manjit, her father, got arrested by the police due to reena's accusation of sexual abuse.
he lost his job, many of his friends and almost his family.
I read this in the public area of JWTalk, about a Canadian case concerning Reena Virk, over 20 years ago.
“Manjit, her father, got arrested by the police due to Reena's accusation of sexual abuse. He lost his job, many of his friends and almost his family. The family at first sided with Reena! Can you imagine! She was urged to make the accusation by her new 'friends' for the money. Just before her death she confessed to the police she was influenced to make the accusation as she received a parcel of money from the government for her new foster situation, which the gang used to party with. When the money was gone so were the friends. The night she was killed, Manjit told me, she had remorse over everything and had already told of her confession to the police. She then intended to tell the gang the confession to the police and left to meet them. She never came back. Absolutely horrible!
Poor Manjit spent years to get his reputation back from all the government departments that still labelled him as a sexual offender.
His poor wife Suman died in an unfortunate choking incident in a coffee shop waiting for her bible study. So many misfortunes has happened to his family but he survived. He has now remarried to a lovely Indian sister.”
Also another one said
I remember hearing this story in the late 1990s from a substitute Circuit Overseer who was serving our congregation. He was responding to the criticism we sometimes get for our so-called "two-witness rule." People say we're wrong for applying a 2,000-year-old rule to modern day child sexual abuse, and that it should not hold us back from punishing wrongdoers. However, it was for cases like this that Jehovah gave that law to his people Israel, to eliminate acting on false accusations. Reena's false accusation sent her father into a long, desperate attempt to clear his name, unnecessarily. If she had not withdrawn her accusation before she died, he would likely still be trying to clear himself even today. What a wicked world for not accepting Jehovah's clear directive!“
I learn that this case is well known over there because of her tragic murder by so-called friends , but it is the sexual abuse accusation that I want to talk about. Does it really show the value of the two witness rule?
I think not . Under professional interrogation it is most likely that the truth would have come out and this one case does not discount all the other times that perpetrators have got away with it in the congregations because the elders could not take action.
Have you ever been on a congregation picnic?
by LostintheFog1999 inwere you ever on a congregation picnic?
i was on several occasions.. the arrangements were often announced from the platform after the closing song and prayer by the last elder up on the platform.. sometimes it was included in the service meeting announcements as "on saturday we're meeting at 10.00am at the kingdom hall for field service, and after field service for anyone who wishes, especially for the younger ones, we will be having a congregation picnic meeting at the beach carpark on seaview road.".
well, according to the new elders manual you won't be hearing those words again.
2023-01-S-147-Announcements And Reminders!
by Atlantis in2023-01-s-147-announcements and reminders.. click image to enlarge.. .
page 1.
page 2. .
Thanks from me too Atlantis and Petra . Happy New Year to you both.
Is it Logical To Beleive In A Creator - GOD ? In This Scientific Age ?
by smiddy3 ini don`t think so .
hasn`t science ,astronomy ,time , .....proven it an illogical beleif ?.
with the information about this solar system and it`s planets ,other stars and their planets that we have information about ,and the fact that no god has ever revealed him/her self in any shape or form 'there is no evidence that a creator / god has ever existed.. except in the minds of humans who want to control a section of humanity .. the fact that religions rely on "you have to have faith" to beleive in a god ,surely is a cop out.. i look forward to your comments .. and a happy new year to you all..
What is a logical conclusion? We can disagree as to the most logical conclusion to reach, since it is the product of human reasoning. Our thinking is affected by our life experiences.
When I look at the natural world in all its wonder , I find it entirely logical to conclude that it was formed by an intelligent creator. I know that many others also look at the same things and conclude differently.
I don’t think it can be proven to everyone’s satisfaction, but that is my logical conclusion.
A though on the shooting tragedy
by enoughisenough ini am thinking about how i read in the reports that the shooter had contacted another person expressing desire to go back .....and was told to contact an elder.
the man seemed to me to be reaching out for help and got put off...and since he had called this person, he was put off by someone he felt could make a difference.
i would hate to be in the shoes of the person the shooter called...for i would feel so guilty, thinking i could have said something else and none the tragedy would have happened.
If a non appointed JW is approached by a D/F person the correct response, indeed the only thing to say , is to come to a meeting and speak to the elders.
I recall doing that once when a woman I met in D to D ministry said the same thing. It is not a fob off but the only path back .
New poll shows public knows Jehovah's Witnesses and dislike them....almost as much as the Church of Satan
by Balaamsass2 inwow.
while not a pew survey, i found these to be surprising results.
" a recent yougov poll explores americans' attitudes toward 35 religious groups, organizations, and belief systems.
I’m sure any JW would be pleased with the results of that poll. They would see it as evidence that they were right since Jesus said that his followers would be hated and persecuted. If they were popular something would be wrong.
How come the old boys on the GB don't get kicked out at 70?
by eyeslice init would appear that circuit overseers (no dos these days i guess) are taken off at 70 years old.
even older ones in bethels are disposed (sorry 're-assigned to the field) of before they get too past it.. how come though the old boys on the gb aren't shown the door at 70 and replaced by younger men - obviously of the recently anointed type?
they don't look a particularly fit bunch so they can't claim special mightiness because of doing 'the lord's work'.
No one to kick them out , Is there?
Ted Jaracz a molester?
by Confession ini've seen little bites about this for over a year.
i understand that somewhere there is a video in which a woman named pat garza publicly accuses wts governing body member ted jaracz of having molested her as a child.
does anyone have this video?
What is the point of raking over old unsubstantiated accusations when all the parties are long dead and nothing more is going to come out now?