Poor Louise, No doubt she was influenced by the WT book “ Children “ in 1941. It was written asa dialogue between a young couple explaining their faith. In the end they make this decision.
”Ar- mageddon js surely near, and during that time the Lord will clean off the earth every- thing that offends and is disagreeable. Then, by His grace, we shall begin our life with a greater vision and prolonged joy. Now we see by faith the great THEOCRAUY, and we are wholly and unreservedly committed to that righteous government. From now on we shall have our heart devotion fixed on THE THEOCBACY, knowing that soon we shall journey for ever together in the earth. Our hope is that within a few years our marriage may be consummated and, by the Lord’s grace, we shall have sweet children that will be an honor to the Lord. We can well defer our marriage until lasting peace comes to
the earth. Now we must add nothing to our burdens, but be free and equipped to serve the Lord. When THE THEOCRACY is in full sway it will not be burdensome to have a family. Then we may often walk through these broad fields, amidst the beautiful for- ests and environments, and will walk with our beloved children by our side and tell them all we have learned from the Lord,”
So the advice is to stay single because the end is SO close... that was 82 years ago ...