Well, well well. I'd bet that was not sanctioned by the WTS....
Incidentally it seems strange to feature Christianity and The Bible in a politician campaign. That certainly would not happen in the U k.
political ad:.
Well, well well. I'd bet that was not sanctioned by the WTS....
Incidentally it seems strange to feature Christianity and The Bible in a politician campaign. That certainly would not happen in the U k.
**announcement october 28, 2020 for congregations** .
[read after the watchtower study the week of october 26, 2020.\] 2021 regional convention: many have expressed great appreciation for the special arrangement to benefit from the 2020 regional convention during this coronavirus pandemic.
because of the uncertainty of holding large gatherings in 2021 and the evidence of jehovah’s blessing on this year’s convention program, the governing body recently approved the following arrangements for the 2021 regional convention program.
I get it that stadiums have to be booked early ,but to cancel all conventions worldwide this early?
Nobody knows what the situation will be next Summer. It may well , and hopefully will ,be safe to meet in many lands by then . If they wanted to ,they would make provisional bookings of venues.
I take it that they don’t want to meet up, which is surprising ,but suits me fine
back in the first century we read that the apostles would "lay their hands" on someone and the holy spirit would be imparted to that one.
appointments of older men were made in this way - at that time.
in modern times the wts has claimed that their own elders ,min.
If this is true of appointments then it is also of removals. Many of us resigned because we had had enough of it but that is not always the case.
Some years back a friend of mine on the body, the only one with an insight for people and a caring attitude was removed for making a family decision that was entirely his prerogative as a father. However it went against the advice of The Society, The back-stabbing and character assassination that I witnessed would be more akin to the Tory party (not to be political) then a congregation of Christians.
I was disgusted.
Thanks for all your comments folks....
back in the first century we read that the apostles would "lay their hands" on someone and the holy spirit would be imparted to that one.
appointments of older men were made in this way - at that time.
in modern times the wts has claimed that their own elders ,min.
Back in the First Century we read that the apostles would "lay their hands" on someone and the Holy Spirit would be imparted to that one. Appointments of Older Men were made in this way - at that time. In modern times the WTS has claimed that their own elders ,Min. Servants and Organisation assignments are also made by the same Holy Spirit. Just last weekend the Watchtower Study repeated this belief :
"these “gifts in men” include Governing Body members, appointed helpers to the Governing Body, Branch Committee members, circuit overseers, field instructors, congregation elders, and ministerial servants. All these brothers are appointed by holy spirit to care for Jehovah’s precious sheep and serve the interests of the congregation"
Watchtower August 2020 p20
Now what basis do they have for this assertion? At one time I would have believed it but many years sitting on a body of elders taught me to see it differently. The debates, the sometimes favouratism, the human hang ups, showed me that these were entirely human decisions.. A number of the people we recommended with confidence turned out wrong and they faded away or got into trouble and had to be removed I soon realised that Holy Spirit had nothing to do with it.......
A sensible elder expllained to me that it was just that appointees had to measure up to spirit inspired scriptural requirements. That seemed more reasonable and the WT itsellf seemed to support that when it said :
Yes, congregation overseers, or elders, are appointed by holy spirit. In what way? In that appointed elders must meet the qualifications outlined in the inspired Bible. "
Watchtower 1992 1/02 p13
However they soon reverted to perpetrating the myth that each appointment is the result of direct action by the Holy Spirit....Why?
Imagine the value of this belief if it is accepted. If you disobey or disagree with the elders, or the Governing Body, that is rebellion against the Lord's appointed, as good as against God himself. What a wonderful tool to keep the rank and file in line!
hello all - no 2020 midweek meeting content has been published yet.
anyone know or hear of what will be changed for 2020 due to the pandemic?
even my pimi family (i am pimo) is scratching their heads wondering why we are still reviewing content from 2017-2019 that talk about all the future plans, field service, etc etc etc....that have all been derailed due to covid-19.
If I were a gambling man I’d bet it will be the same old same old, putting a shiny gloss on the terrible activity reports , telling them that the end is oh so near , and reminding them to keep contributing.........
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yciaw0m2-nqi'm a former member that has been out for the past few months and have been doing a lot of personal research.
i've been having mixed feelings about the gb whether or not their intentions are good or not.
the fact they have a protocol of moral lying through "theocratic warfare" very much turned me off from having anything to do with the org.
It is meant to BE the reality. The beacon of truth in a rotton decaying world. The rest of it all ,the politics ,commerce , the "spirit of the world" that is, they believe offering a fantasy.
I can remember an article once,may have been a talk too, entitled " Reject Worldly fantasies- Accept Kingdom Realities "
So they say
the life story in the latest wt has a running theme that keeps popping up: if the organization tells you to do something, you do it.
this culminates in the following anecdote:.
we were staying in abrother’s home right next to a kingdom hall.. .
In line with the thread title , the article is “ We Learned Never To Say No To Jehovah “
I guess the writers gave the title to her interview. What she says at the conclusion is :
“But Harvey taught me never to say no to Jehovah’s organization, so I was not about to do that. Later, I came to see the wisdom of the decision”.
A subtle difference, Jehovah God or the Organisation? . I guess they want to make them seem the same.
today, marking the second anniversary of the australian national apology to victims and survivors of institutional child sexual abuse, the prime minister of australia has announce in federal parliament the intention to place sanctions against the jehovah’s witnesses in relation to child sexual abuse.. quote from prime minister:.
the royal commission [into institutional response to child sexual abuse], the [national] apology [to victims and survivors of institutional child sexual abuse] and these yearly reports are about accountability: bringing the truth into the light ... we still have, reprehensibly, four institutions that have been named publicly and that have blatantly refused to join the redress scheme.
they are jehovah's witnesses ... it's not acceptable.
Well yes, hit them where it hurts the most .!
If they lost charitable status over there, could we see other countries follow their lead?
I am surprised actually that they have allowed themselves to be in this position, usually they will do just enough to avert the anger of authorities.
I think the publicity could do them more harm in the long run as people associate them with abuse and failure to cooperate . Way to go, Australia!
I guess the public AGM before a live audience could not happen due to Covid
as always i preferece this post with a: i despise this cult!!!!
so glad the boys dispise it as well.. so, as stated...she is in a cult mode and i am trying to figure out what the trigger was.
the watchtower rag or .
There is no way of knowing what the local talk was . But yes, the WT study on the resurrresurrection painted speculative glowing pictures of how the dead may return, their characters being the same, how they would look the same, etc all based on a few words in John 5 : 28 &29.
After my mother died , I really bought in to tnis belief. I wanted to hug my mother again and have her in good health. When I woke up and realised that it was all human speculation, I was really disappointed.