Well well, you put me to shame Lady Lee with the way that you cope with your health problems.
May I say, looking at your new photo that I would not have guessed from that , what you tell us. You still look good ….🥀
for one thing i am older.
this is what i look like now or at least on jan 1, 2022.. .
yes, 69 years old.. i moved once.
Well well, you put me to shame Lady Lee with the way that you cope with your health problems.
May I say, looking at your new photo that I would not have guessed from that , what you tell us. You still look good ….🥀
Hello Lady Lee..... It is good to hear from you, after all, you are something of a legend around here.
Sorry to read of your health problems, I guess age and ill health catch up with the best of us. I send my best wishes.
Many Of our old friends have gone but several remain so please stay around. We would benefit from your quality input.
i'm longgone.
i was raised as a jw and i was in the "religion" for three decades.
i was an ex-jw for five years before i started to no longer even regard myself as an ex-jw, just as a person.
Welcome LongGone... we are a very mixed bunch here but with a common past in the WTS... As you say , you have to have been in it to understand it.
mchenry county, woodstock, il .
northwest herald, shaw local news.
breaking news - read below full article - (article was blocked unless the reader has a subscription.
So these obedient elders face jail time for doing what they were told to do by so called “Jehovah’s Organisation “ ... that is a tough break but only fair if it broke the State Law.
Critics say they were reckless etc but , knowing the way things are inside the Org , and especially if you are an elder.. you take the word of The Society above all others.
If this anonymous voice on the phone said “ don’t report- you are exempt from the law” , they would accept that unquestionably.
I’ll bet there is a no end of regret and saying “God ! I wish I had got his name !”
[ Edit.. we ought not to forget the poor kid who suffered horribly due to the perpetrators wickedness and their bungling]
administering a blood transfusion when directed by a superior - jehovah's witness policy effective june 15th, 2018. while the hospital liasion committee elders were instructed that they may inform doctors and nurses of this decision, this letter was not allowed to be distributed to anyone outside of hlc members.. as a result of the concealment of this letter, and by virtue of the fact that this information was only to be shared verbally with jehovah's witness medical professionals and others, confusion erupted across the united states and in other branch offices of jehovah's witnesses.
countless letters were received at watchtower headquarters in new york from concerned jw nurses, paramedics, and others who were instructed verbally on this new policy, but which contradicted existing written policy that had been in effect for many decades.. in addition to letters from witness medical professionals, circuit overseers in the field wrote to the us branch and hospital information desk in new york about the problems caused by this unreleased policy.
for example, south carolina circuit overseer brandon roberts reported to headquarters that "the majority of the nurses in our circuit were not aware of this updated policy.
What does “ administer” include? I am thinking of the nurse or HCA who actually connects it to the patient’s arm .
What about the one who fits a cannula to the patient ready to take the blood transfusions? Or the porter who brings it to the ward? Or anyone along the supply chain ? They all contribute.
watchtower 1954 p.511 "why do watchtower publications now show jesus with short hair and no beard?
because he is shown that way in older representations of him that are older then the traditional effeminate looking pictures.".
watchtower 1968 p.286 "bible evidence and a recent review shows that jesus did have a beard..." charles russell style of beard was popular at bethel...till rutherford took over.
I think beard discussions are pretty much old hat... We all know the WT used to speak against them for publishers... they seemed to think it made you look like a hippie!
That all changed years ago . Now there are plenty of bearded brothers and elders
may 2022 study watchtower page 6, par.
5 “satan instigated an attack on the anointed brothers who were taking the lead in the kingdom-preaching work.
prominent ones among them were the figurative “two witnesses” spoken of as being killed.”.
Interesting question but looking at the JW Library it seems to relate the wild beast out the abyss , that killed the two witnesses, to the wild beast out of the sea in Rev. 13 . They say that the terms “the sea” and “the abyss” can both be drawn from the Greek word.
The teaching is therefore that the political system jailed Rutherford and co , not the League or the UNO
growing up around the faith, whenever i heard something taught, i'd always think there is a different way of looking at that, probably better.. we always hear "this good news of the kingdom will be preached... " matt 24:14.. so i think, is there more to it than preaching the kingdom?.
luke 17:21 the kjv and asv says "neither shall they say, lo here!
or, lo there!
The previous post , Ozzie, is quite right . They teach , unscripturally , that it is their organisation that counts, not your love of Christ.
They also teach Jehovah’s kingdom, downgrading the appointed king Jesus.
yep, the vacation is over, it's time to go to work------for free!
I must agree with FFGhost.. this sudden rush to reopen seems a complete U Turn from their previous safety first policy.
Around here ( UK) the word is to expect a sort of hybrid meeting from April 1st with the young and fit in attendance and the old and vulnerable watching digitally.
yep, the vacation is over, it's time to go to work------for free!
Well well well ! They have taken down the notice . I’d love to know what is going on behind the scenes ….