Mostly, I think it is.........
JoinedPosts by BluesBrother
The day the music died.
by Fisherman inis there any new music or singers whatsoever nowadays or just junk?
and how about movies, besides documentaries is there anything at all, any movie at all, any new actor at all that that has any real worth to watch and enjoy or is it all a boring waste of time.
2022-Wisdom From the Gospels!
by Atlantis in2022--only three chapters.. wisdom from the gospels.
click on "text" and you will get it in pdf.. .
I am struggling to find a reason for this digital publication. We have an 8 page excerpt from the Bible book of Mathew containing the sermon on the mount. It is without comment or artwork.
It is very nice but I ask , why?
( perhaps they are letting the scripture speak for itself , for once)
by Atlantis in2022-07-29-announcements--english.
2022-07-29-announcements-spanishpage 2, par.
3. on the other hand, some brothers and sisters—younger and in good health—have more favorable circumstances that may allow them to attend christian meetings regularly at the kingdom hall.
Don’t you just feel the love ?
The cong announcement mentions those with covid or maybe spreaders to stay at home , and misapplies Scriptures to coerce them back .What about those with weakened immunity? The trouble is that people will feel pressured, feel guilty and go when they shouldn’t.
Watched 1st WT Video in 30 years!
by Wonderment intoday i watched my 1st wt drama video since 30 years ago when i quit as a jw member.
the strange thing is that i did not choose to start watching this video.
it was my wife who's never been a witness, who started going over the site, and came across the new videos.
Sitting at home and watching a video they must be tons better than a film of one of our old dramas. They were performed by bods like us miming to a pre recorded tape (which in the U.K. sounded way too American) and gesturing wildly to make a point....
At a stadium though, performed live , I enjoyed the old ones far more . There was the buzz of a live performance and you knew it was your best friend out there under the frock and beard and you prayed that he did not screw up! Would the right prop be in the right place ? That all added to the excitement of it.
Despite the slick videos, I enjoyed those old dramas more and remember them though the recent videos are soon forgotten.
Jesus prophesied Global ''heat waves''
keep on the watch!.
record-breaking temperatures worldwide—what does the bible say?.
Unmarried couple staying at my house
by suavojr ini need your help with this topic.
i’m trying to find an elder’s letter or wt article that frown upon a good standing jw allowing an unmarried couple to stay over their house for the night.. my wife claims this is a conscience matter and i say that’s bs, this leadership does not allow it.
would like to find this info..
Shepherd The Flock, chapter 12
”67. If a publisher were to allow an individual to commit sexual im- morality while living in the publisher’s home, he would be giving tacit approval to immoral conduct. This would also be true of al- lowing an individual to commit sexual immorality while visiting the publisher’s home. Such a publisher would not be exemplary.
68. When congregation elders come to know of such a situation, they should patiently provide Scriptural counsel...”
Definitely a case for being ushered into the back room and black mark on the publisher...although it only gets to a JC if she “brazenly continues”
JW "new light" immediately reversed/contradicted
by BoogerMan inseptember 2022 study watchtower - par.
14 p. 18 - "after all, no one will be allowed to practice vile things in the new world.
the unrighteous must have practiced these vile things before their death.
It is confusing.....
If I were still a dub , I would reply, “ What is a vile thing and what kind of deeds might they be judged for later?
No one will do vile things like fights, thieving cause pain to people. The deeds that could cost your life in the New World might be a refusal to attend meetings and study , refusing to pray non co operation with New World rules......
Thats what I think they mean, but as usual they messed it up
2 outrageous quotes from The WT Society
by GabeAthouse in"can the ethiopian change his skin?
", feb. 15, 1904 watch tower.
we answer, no.
That teaching, or suggestion that black people could turn white in the Kingdom is completely outrageous to us in the twenty first century. However, back in 1904 it must have seemed impossible that black and white people could live together as equals.
The scriptures were clear that the message was for all men , so what was solution? Why, turn them white of course! Problem solved……
New Light, New Light!
by BoogerMan inmore accurately known as a reversal of a long held 'truth.'.
september 2022 study watchtower - par.
14 p. 18 - "in the past, we understood jesus’ words to refer to the deeds the resurrected ones will practice after their resurrection; that is, some will come to life and practice good things while others will come to life and practice vile things.
I would call it boring… It is radical in claiming that the world faces imminent judgment and destruction.
As for the resurrection, I must have missed something because I always used to believe that judgment was for what they did after they came back…. Their death having wiped the slate clean of their past sins…
So according to the dubs a dead gangster can get salvation and life , but a clean living apostate like us , alive at the end gets eternal death……
Go figure?
Dating vs courtship
by Renee86 incan someone explain the difference between dating and courtship?
how does it look like for a jw, is it always in groups?
is kissing allowed?.
Take it seriously please !
Dating is the casual association alone with one of the opposite sex, just for the fun of it.
Courtship is if you are seriously seeking a wife/husband, whether you are yet serious about that person or not.
So young single dubs spend a lot of time in groups. That is not a date