Yes, a blind man showed me.....years ago
JoinedPosts by BluesBrother
UK pedestrian crossings
by BoogerMan indid you know, (said with a michael caine voice) that many of the uk's pedestrian crossing consoles - upon which you find the button to press in order to cross - actually have a concealed button which is located underneath the console and out of sight!.
when the 'green man' lights up, the hidden button then rotates, letting people who are blind and deaf have a physical alert to know that it's now safe to cross the road..
You can [not] trust the Brothers, wt study this week
by waton infor the lucid lurkers: # 37. the article's examples really show, that among the 'name people' only 50 % of rank and file, and none of the leaders can be trusted all the time.
but, shut up and put up.. eli and hannah, eli's sons committed gross sins, raping/ seducing woman visitors to the temple, for years, yet naive worshippers are to trust their brothers, even with their children ?
inaction by wt approved?
The article states the headline “ You CAN Trust the Brothers “ but then gives a whole lot of examples where brothers could not be trusted.
If someone has been hurt by a fellow believer, the article acknowledges that this happens and just says that it happened in Bible times too….. Not very encouraging.
Christmas, yes or no ?
by jhine ini have just started to steep the mincemeat for my mince pies in dark rum .
christmas is a big deal in my family and circle of friends.
however among ex jws it's a bit different or so l understand.
Like others, I was raised within So never had Christmas and don’t miss it. I don’t really want to do it. It all looks very silly, wearing paper hats and pulling crackers at the dinner table. I don’t like that kind of food anyway. I guess you could call me Scrooge , but there is little about it that appeals to me.
I have thought, that if I had done it, I would do it pretty low key. If I had a church then It would be a religious thing in my household. Midnight carols , Morning Service home to some kind of lunch and an agreement to give only small or handmade gifts . But that is fanciful with a family that view “ Christendom “ as the worst thing on earth !
Living your life according to the bible
by TTWSYF ini have heard it said [numerous times] that jws live their life according to the bible.. i have also heard [numerous times] that jws have restored the correct christian practice following the great apostasy [?which is a different topic].
my question is 'is there any proof anywhere in history where jewish or christian people lived their life according to the scriptures?".
“ My question is 'Is there any proof anywhere in history where Jewish or Christian people lived their life according to the Scriptures?"
Uncountable numbers of people have endeavoured to live their lives according to Scriptures. I would cite the family of Jesus who made the sacrifices, observed the festivals etc of the Jewish scriptures. I can’t imagine Joseph being unscrupulous in his dealings with others . In the early Christian world a lot met their death in the arena rather than violate their beliefs .
Today millions of Christian people believe they are living the right way , the trouble is the application of Bible principles. e.g. A JW would not vote or stand for office because he must be “ no part of the world “ . However , a Mormon may tell you that it is Christian duty to do so , for the good of the community.
List of Things We Were NOT Allowed To Do as JW's
by Sea Breeze inhere's my list of jw no-no's as i recall: .
1. no giving or accepting valentine candy for students.
2. no going to home coming football games.
There were several points in the lists that were not the case around here( UK) at least not in my experience and I am sure that some parents were stricter than others .
Britain has just had it’s November 5th firework and bonfire night. As a kid I really wanted to have a part in that but as dubs , we didn’t… I can recall sitting in the back bedroom watching the neighbours kids having fun with fireworks .. Even now, I still feel I’ld like to do it or go to a big organised display…..
question for those who had been elders on judicial committee
by enoughisenough ini was wondering if some who may have been in the judgement seat ( so to speak ) had a wake-up call while judging someone who was defending leaving jw.
( or maybe it was from reading a letter of disassociation.
) .
No, the cases that I was involved with never involved apostasy or doctrinal issues. I dealt my share of adulterers, fornicaters, smokers and at least one gambler, but nothing that required me to defend my faith.
Most cases were confessed by the wrongdoer and many were repentant and not d/f’d.
Why isn't this forum growing like reddit exjw??
by nowwhat? inadmittedly it 90% crap over there but still they are up to 80k in subscribers.
over here it's the same half dozen or so that posts something, including myself.
why is that?.
I rely on this board to keep me grounded , surrounded as I am in life by WT diehards, it is all too easy to start thinking some of their nonsense…..
Reddit has always seemed superficial, lacking depth and I have never enjoyed reading it.
Riley’s comments were unfair.. We are not all like that. Many of us have been here for years and try to be reasonable. I usually avoid political, and Covid threads …. Let them get on with it.
I thank Simon for keeping this board going, it is still a source of useful information about the WTS . You just have to look harder for it.
CSA and the UK Catholic Church.
by Lost in the fog inthe comments underneath the article are almost as interesting as the article.. .
“The Jehovah’s Witnesses, also mentioned by the Inquiry, have now a policy under which their elders are instructed to report to the police credible instances of sexual abuse even if reporting is not mandatory under local laws (while they may still rely on the confessional privilege, where such privilege was protected by the laws, when sued for old cases that happened before the new policy was instituted).”
Are they right on this? As far as I know elders will only report when there is a legal requirement to do so…Although I believe there may an allowance to report if a child is considered to be in further danger …
Anyway , any comparison between a JW confession and a Catholic one is false . It is nothing like that.
Who will Survive Armageddon?
by Vanderhoven7 inbreaking news....there is hope for good hearted non-jws!!!.
according to sergio:.
are jehovah's witnesses the only ones to be saved during the end time?.
They have always said one thing for public consumption and another for the internal hearers. Some Witnesses are more flexible on this issue, I know my family hold out a hope for me..... When you hear the GB speak though, it is clear . If you are outside at the end - - Goodbye!
Isn’t It A Materialistic, Even Selfish Hope
by BluesBrother inas witnesses we always looked forward to the new world but the talks were more about the incoming king and man’s freedom from oppression.
although we looked forward to the good things ,we recognised that initially things may be hard .
we would have to cope with physical work , and lack of many things we were used to today.
As Witnesses we always looked forward to the New World but the talks were more about the incoming king and man’s freedom from oppression. Although we looked forward to the good things ,we recognised that initially things may be hard . We would have to cope with physical work , and lack of many things we were used to today. We did not mind because it was “the Kingdom “!
The videos nowadays are very different.People sit about in shop bought clothes , living in grand houses and, in the recent offering “ Jehovah Guides Us In The Way Of Peace , I see an expensive sailing yacht , obviously manufactured in a boatyard . These things are available today, in this world, to those who ignore God and seek and gain enough money.
We used to have a name for this : materialism. We would criticise those who set their heart on such things as we focused on what we considered “spiritual things”. The modern Watchtower’s message panders to human’s inbuilt materialistic tendencies at the expense of the spiritual.
Selfish, why do I say that ? For millennia mankind has lived a normal life cycle. We are born, grow up , procreate , grow old and die . That leaves the world to the next generation who build on what has been done before. This has given countless people the opportunity to enjoy life and has thrown up a few geniuses who have benefited mankind greatly.
The Watchtower teaching changes all that . This one generation ,declared righteous, will sit on the earth forever. The gene pool stagnates with them and no new life is born . They deny anyone else the opportunity to enjoy what they have.
That is my thoughts anyway.