What kind of a name is Gage Fleegle? Unforgettable, at least.
JoinedPosts by BluesBrother
Two New Members of the Governing Body
by Diogenesister inbreaking news from jw.org..... "we are pleased to inform you that two additional brothers have been appointed to serve as members of the governing body of jehovah’s witnesses: brothers gage fleegle and jeffrey winder.
both brothers are anointed christians who have a long history of loyal service to jehovah.
brother fleegle began his full-time service in 1989 and bethel service in 1991. brother fleegle has served as a helper to the service committee of the governing body.
PIMO but to scared to talk about doubts
by Indoubtbigtime ini am pimo but too scared to talk about my doubts with anyone for fear of being shunned.
i know many now have doubts that the vaccines are safe and effective this is as good as doubting the gb.
you can it say anything in doubt about the vaccines because the gb still act like salesmen for big pharmaceuticals .
Nicolaou is right . This vaccine thing is overblown and it is not a core doctrine of the faith. Concentrate on Scriptural matters and beliefs . The slaughter of all but Witnesses at Armageddon is far more important and was a key thought in my awakening. Actually it is ok to express doubts, the Bible says so , Jude vs 23. I raised questions politely and humbly as part of my fade .. It takes time but it is possible to exit if you do it carefully.
Depending on their attitude the congregation can be easier to deal with than your family. You may have to compromise to keep family ties, that is your decision.
What happened to Catholic church bashing.
by Hellothere ini remember back in the 80s almost every awake and watchtower magazine, think all, hade an article about how bad and evil catholic church was.
what happened to all the bashing?
was it because people in catholic countries got offended?
I know some oldies who miss the days of clergy and Catholic bashing. Times have changed and the old firebrands of Rutherford and Franz have replaced by grey nonentities. The bland insipid message today is cold porridge .Perhaps in the modern world they are afraid of criticism for “ hate speech “
Predictions for 2014
by PYRAMIDSCHEME ini predict that elvis will return to us...invisibly.
what are yours?.
Well, this one came true anyway:-
BANE12 years ago
“I predict that the apostates HERE will NOT have moved on with their lives but will continue to be pathetic bitter old hacks who will log in here every day and criticize, mock etc. their former brothers.“
The True story of Edgar the Crow (as told by me over the last nine years)
by Terry inthe chronicles of edgaras told by terry walstrom.
cue the edgar origins story .... __________.
i broke off a piece of multigrain bread from my sandwich and tossed it toward the little scavenger.. every frickin’ day thereafter he appears demanding (like a sleazy hollywood agent) 10% of my snacks.
Had me chuckling all through,as usual with your stories Terry, and I got the Poe references. It had a resonance with me due to the happy hours my wife and I have spent feeding birds, ducks usually.
Around here it is seagulls that entertain with their cheeky antics. Many hate them but I love to see them.
for all or all time?
by enoughisenough inpasting this page for hebrews 10:10 https://biblehub.com/parallel/hebrews/10-10.htm.
it speaks of jesus sacrifice for all ( as in all peoples ) or is it for all time?
( one time only).
Have to agree that the context reads as though he is saying that Jesus’ sacrifice was once only in contrast to repeated animal sacrifices. Looking at Blue Letter Bible site the dictionaries support this translation. The NWT is by no means alone in its rendition.
Everyone else burns new UK sitcom
by Mickey mouse ini'm looking forward to this, having watched a trailer i think ex-jws will enjoy it https://www.radiotimes.com/tv/comedy/everyone-else-burns-simon-bird-first-look-exclusive-newsupdate/.
Starts on 23 January according to the site that I saw. They look very like a rather exaggerated family of super dubs, but with enough differences to stop the production getting sued .
We shall see…
Pioneer Hours Update
by Bartolomeo inregular pioneers: 600 per year, 50 on average per month.auxiliary pioneers: 30 hours per monthauxiliary pioneers in march and april: fee reduced to 15 hours.
That 1943 quote is amazing. If I still did those midweek meeting items (perish the thought) I would love to read this bit
“a quota of 60 hours and 12 back-calls and at least one study a week for each publisher.’ These directions come to us from the Lord ”
Then see the look on their faces.... Now I must catch that GB Update.
Have you ever been on a congregation picnic?
by LostintheFog1999 inwere you ever on a congregation picnic?
i was on several occasions.. the arrangements were often announced from the platform after the closing song and prayer by the last elder up on the platform.. sometimes it was included in the service meeting announcements as "on saturday we're meeting at 10.00am at the kingdom hall for field service, and after field service for anyone who wishes, especially for the younger ones, we will be having a congregation picnic meeting at the beach carpark on seaview road.".
well, according to the new elders manual you won't be hearing those words again.
I can remember some good times. The concept of a get-together was well known.... never call it a party though . It was just in a home with food , chat , party games and stuff.
I recall some bigger congregation “does” in a hired hall with everyone, sometimes a couple of lads would play guitar and sing... That was back in the nineties. It use to be the thing also to invite ones to dinner and have a nice evening. Perhaps Covid stopped that ...If I was in it I would be saddened by that paragraph in the book stopping congregation socials . Such things drew us closer together
Front row seats watching the collapse of watchtower
by Indoubtbigtime ini’m a pimo ministerial servant and i won’t fade because i want to keep my front row seats watching what happens next few years.. my predictions are that this current governing body will slowly die off and the current younger helpers will be the next gb.
they will eventually have new light that they were wrong about 1914 and the overlapping generations.. the new light will be something on the lines of the last days are now because of king of north king of south pushing each other etc etc.
they will do their very best to burry old literature and try to change the past trying to make it sound like they were right all along just as they have done for 150 years now.
In all the 20 years or so that I have been on this board , we have been predicting the collapse of the Watchtower Society... either by scandal, finance or simply falling numbers. It has not happened yet and I don’t believe it will happen in the foreseeable future. It will continue to change,adapt and maybe downsize its operations but if they have half a brain at War-wick they should be able to keep it going.