Richie, you`re a very strong, mature 17 year old young man. Cudos to your parents for your upbringing. You`re also very fortunate to have the opportunity to keep the peace with you Mom for now, that is what unconditional love is all about that most JW`s simply just don`t get! Hang in there fellow and everyone here has your back! You`re gonna go far in life.
JoinedPosts by Beachbender
by RichieRich inyesterday afternoon, i recieved 2 text messages from an anonymous source that read :.
(person that turned you in) i turned you into your brothers for your own good.
gal ?:?
I've got $500 on Taylor Hicks to win American Idol ( 10 to 1 odds ) : )
by a Christian ini've got $500.00 on taylor hicks to win american idol.
at 10 to one odds ( pinnacle sports ) !
normally i'm not a gambling man.
I agree Sandy last nights show was one of the better ones, but I still found it somewhat boring. I don`t know maybe it`s just me this year but I`m not getting the song choices and the performances at all !!! Kellie was definitely the weakest last night, hopefully she will be the one to go. I agree that Paris and Katharine were the stronger two in their performances, I don`t really like either one to be honest.
I`ll be happy as long as Chris doesn`t get voted off yet!!
Worst pop video ever
by Dr Jekyll in
david hasselhoff at his absolute worst !.
i'm actually sat here shocked at how bad that was.
How about the one with Don Johnson??!! Or the other guy, Phillip Thomas?
I`m gonna say the Toni Basil one, "Oh Mickey"!!!
MTV's Sweet Sixteen
by MsMcDucket inyou have got to see this show.
it's about rich 16 year old girls that are getting ready to have their sweet sixteen parties.
I bet none of these kids thought about helping after the Katrina disaster?!!!
I've got $500 on Taylor Hicks to win American Idol ( 10 to 1 odds ) : )
by a Christian ini've got $500.00 on taylor hicks to win american idol.
at 10 to one odds ( pinnacle sports ) !
normally i'm not a gambling man.
OMG! I said the same thing to my husband the other night that Kenny R. was unrecognizable, tis` a shame cause he wasn`t a bad looking guy for many years!
I`m totally shocked that Mandisa was sent home before Bucky! or Ace! I mean irregardless of her size the woman can sing!!! Of course America is all about your looks when it comes to the female gender, America had no problem voting for Ruben Studdard a few years ago. I agree I think Taylor`s gonna win this just on popular votes, IMO I don`t think he`s the best singer but people are voting for him, go figure. I have been disappointed in this show this year all together it`s been very boring all around.
If I puke one more time, I think I'm gonna puke
by DanTheMan in.
stomach flu or somethin' all weekend.
excuse me...
Not sure if this was the same thing or not, but I`ve known quite a few people here locally that had a bad stomach-bug that lasted 7-10 days! puking & busy from the "other end" too!!! My son included in this, the hubby & I were lucky to avoid it! Feel better soon!
IF Jehovah's Witnesses are right...
by AuldSoul in...then jesus lied about how to identify the false prophets.. ...then jesus lied about the sign of his presence and of the conclusion of the system of things.. ...then the watchtower bible and tract society disassociated itself from true christianity through a repeated lack of neutrality.. ...then i will happily die at armageddon knowing i stood up against a god who supported a deceitful earthly corporation as his own.. but, i am not afraid they are right.
Very well stated from such a young mind Frog! I like where your head is at!
I agree with what`s already been said, I want no part of any organization, or it`s people, or God who treat people like the JW`s do period! and I was NOT a happy JW, where do they get off saying that "they are the happiest people on Earth"! sheeeesh give me a big break!
I've got $500 on Taylor Hicks to win American Idol ( 10 to 1 odds ) : )
by a Christian ini've got $500.00 on taylor hicks to win american idol.
at 10 to one odds ( pinnacle sports ) !
normally i'm not a gambling man.
I totally agree, I think last night`s show was really boring!!!! Can`t wait to see who`s going tonight though!
"Welcome yet once again Soapydish"!! looking forward to your posts. Enjoy!
That is wonderful news for OFC!! Thanks Mary for letting us know. Hopefully she`ll be able to post and let us know how she is soon. Positive thoughts OFC!