I have been DFed/DAed for nearly 7 years now. Long story. Anyway my mom has shunned me ever since. I have always made excuses for her, saying that she believes what she is doing is right. But lately I have just been mad. I guess it started when my 13 year old came to me crying because all the kids at school were talking about seeing their grandparents for Christmas and when she was asked about her grandparents she didn't know what to say. She SO misses having grandparents. It makes me angry that my mom NEVER has tried to contact my kids since I left the JW's. We moved out of state and she doesn't call or write them. She did want to see them when we went back for a vacation, but all she did was try to preach to them and they were really upset by it. She is VERY much a family person. She had 10 kids of her own and is raising a grandkid and visits and babysits all her other grandchildren all the time. She USED to be like that with my kids. I think it would be easier if all their grandparents had died.
Anyway, I don't feel I can make excuses for her anymore. I feel like she has a responsibilty as my mom and my kids grandmom to find out the truth. But she won't listen. She uses the scripture that says to fonicators and drunkards and such, but I have not done ANYTHING listed in that scripture. Also, when it says to not even greet such a person I don't believe it means it in the sense she does. The traditional Jewish greeting was to kiss a person on both cheeks in a way that kinda meant you accept them as a person with the same beliefs/standards. I don't know if I'm explaining it well....
I just don't know what to do. I wrote a letter but I don't know if I should send it or if she will read it and even if she does it may just make her more determined not to see me when we go down for my sisters wedding in October.
I'm just really mad and very confused right now. I think she wants a relationship, but she WON'T let go of the WTS and she won't admitt that they could be wrong. It's so hard to understand since she KNOWS how badly I was treated and she KNOWS what I went through and all the WTS has done wrong in regards child abuse.
What do I do?