Just imagine Qom at 10,000 Kelvin.
JoinedPosts by Fangorn
If Bush Used Nuclear Weapons On Iran Should He Be Tried As A War Criminal?
by frankiespeakin inwhat do you think?
should he be put on trial before a world court?
by Vernon Williams inin christ, by shared concerns and a common history, .
my name is vernon williams.
i live in monett, mo.
Vernon I liked the approach at your web site. The fact that you are not frothing at the mouth is refreshing.
What exactly does it mean to be "marked", anyway?
by Amber Rose inwhat are the concequences of being marked?
what qualifies a person to be marked?
who determines whom shall be marked?
That was the understanding at one time but they decided that people making a decision of their own on something of this kind wasn't really acceptable. It's another 'control' thing.
Watchtower Conductor Guidelines
by Black Man inso 'tower conductors are talking too much, bringing their own material and not getting participation from the rest of the 'flock.
' nothing's changed.
check out the letter below....
I can't believe this is a very big problem. Most Wt Conductors that I've heard put almost nothing into it.
O'Reilly gets pretty upset when children are involved. There were two dead girls as a result of this incident, so I think some emotion is not inappropriate.
JW told us: Actually only 800 Annointed left!!
by Lady Liberty injust recieved a e-mail from a active jw friend.
my mom was talking to a friend from bethal and they were talking about the number of the 144,000 that are left(..... and i talked briefly about this)and how they feel that there are actually less then 800and remember .....i said there had been a talk or something on it?
well i guess it was a wt article that we studied(well i knew i had heard it somewhere!
800 is not a typo. They've believed for some years that the number of genuine anointed is quite low and mostly associated with the various Bethels.
Your Opinion Wanted-What should really be done to child molesters?
by avidbiblereader ini have not tried to hide my past as a victim of this, but this is always an area that i have to fight my personally feelings as to what should be done to child molesters.
they ruin lives, scar an individual for a lifetime!.
should they be incarcerated for life, castrated, turned over to the family member(s), public humiliation like a branding everywhere they go, tortured and or death penality?.
public hanging
Eurovision Song Contest
by Crumpet ini am sure i am the only one who will be posting on this thread given america doesn't have the contest and no one else is likely to own up to watching such a shameful debacle!!!.
i am only slightly ashamed to say i have only ever missed one contest in 31 years and that was because i was in canada.
i love it - terry wogan is brilliantly funny - and so are most of the acts.. tonight the voting for the british entry begins on bbc1 - given the new enthusiasm for reality/talent shows its getting prime time treatement for the first time in years.
Does Norway still run last?
Stuck in a dead-end job because of obeying anti-higher education policy?
by nvrgnbk indid you refrain from obtaining a degree or advanced studies when you had the chance because it wasn't the witness thing to do?
how has this affected your life?
comments, rants, and personal experiences please.
My friend there is truth to what you say. However, I will add that to be successful I had to get up and leave my country for a long time. I agree, not everyone can do it but mostly we limit ourselves.
Watchtowers Investment in Warfare Technology
by carla inhttp://www.geocities.com/wtgreed/article.htm just a reminder and for newbies
I get the picture that you absolutely don't know what you're talking about. This issue has been done to death and only morons think it is important. There's nothing there, the Organization does not control the stock and the company in question has not sold one item to the military.